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Posts posted by david_je

  1. On 8/23/2024 at 7:37 AM, Sheryl said:

    My recent experience with April (international not April Thailand) when I needed spine surgery:


    - received pre-approval/Guarantee of Payment within 48 hours of the hospital submitting the forms


    - 580k baht directly paid to the hospital. I paid only my chosen $500 deductible and the difference between room charge (room only, excluding meals and nursing)  and the $75/night allowance for a single room.


    - over another 80k reimbursed for outatient care before & after the surgery (including MRIs,  Xrays, preop labs etc)


    In addition I was reimbursed about 45k for an epidural injection considered a day surgery. (I could have had it directly paid to the hospital but opted not to as I was in a lot of pain so didn't want to bother with the pre-approval process; pre approval is not required for hospitiizations costing less than $2,000). 


    Reimbursements were pretty fast. Maybe 10- 14 days on average.



    Wondering if you needed/got help from AOC on this, and if so, how that went.

  2. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    My recent experience with April (international not April Thailand) when I needed spine surgery:


    - received pre-approval/Guarantee of Payment within 48 hours of the hospital submitting the forms


    - 580k baht directly paid to the hospital. I paid only my chosen $500 deductible and the difference between room charge (room only, excluding meals and nursing)  and the $75/night allowance for a single room.


    - over another 80k reimbursed for outatient care before & after the surgery (including MRIs,  Xrays, preop labs etc)


    In addition I was reimbursed about 45k for an epidural injection considered a day surgery. (I could have had it directly paid to the hospital but opted not to as I was in a lot of pain so didn't want to bother with the pre-approval process; pre approval is not required for hospitiizations costing less than $2,000). 


    Reimbursements were pretty fast. Maybe 10- 14 days on zverage.



    I am also April Intl customer, so thank you for helpful and encouraging post. And wish you a speedy recovery.

    • Like 1
  3. Are there any cheaper alternatives than taking the taxis in the arrivals hall, which seem to start at 150b? I did see a bus stop just outside but someone who was waiting there said no bus had appeared in the last hour. Usually go from airport to Huay Kaew area. 

    And within the city, are there public transport alternatives to the red trucks?


    • Sad 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 18 hours ago, Arkady said:

    I tested positive for COVID in Bangkok yesterday. I had two days of mild symptoms, no fever and negative tests.  The second day it got better and I thought it was a common cold.  Then I woke up in the night feeling really bad with fever, terrible headache, sinus pain, worsening cough and runny nose and unable to eat anything.  I went to Samitivej Sukhumvit and found they had set up a COVID clinic in the car park with a chest X-Ray facility in the car park.   There were several other patients there.  The doctor prescribed Paxlovid which I accepted and the cost was 24,960 baht which is reasonable at least, if compared to the US and Bamrungrad prices.  I have taken three doses of Pax now and feel almost better already 24 hours later.  It might not have been the Pax.  On the other hand I might have continued to deteriorate without it. Luckily my UK insurance will pay as I called them in the traffic jam on the way to the hospital.  


    For my previous dose of COVID in 2022 I was in the US and was given Pax free as a foreigner at a CVS branch, as that was government policy at that time.  That time I took it about 12 hours after symptoms started and never felt really ill at all, although I had a vaccine three weeks earlier.  I haven't had a vaccine now since Jan 2023. 


    My feeling is that Paxlovid is worth it for oldies and other high risk people, although it is a tough decision, if you don't have insurance that will cover it.  If you get seriously ill and have to hospitalized, it will cost into the hundreds of thousands of baht.

    Thank you for posting that. Did you have any side effects from Paxlovid? What did they give you besides that? May I ask your age?

  5. On 5/12/2024 at 1:25 AM, Sheryl said:

    Northern and southern strains are not identical. More importantly, a vaccine given in October will not give optimal protection in the peak influenza sesson in Thailand, which is July - October.


    I would recommend getting vaccinated again in Bangkok within the next couple of weeks or so. 


    High dose also at Chula Hosp and Saovabha Institute at Thai Red Cross, both about 1,500b though Chula will add doctor's fee. However, at Saovabha last week, doctor said that since I got the northern strain vaccine last October, I did not need the southern strain vaccine for now because three of the four strains are the same. She said I could get now if I really wanted to, but suggested waiting till October. Does this sound reasonable?

  6. I am 67 and starting few months ago have been having problems reading print books newspapers, etc., in evenings, at night in dim light -- blurring, ghosting, etc., that gives me eyestrain and headaches. Brighter light makes words clearer but still difficult to focus and headachy.  No problems in natural light during the day.

    Anyone else experienced this?

    Can you recommend eye doctor for this, in Bangkok?


