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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. Plodprasob admitted that one of the three US aircraft to be used in the Nasa study had a history of being used on reconnaissance missions, "but as far as I know, it has not used [for that purpose] anymore".

    Isn't this the same guy who brought you the "Boats on the river to move the water faster" solution to flooding? I put to you this guy doesn't know jack sh*t!

    He said Thailand was chosen because of its unique geographical and climatic features - the country has land and sea, it is located between two oceans

    Oh hang on a moment, i could be wrong about this guy... he seems fairly clued up...

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  2. "Bangkok Governor MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra said the BMA had a plan to construct three more giant water-drainage tunnels in the capital to better prevent flooding."

    Last year he blamed PTP for not doing enough. He had 9 months time to do something but now when the rain starts he talks about constructing more water drainage tunnels. I guess by next year they will be ready.

    Sounds like he got one built this year... if central government gives him enough cash, he will get more built - i would guess ;)

  3. So let me get this right... a city built on the low lands/marsh lands/flood plains gets a few hours of surface water after a very heavy rain storm and then central government starts blaming and accusing the BMA of not doing its job...

    11 provinces further north have been flooded for a week or so... perhaps the governments energies would be better directed dealing with that mess first? Don't you think?

    Lastly, barely a puddle this morning in the areas of Bangkok i travel in, and last night there were several cm's of surface water... justsayin.

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  4. The main problem of the democrats is that Abhisit is not a leader, just the pretty face on the election poster and, for the people behind the scene, the fall guy if (actually when) everything goes wrong. Abhisit is not the sharpest pencil in the box but he should have understood that before accepting the job of "leader" of the democrats and PM.

    The main problem of the PTP is that Yingluck is not a leader, just the pretty face on the election poster and, for the people behind the scene, the fall gal if (actually when) everything goes wrong. Yingluck is not the sharpest pencil in the box but she should have understood that before accepting the job of "leader" of the PTP and PM.

    See what i did there?

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