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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. The minister went on to say that the committee should examine the pros and cons of consenting to the ICC's jurisdiction on a one-off basis in order to ensure justice for victims of the bloodshed.

    He also quoted Bensouda as saying that even if the consent was granted, it would not be seen as an international treaty and could be revoked at any time.

    So, according to this article, they can pick and choose which incidents will be investigated and which will not. Don't expect Bak Thai or the war on drugs to be referred to them anytime soon!

    Can anyone say "Political Tool"

    Wonder how the ICC will feel about that, once it realizes its being played...

  2. Inciting people to break the law, any law, is ordinarily illegal in most countries. But then TIT.

    If he incited everyone to litter the street, presumably that would be illegal......

    So we would expect the majority of the Red Shirt leaders to get tried for Inciting their Protestors back in 2010 to "burn down Bangkok" etc?

    Somehow methinks that just ain't gunna happen

  3. Potentially, but what is? corruption seems so ingrained into the society, that until some honest people step up to the plate and start taking a stand, then it doesn't matter who is governing the country be it a party or the army, nothing much will change.

    I dont really have answers, just thought i'd throw that comment out there and see what happens. All options seem as bad as each other.

    Sooner or Later Thaksin will turn this country into the Republic of Thakland, unless someone steps up and does something about it.

  4. After the unfortunate period of military junta dictatorship in thailand, it is very refreshing to see the mechanics of democratic government process in action, however tainted the opposition party.

    After the unfortunate period of military junta dictatorship in thailand, it is very refreshing to see the mechanics of democratic government process in action, however tainted the government.

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