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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. "If I had soldiers under my command, I would have ousted the government a long time ago," he said, voicing hope that the top brass would eventually help to evict the government.

    Nice, another group of reactionaries led by a nutjob. Juuuuust what we needed.

    The only way forward for the country is to stomp on corruption hard and often and have a strong rule of law. Of course the conundrum is that the current government is a pro-corruption band of crooks, so the impetus must come from other places.

    A political party who's "Dear Leader" is already convicted for corruption (Land case) and has a shopping list of court cases pending (of which, a percentage of those are corruption based) has no intent of stomping on corruption, maybe paying a little lip-service but nothing else... the sooner Thai people realize this and rise up "Arab Spring" style against then, the better... until then we can all stand around p*ssing in the wind watching as the Red Government spreads its lies and quietly rapes the country for every satang it can.

  2. The day they install a nuclear reactor in Thailand is the day I say farewell to this fine land and move as far away from it as possible. If they can't build a runway and airport correctly due to back handers and fingers in the pie, I don't feel they could be trusted to harness nuclear energy safely.

    OK...good bye then...as there is already one in Bangkok..do send a post card..whistling.gif


    I think we are not talking about that car battery here. Quite a difference between a 2 megawatt reactor and something that will provide power for all of bangkok. thumbsup.gif

    Are we really ?....A nuclear reactor is a nuclear reactor ?...go back and read what you wrote starting with "The day they install a nuclear reactor in Thailand

    So in your vast nuclear experience please give us the key differences between a 2MW reactor and say a 900MW PWR...only real difference is the size...A 2MW nuclear reactor is not very different from a 900MW both contain fuel and the hazards of operation are virtually the same.


    So have you booked your tickets out the country yet ?

    I suppose I could give some comfort to the vast majority if TV's finest....by the time they get round to building these commerical plant most of you will be long gone and eating somtam in the sky..whistling.gif

    And considering where it is placed (right in the middle of Bangkok) - should there be any kind of significant accident, i would imagine a whole lot of people are gunna be affected - quite badly

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  3. so do you see it more of an intention to get yingluck in to answer for herself, or just because the dems feel they don't get heard unless they put a no confidence vote in place?

    Well considering what was happening with the Charter re-write/amnesty stuff - where the Dems were pretty much ignored until they took drastic action - the second point would seem more appropriate - but actually both points get adequately addressed at the same time... so perhaps the No-Confidence movement is not so much a waste of time after all... the Dems get heard in Parliment and they get YL in to finally answer some direct questions... i call that a perfects good use of time and resources smile.png

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  4. yeah let's talk about the topic shall we?

    ok, you first.

    Sure, i think anything that pulls YL into parliment and face questions about how she runs the country is a good thing. The No-Confidence vote wont go anywhere because PTP has the majority and her own party dare not vote against her, doesnt mean it shouldnt happen, however. Lets be honest here, all oppsoition parties (of all colours) level No Confidence votes at any given opportunity, so its SOP here in Thailand.

    Checks and Balances, If this countries governments had something like a 'Prime Minsiters question time' then perhaps these questions could have been raised there, instead the opposition is falling back to this...

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