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Everything posted by david_je

  1. If you wouldn't mind letting us know what you find out, including. timing of Moderna as second booster (4 or 6 months) and for how long Moderna will be available there, would appreciate it. Thanks.
  2. Would someone who has gotten it recently at Bang Sue confirm that you can get Moderna as a second booster four months after your first booster, which was Pfizer? Is there a phone number there? I could not find online. Thanks.
  3. You do fillers several times a year? They are so short-lasting? What brand and type have you found best for mouth lines and lifting and adding volume to cheeks? Thank you, Sheryl.
  4. Please share any notable aspects including choice of doctor, results, brand of filler, Korean fillers vs U.S.-made, etc. I am most interested in smoothing out brow and mouth lines and adding volume around cheeks. There have been past posts on this, but could not find anything more recent. I am in Bangkok. Thank you.
  5. If anyone here has used cannabis in any form and found it helpful for chronic daily migraines, pls let me know? Or know where I can seek such expert advice/treatment for this. Thanks.
  6. When I input my username and password, I get a screen that says they are incorrect. Happened several times in past month. I called Vanguard and they said this is common problem from Thailand due to security or Internet issue (explanation was unclear). Each time they gave me new temp password or reset my security questions and I could then access account. But then the same lockout (your username or password is incorrect) occurs the next time I try to log on. So only option now is to call them each time I want to log on -- not practical. Anyone else having this problem and found a solution? Thanks.
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