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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. Depends if he lied on the application form for being an MP.

    Normally lying on an application form is considered cause for summary termination of employment.

    I look forward to the rest of the House's credentials being scrutinized... shall we start with the leader of the PTP and the current PM? After all, they started with the head of the Democrat party and former PM.

  2. Yes, clearly two wrongs doth a right make, let's abandon common sense and logic in favour of making unsubstantiated sweeping generalisations about groups of people based on their nationality, sex, political leanings, religious views... because well someone else has at some point so it's cool! Adolph, is that you?

    Tell that to the current sitting government (and their band of red thugs) who preach 'reconciliation' but practice the exact opposite!

  3. Sorry take off your blinkers and react in a way that indicates some measure of common sense and openly applied logic. I'm afraid your comments simply serve as a window to your own personal prejudices.

    You have no idea that their political sympathies had anything to do with their tenancy; a deposit and references are the more usual formalities. Similarly you have no idea whether or not these allegations hold any water. You are taking allegations, here say & selective quotes obtained from selective questioning and forming these into "facts" to support your rants... not a great start! Should we do the same with the Abhisit case? Is he actually a murderous thug because he has been accused or should we perhaps wait an actual trial and conviction before labelling him such and extending that label to all his peers simply by proxy?

    What Mrs Chalee assumed is irrelevant as is what political party the alleged attackers support, their skin colour, their religious leanings and what they ate for breakfast; these points are all similarly and equally irrelevant!

    These men were also Thai nationals and devote Buddhists. Would the alleged actions of these men be definitive proof that all Thais and all Buddhists are morally corrupt and violent? Or perhaps because they are men we should take it as definitive proof that all men are violent?! Personally I think one need only read the headline to get a good indication that this incident is being politicised and used as a deliberate propaganda tool... Bullying tenants beat Landlord would have sufficed if the intention wasn't to pervert the incident into a political tool. Pretty shameful really.

    Terrible incident and if the allegations are true these guys should be tried, convicted and jailed post haste but I don't see that the responsibility for their actions rests with anyone but themselves as individuals.

    It's not like the PTP or Red Shirt's ever politicize anything... i guess its fine for them to do so, but should anyone else dare to try... (double standards!)

  4. Who still thinks the red shirts are good people after this incident? Doesn't give a lot of hope for the country. Lets hope more of thier activities are made known to the public.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    They claimed to be red shirts. That may have just been an intimidation ploy. Regardless. condemning a whole group based on the actions of 3 individuals is unreasonable (in my opinion).

    Or indicative of whats to come should the Red Thugs seize full control?

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  5. What on earth are you talking about? The illegal coup unseated a legally elected government and was anti-democratic. The coup leaders changed the constitution post hoc to legalize their actions and organized a referendum to ratify the constitution. The referendum was widely criticized by international organizations as it was made illegal to campaign against the constitution. The whole thing was a farce. Whatever the merits or not of the the currently proposed changes or whatever the motives behind the proposals, the last constitution is recognized by people that actually know about these things as a farce.

    Err.. wrong... check your facts again matey.

  6. NHRC subcommittee chairman Niran Pitakwatchara is reviewing four actions by the government -

    -denying access to the rally site,

    -using excessive force and teargas against protesters,

    -blocking ambulances from servicing the injured,

    -and arresting news crews on duty.

    That's democracy according to the Thaskin clan. Poor Thailand

    At the very least, blocking ambulances from servicing the injured should be criminal negligence. I remember also the journo who stated he was knocked to the ground, where they kicked into him.

    They are just lucky no one died.

    And if someone had died at that protest, i'd bet you a pound to a piece of shit that Abhisit wouldn't be in court facing a murder charge this week ;)

  7. >Yes, I did say that yesterday Moruya. At R'song, their target was not Abhisit or the Democrat led Government at the time. Their objective was to reverse the coup that put an electoral minority Govt. in place, and seek to rectify the matter via an election. The subsequent election did that. So no anti-Abhisit-Govt-Democrat Party.

    You should have heard some of the vile filth being spouted from the stage then, not to mention the various images etc shown during that time around the protest area...

    The Reds were very much against Abhisit and wanted him dead - in fact as i remember they attacked his car and wounded his driver when they discovered he wasn't inside the car....

    Do you still believe the 2010 Ratchaprasong protests were not against Abhisit, really?

    • Like 2
  8. I imported an Alienware m18x fro t he states - was a bit of a ball-ache to get the payment authorised etc but in the end worked out ok, i bounced it off a re-shipping company in the US and they repackaged it, put my customs declaration on it and it came through with minimal import duty...

    Otherwise i'd suggest Jedicool or InvadeIT

  9. They present the changes, the public vote yes - they get what they want

    They present the changes, the public vote no - so they just change it article by article to get what they want

    Either way they white wash Thaksin, he comes home scott-free, somone puts a bullet in his head {X} months later...

    So yeah, i agree - the government cant lose on this one :)

  10. The usual stunning literary response. Care to actually answer the questions raised?! Then no one would have to guess, venture or speculate as to what you really think...

    As it is we can only go on what you write but when you contradict yourself from thread to thread don't be surprised if people are confused over where you really stand. To me it seems pretty obvious that you are blindly loyal to Abhisit and the Dems to the point that you fail to question anything. You seem to be blinkered to the point of blindness, unquestioning and zealous in your views.

    When both sides employ remarkably similar underhand tactics one easily becomes unstuck by deploring the actions of one while showing unfaltering support for the other. I think this post serves as a good example of how this selective reasoning is applied and just how easily double standards manifest themselves.

    If I am mistaken please clear it up by answering the three rather simple questions I responded to your post with.

    To me it seems pretty obvious that you are blindly loyal to Thaksin and the Reds to the point that you fail to question anything. You seem to be blinkered to the point of blindness, unquestioning and zealous in your views.

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