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  1. This is the answer. Furthermore make sure that your lawyer negotiates this point (transfer at the land office) into the contract if it isn't already there. Other points - This is Thailand. Ask for discounts. Renegotiate the payment terms if off plan so the majority gets paid at handover... at the land office.
  2. I know nothing about parachutes but it looked glaringly obvious. I'm surprised his mate didn't mention it. Looked like he was in quite a rush and stressed in the clip. The clip ironically is on daily mail I think. Unless they took it down recently.
  3. That was my old building he jumped off. Tower C of Lumpini in Naklua. Not the brightest idea. It's not that high and I remember watching the video that his parachute looked obviously not set up correctly.
  4. Ugly. The original story (pattaya news) says the Thai man attacked first with his helmet? Did that part get lost. Key detail.
  5. I buy this Japanese one from japan but its also on shopee. Bicarb taste and in the ingredients
  6. Completely different road culture. Lack of any enforcement from police.
  7. In my building the condo has signs everywhere stating in red how daily rentals are prohibited. However they don't even bother to look up when daily rentals rock up looking confused with loads of luggage and having check-in issues or wondering why they can't use the lift without a keycard. The google reviews say they can actually pickup and dropoff keys from reception and I have seen them down there complaining to reception about it being "the worst hotel ever". My old condo Lumpiniville Pattaya also had daily rentals strolling past reception daily despite the 7 foot tall sign at the door prohibiting it. I guess as long as theres a sign you don't need to actually do anything and can enjoy a nice day of candy crush saga on your phone.
  8. It doesn't bother me as much as it once did. It's when I for examples: Hear a table full of thais in a restaurant saying bla bla bla farang bla bla bla farang often accompanied by laughter or not that makes me think to myself don't these people have anything better to talk about. Getting in a minivan in issan and standing out like dogs balls. Mum hands phone to toddler who's 30 second conversation to dad on other end goes something like "dad theres a farang in the van". News readers usually use the correct term chao dang chart but when they use farang to me it makes them seem kind of scummy and unprofessional. However to answer the question I agree with ChatGPTs answer below: It is a curious thing indeed! Some foreigners in Thailand call other foreigners farang for several reasons: Assimilation – They adopt local speech patterns after hearing Thais use it often. Convenience – It’s a simple way to refer to other Westerners when speaking with Thais. Jokingly/Ironically – Some use it playfully, aware of its usual context. Exclusionary or Derogatory – Rarely, some long-term expats use it to distance themselves from "tourists" or newcomers. It’s mostly harmless, but how it's said matters!
  9. I bet that garden is breathing a sigh of relief.
  10. So if I return to my citizenship country one day I don't get hit with a tax audit for 20 years of unpaid taxes. Everyones situation is different. Personally I would prefer to be able to pay some tax here just to avoid having the above issue in the future.
  11. Watched him before. His china hitchhiking video was ok but yeh whatever
  12. You should write a book.
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