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Posts posted by sailblue

  1. 1 hour ago, baansgr said:

    National Parks etc have a 1,000% mark up for foreigners which is sanctioned by the government, so no recourse for the hospital

    In Sydney local residents get certain minor privileges over non-locals like parking. schools will charge foreigners verses free for residents. Nothing like Thailands huge markup but reflecting the assumed income of the tourist.


  2. Been back in Sydney and going to work again, minefield of regulations and licensing. What I see is the gap between Thai and Sydney cost of living is less than it was. Gas same ( $1.06 lt ), food maybe cheaper thanks to Aldi, houses and the cost of doing business high, but the income potential is way higher.

    Thais in BKK and Pattaya are doing well or they could not afford to shop at Tesco.

    Sydney does not have the noodle shops and many other good value ways to eat, but groceries in Sydney are surprisingly cheap, maybe a little more than Thailand, but not double.

  3. Ensure these clubs put up a "bond" of 500K baht. If they violate it, then you have the money in hand and close their doors. They want to open again, the bond doubles. The bond fund could be used to pay for the cost of emergency services responding, enforcement, compliance, medical bills, etc.

    I have been in Thailand for 15 years plus, owned clubs etc. Will tell anyone, the Thai guys in general hate us. I have saved a few falungs on the ground getting kicked. Once you are on the ground any Thai nearby ( 50 yds ) will try and kick you in the head for all the times a falung has taken his girl for a good time simply because she needs the money.


    Thai security guys will take zero lip from falungs, and no matter how small they are will have a go because they know they will have plenty of helpers.

  4. Does Surat Thani airport even have immigration, i dont think it does, why would they be fined there anyway, they were departing Thailand BKK, either badly reported or some BS being written

    And 7 × 500 doesnt equal THB10500 BTW if it was genuine fine they overstayed 21 days

    1 If 7 days = THB 3500

    2 overstayed 21 days

    3 scammed by someone

    4 someone is writing BS

    A few factual things wrong with this story

    3,500 baht each x 3 girls = 10,500 bt as reported

    Samui, Surat Thani does have immigration I think.

  5. Comment after comment stating the obvious. Anyone that moves to, goes to, a 3 rd world country should understand that there is much less control over everything from building, traffic, laws in general, consumer rights, etc etc.

    When I was young we could sit in the back of our "utes" with our boards and go for a surf. Thailand will get there after 2-300,000 more deaths.

    If I saw that crane in a field there is no way I would jump off the top of it. Most smart, sober people on this forum would agree.

    If it is a falung owner he will pay and it is an unavoidable accident, A Thai will pay less, only difference.

    Police will likely take the view I have, crazy for doing it, and certainly there was a risk.

    Like everytime you get on a plane, or a car for that matter in Thailand.

  6. Well as mentioned on another news matter, plenty of openings as the flood of non-active positions piles up.

    No doubt though if he does do him a favor, we will hear about it.

    Great job to help the old guy, Somyot should take them both out for a feed.

    Life was a lot tougher 30 years back. The older people in the world, such as myself, did all of the back breaking work before machines took over.

  7. The people of the world have become so greedy. They are looking at their lifetime, nothing else matters.

    They have no thoughts for the future environment for their own children, and certainly do not care about other peoples children.

    I fear for the world where it will be in ten years time with the borders become very fragile, and millions of people seeing on their smart phones how much food we have.

    The environmental issue will take a little longer, so people can line their pockets for a while yet.

    There should be a study of sorts, although they will hire experts to refute the claims, so that down the track the oil and other polluting industries will be bankrupted to pay for reversal attempts.

    My 6 year old will see all of this take place. My only chance is if doctors can put my brain in a jar for a refit.

  8. All these negative comments, all from people who know nothing about this guy at all..

    He is charged with an offence, that's a long way from being convicted of it. He's innocent until found guilty remember.

    You don't usually get to be Pres of a motorcycle club without being an exceptional man.

    Of course, this man and other biker gangs live by a code of values that is alien to 99% of Thai Visa posters.

    Best advice, if you don't know what you are talking about or have nothing constructive to add... just keep quiet.

    An Offence? I think there is 2 doz. I understand the presumtion of innocence thing, but hell, I would put my house on it. Obviously he thought so too, so went for a vacation.

    "Code of Values"

    "Exceptional man"

    If my little 5 year old boy grows up with this guy as an example I will neck myself

    I could stop laughing as I read your post.

    • Like 2
  9. And if they can't or won't sell it at 500k ? The point bring most banks don't the hassle of an asset they can't off load, the house is only worth 3 million if some is prepared to pay 3 million for it, if someone is not prepared to pay anything for it its worth nothing

    Your 17% is worth nothing if the property can't be sold

    Go and take a look at what's on the repo market from Thai banks that can't be sold and you will understand what I am getting at

    And references to the US mortgage scams are not a good example to draw on considering what happened in the US a few years ago

    Its a 3,000,000 bt house, not going to be hard to get 500,000 bt in ten minutes. I have seen the books from a bank here. They lend 95%, the buyer in some cases has never made one payment, and the property is worth less than they lent. That is why the banks are holding them, they cannot get close to the value plus the lost interest and penalty interest charges.

    There view is keep it so they do not have to show a loss.

    So when did you leave school ?

  10. They obviously happen as reported but normally to tourists not my friends that live here. People that live here learn to avoid certain places, like walking in that park on the hill behind Bali Hai late at night, and avoid letting your feelings out when you are being ripped off.

    Most problems that I would call serious are friends dying after not getting looked after at our main hospital, and being extorted by the BIB.

  11. To all please see the text.

    No travel insurance, he has been here 15 years, he is not a tourist

    Going to college/university here is expensive, assuming here that his family have some money, father works in BKK ??

    The whole story how he was left in the soi at Green Mango and nearly attacked again is a horrible story. Green Mango should pay his bills.

    I remember 10+ years ago watching some guy off his face climbing high up the structure inside the club, always a crazy and dangerous place.

    Nothing will ever happen here, the money has already been paid and more will be paid. Like the general, they all have boxes of money in the garden.

    • Like 2
  12. I think he means foreigners causing trouble here. The answer far too often. And i agree i can fully understand why the Thais have come to dislike us. Number one, two and three reasons. Drunk, obnoxious and act like they can care less about the Thais and their customs. Maybe YOU forgot WE are guests here.

    And foreigners wonder why some Thai dont like em... Seen this happen all to often..

    Really? How many times have you seen this happen?

    Yeh the Thais do not like it when we are more drunk than they are

  13. Baht Bus are absolutly not like a taxi, they work normally with a number and have a precise line or road;they stop when you ring the bell....easy no? the difficult thing for a foreigner is that you need to know where you go and where you want to stop, otherwise it is your problem....!there is no point at all to argue with the driver who work all day long for a few baths .....so if you dont have a clue dont take that kind of local cheap transportation.

    i hope that fellow will learn from his mistake, i think he deserved that eye, to many foreigners dont speak the local language, dont know s.h.i.t from the country they visit and after all they want to be understand and treated specially.

    come on man! give them a break....for sure some locals i in these hudge tourist places must be really fedup of these stupid farangs behavior too.


    Whats going on here, all the seniors and Platinums are blaming the guy that got assaulted. Maybe he could not speak Thai, and BTW, you could do with an English lesson. A tourist can not speak Thai, he is a tourist. He is also unaware of the Baht bus system, still no reason to be assaulted.

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