  7. On 6/30/2024 at 8:30 PM, Sheryl said:

    You can get it at the Mahidol Thai travel clinic in Bangkok




    (scroll towards the bottom of the list)


    I am going to get it there myself in a week or two, prior to travelling back to US.

    Sheryl, recalled you said earlier that regular booster not indicated if have had multiple prior shots and actual infection. You getting this one because it is new? Also see that new vaccines will be available in US this fall.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    First of all -- not at all the same company, not at all the same underwriter either. Thai company and Thai underwriter (LMG), and shifting under Thai insurance regulations.


    While April Thailand may be "community rated", they are free under Thai insurance regs to drop this practice this and indeed all their policies include clause stating they can adjust premiums based on claims history/risk profile, the Thai Insurance Commission requires this.


    I has assumed that no medical questionnaire meant a Moratorium policy. I suppose it could be that instead there is some sort  of special arrangement  to grandfather in April France clients based on their original medical questionnaire at time of enrollment in the latter --- you'd have to ask.


    There have been some  of reports on this board of April Thailand refusing claims, including by people who were led to convert from April France to April Thailand without realizing the implications.


    Which broker is  advising you to do this?



    Thank you for all that, important to consider.

    It was just a broker I chatted with for only a minute on sidelines of something else. We did not discuss my particulars, so he may not give same advice if he knew.

  9. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Yes April Thailand being a Thai insurer comes under Thai regulations which allows them to do things like raise premiums based on claim history (in addition to age and inflation based rises). 


    A polucy that foes not require a meficsl questionnsire is NOT a good thinh. It is a Moratorium policy wherein they can refuse to cover anything if, after extensive digging into your medical records (which a Thsi insurer will do) they decide it is related to a pre-existing condition...and Thai insurers sometimes decide this in situations where it makes little or no medical sense. In other words, you do not know in advance what conditions will be covered.  Not to be considered except by people with absolutely no choice (i.e. no other way to get insured,). 


    An underwriter for a new policy will certainly exclude A-fib and all things related (heart failure, stroke). Might or might not make a broader cardiovascular exclusion. If it had been 5 or more years since your ablation with no recurrencr of AF you'd have a better chance. 



    April Thailand is "community-rated," which means they must treat all clients equally in raising premiums, regardless of claims history, right? And we have seen April France totally unexpectedly raising Thailand one zone up and imposing huge premium increases, so we don't seem to have advantage with them in this regard.

    The broker said the switch (which I took to mean simple transfer within the same company) from April France to April Thailand does not require new medical questionnaire. I assumed it meant just moving from April France Essential policy to April Thailand Essential, under same underwriting conditions as when i first joined April France (no exclusions). I have not yet clarified all this. You mean it could be a moratorium policy that I'd get into?

    It's only been six months since ablation. Maybe I need to wait a few years before finding new policy.




  10. On 5/31/2024 at 7:02 PM, Sheryl said:

    I subscribed in 2018 so I don't think this is the reason. Others already subscribed have also reported this zone change and corresponding premium rise. Anyway if you are able to stay in Zone 3, even if just for a year more, thst is good.


    A broker can advise you on options in terms of other indlsurers but note that any pre-existing conditions will be excluded (if they do not prevent getting a policy altogether). I seem to remember you have cardiac issue? 


    I had afib but recent ablation so far has restored rhythm, so am unsure if underwriter for any new policy would consider this a pre-existing condition and if so, cover only afib or CV issues more widely. That complicates any switch away from April next year. I recall you have somewhat similar situation.

    A broker in Bangkok said I could avoid the anticipated huge premium increases from April France in coming years by switching to April Thailand -- it does not require new medical questionnaire. But that comes with minuses also, I recall?


  11. On 5/27/2024 at 10:49 AM, Sheryl said:

    Yes the insurer can always decline an upgrade of cover. Same idea as deductible: you can alwsys increase it but not necessarily decrease it.


    How old are you? As your premium is obviously much less than mine. But you also said your premium is for Zone 3. Possibly it was issued before the change to Zone 2 went into effect. If so, the next 2 years may see a substantial increase in your premium.


    I  will probably stay with Essential and 500 deductible but still waiting on numbers from the broker. My premium isn't due until August. 

    Age 67. Finally received reply from April re zone. They said zones depend on date of first subscription, which in my case was 2022, so 2024 conditions did not apply. But that is also your case, correct? Yet you are in zone 2? They did not link to date of issuance of new premium as you surmised. I have not yet asked if I would remain in zone 3 next year and get apparently corresponding lower premium.

    Anyway, I renewed as have no time to research alternatives.

