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Everything posted by david_je

  1. Thank you Red Phoenix and BritTim for your very helpful replies.
  2. How much time should I allot to getting re-entry at Suvarnabhumi? You can only get it in Zone 2 after going through security, and cannot do so before security, correct? Thank you.
  3. The Barron's and other guides to prepare for the test are expensive new. Does anyone know of library or used books store that would have such? Or where to post asking if anyone has for sale? I am asking for a student who plans to take the test. Thanks.
  4. Is it correct that when you go to CW to fulfill requirement to "update your TM30," you must prepare all the TM30 documents again (application, documents from landlord, etc.) even if nothing at all has changed since you first did the TM30 a few years ago? You don't just go and tell them there is nothing to update, right? Sorry for basic question.
  5. Your document, which is very helpful, appears to be for those doing the TM30 for first time. As mentioned in my original post, I did the TM30 in June 2019 and my Bangkok address has not changed since and that is the same address I used for the 90 day notification, but the 90 day system rejected my application saying TM30 needs to be updated. Will the TM30 registration site have an update option? Sorry, I have not yet explored it because I can't stare at screen for too long. Thank you.
  6. For medicines and supplements made by Thai companies, how do you determine which company can be trusted for safe and reliable products? Is there a list to check against, etc.? Thanks.
  7. I did not check into any hotel with passport, no. You also received the "update TM30" explanation with 90-day online application rejection email? And you went to CW TM30 desk to "update" before going to 90-day window? What docs or info required for update TM30? Thanks.
  8. If score is 1, which is my score, it's controversial whether you need anti-coagulant. That is why it is difficult for me to decide. So wanted to hear other people's experience.
  9. I did the TM30 in June 2019. My (Bangkok) address has not changed since and that is the same address I used for the 90 day notification. Why do I need to update it? Update what info? And how do I do this -- online? Thank you.
  10. I just went to https://www.immigration.go.th/en/# but when I click on the icon box to do report, I do not find a log-in page. Only instructions about how to do the report pop up. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you.
  11. Thank you for sharing that. Are you logging in via the main U.S. personal investors site? I am using that, and they do tell me some other people in Thailand have same problem as me. Has to do with some security issue related to Thailand that I do not understand.
  12. I just tried and still cannot log in. Keeps saying, "Your username or password is incorrect," though they are correct. Was this the same problem you had logging in, or something else? Still only way I can log in is to call them and have them reset it. Thanks.
  13. Is there any reason not to throw them all out and keep only your current receipt?
  14. Yes, cost is a big concern. I guess getting at public hospital would help. I already have tried botox, nerve block, infusions, and all other categories of conventional meds.
  15. I saw that, thank you. Would be interesting to hear from someone who has actually done this, or has seen a really good migraine specialist familiar with such treatments.
  16. They come very frequently or constantly rather than as episodic attacks, and have not responded to conventional medications.
  17. Anyone here have had CGRP or other newer treatments for chronic refractory migraines and/or could recommend a migraine specialist in Bangkok who really keeps up to date on new treatments? Thanks.
  18. I have asymptomatic paroxysmal afib and a Chads-Vasc score of 1 and a HAS-BLED score of 1, both based on my age, 65. I've read there's no expert consensus on whether afib patients in this lower category of risk should take anti-coagulants. I do worry about possibility of stroke but also possibility of bleeding, and am struggling with the risk-benefit calculation of taking vs not taking anti-coagulants. Appreciate hearing from anyone else in this position, how you handled, if you found a good specialist in Bangkok to advise, etc. Thanks.
  19. Can someone advise what shop in Bangkok I can purchase Aspent or other good generic? Have tried several places to no avail.
  20. Thank you for taking time for that v. helpful info. Re your Sept 22 report: 1. You said going from Laksi on Red Line to CW doesn't work. How does it compare with going from Wat Phrasi Mahathat? 2. The same IO that does the retirement extension gives you your upcoming 90-day notification upon request, correct? I will go on Feb. 15 to do a Non-O retirement extension that expires March 6. My next 90-day notification is due April 30. They will go it that far in advance? Do they give you a notification receipt counting from the day you do the extension (in my case Feb. 15) or the day your current extension expires (March 6) or the day your current 90-day expires (April 30)? Meaning the notification after that is due 90 days after that date.
  21. I need to do at CW by March 6 my first extension of my Non-O based on retirement. (I previously had Non-OA if that makes any difference.) 1) I can do this anytime starting now, correct? 2) Would someone who has done this recently confirm full list of required documents: A). passport, original and photocopies of photo page. What about TM.6 and Non-O visa or any other pages? B). Bank letter on morning of application, bank book and photocopies of account owner page and all pages of entries since date I got the original visa a year ago. C). TM.7. I saw mention here that they will hand out there other forms – do I need to prepare anything to fill those? Have I missed anything? Pls excuse, I know this is a frequent question; I searched for recent complete answer here but could not find. Thank you.
  22. Sheryl, By any chance can you recommend a general surgeon at Chula? Or should we look at list and select one with Western qualifications?
  23. Thank you everyone for your very helpful replies.
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