    Any good alternatives for us next year if more big April increases come?


  12. On 5/25/2024 at 12:58 PM, Sheryl said:

    I haven't decided for myself yet re deductible. But if a doubling of deductible from 500 to 1000 saves only $250 then you'd have to average one claim every  two years to break even and 1 in 3 to come out ahead.  Personally given my age and recent claims history not such a  good bet.  Keep in mind that while you can always opt to increase a deductible, insurer is not obligated to let you decrease it, so should take a long view, considering health and finances not just now but further down the road.


    I am still awaiting quote for a switch to Basic and clarification of what happens in terms of room rate if the hospital has no twin rooms. 





    April quotes $3591 for Basic $500 deductible. That would be about $500 less than my Essential renewal this year. One problem is that old AA had told me that if you switch down (Essential to Basic), and for some reason next year (who knows what changes may come to your situation or from April) want to switch back up to Essential, April will require a new medical statement. That would seem to open the door for them to add pre-existing conditions, or not allow switch, etc.

  13. On 5/23/2024 at 3:21 PM, Sheryl said:

    My premium increase is 37%, from $4,073  to $5,582 Age 71, Essential Plan, $500 deductible.  Broker (AOC) states this is due to zone reclassification.  I have an inquiry in to the broker to find out what premium savings would be if I either (1) switched to Basic plan or (2 increased my deductible or (3) both.  Whether I   do either one, will depend on what the numbers show.


    I also have requested further broker clarification on use of hospitals in the "April International Health Network"    

     I will post what I learn when broker replies.

    Yes, pls do post any update re hospital network.

    On raising deductible, I also have Essential hospital only, $500 deductible, and premium for renewal this month is $4157. April quotes me $3907 if $1000 deductible. Hard to decide. What would you do? Thanks.

  14. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    Update which may be useful to others insured with April International:


    My next premium has now been posted. There is indeed a change in coverage zone from  3 to 2 (due to reclassification of Thailand).


    My premium increase is 37%, from $4,073  to $5,582 Age 71, Essential Plan, $500 deductible.  Broker (AOC) states this is due to zone reclassification.  


    On your premium notice, does it state Zone of Cover 2? Mine, due this month, still says 3.

    Or do you have other documentation from April that your renewal is indeed for 2?


  15. On 5/12/2024 at 1:25 AM, Sheryl said:

    Northern and southern strains are not identical. More importantly, a vaccine given in October will not give optimal protection in the peak influenza sesson in Thailand, which is July - October.


    I would recommend getting vaccinated again in Bangkok within the next couple of weeks or so. 


    You cannot  get it for free.


    500 baht currently at Medconsult Asia. No add on charges, no need to see doctor first. https://www.medconsultasia.com/vaccinations/


    349 at the Mahidol Thai travel clinic but there us  a doctor consultation fee on top of that so works out about the same as Medconsult.


    However if you are over 65  or immune compromised, high dose vaccine is recommended and last I checked available only at the Thai Travel clinic and some private hospitals. Cost about 1500 at the latter. 







    Just found out also available at Chula Hospital, about 1500 not incl doc fee.

    • Thanks 1
  16. On 5/12/2024 at 1:25 AM, Sheryl said:

    Northern and southern strains are not identical. More importantly, a vaccine given in October will not give optimal protection in the peak influenza sesson in Thailand, which is July - October.


    I would recommend getting vaccinated again in Bangkok within the next couple of weeks or so. 


    You cannot  get it for free.


    500 baht currently at Medconsult Asia. No add on charges, no need to see doctor first. https://www.medconsultasia.com/vaccinations/


    349 at the Mahidol Thai travel clinic but there us  a doctor consultation fee on top of that so works out about the same as Medconsult.


    However if you are over 65  or immune compromised, high dose vaccine is recommended and last I checked available only at the Thai Travel clinic and some private hospitals. Cost about 1500 at the latter. 







    Sheryl, do you know name of the high dose given in Bangkok?

  17. 11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Northern and southern strains are not identical. More importantly, a vaccine given in October will not give optimal protection in the peak influenza sesson in Thailand, which is July - October.


    I would recommend getting vaccinated again in Bangkok within the next couple of weeks or so. 


    You cannot  get it for free.


    500 baht currently at Medconsult Asia. No add on charges, no need to see doctor first. https://www.medconsultasia.com/vaccinations/


    349 at the Mahidol Thai travel clinic but there us  a doctor consultation fee on top of that so works out about the same as Medconsult.


    However if you are over 65  or immune compromised, high dose vaccine is recommended and last I checked available only at the Thai Travel clinic and some private hospitals. Cost about 1500 at the latter. 







    Very helpful, thank you.

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