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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. Abhisit is probably the most honest PM this country has ever had

    “In the name of reconciliation the names of stories of these people has been swept under the rug. Their real lives and souls may never be recognized again, even to their children in some cases. Justice was also buried. The “reconciliation Thai style” is the sacrifice of justice and the suspension of rule of law that could incriminate the ruling elite and their networks – a group that has been in power since the mid-1970s despite changes of governments, parliaments, and generations.” - Thongchai Winichakul on the October 6th massacre of 1976 at Thammasat University:

    When people are illegally blocking streets they should be arrested and taken away.

    What about people blocking Government House or the country's major international airport?

    but... but... but... the democrats PAD...

  2. fine. i think it is fair if people are honest like you are and say that they do not believe in democracy and want a dictator. of course do not get angry when the dictatorship does not go as planned. of course the majority of thai people do not share your opinion. they do not want a dictatorship.

    Where did i say i do not believe in democracy and favored a Dictator? I think you mis-read/mis-understood

  3. If Yingluck is wise she would take away children of yellow shirts who bring them to a demonstration, they would certainly try to use children as a human shield against police action and take a page out of Suthep's playbook. a life firing zone might do.

    Well you are screwed there then - she is far from Wise.

    So you are saying the Yellows are not allowed to bring children to the protest? Bit of a double standard i feel as the Reds were allowed to do that! Considering PTP and The Red Shirt movement's campaign slogan of being against double standards, they seem to be guilty of many double standards so far. Hypocrisy at its finest!

  4. They have successfully turned what would have been a peaceful, short, trouble free rally into something that could now prove highly problematic.

    I see that someone drank and kool aid. What is the point of a peaceful trouble free protest? Isn't the entire point to occupy and demand that a democratically elected government quit because you can't win an election?

    Not too dissimilar to what the Reds did back in 2010... except it wasn't trouble/violence free

  5. Of course vote buying goes on in the West. It may not be so brazen as handing out banknotes, but socialist parties promise more handouts to the underclasses while capitalist parties promise tax cuts to workers. It is not asdirect as in Thailand but the reasoning is to buy your vote.

    That's not vote buying - that's electoral promises and campaign pledges.

    But, for the sake of argument, lets work on the basis that *IS* vote buying.

    Rice Scheme, Tablets for School Kids, First Car/House Scheme is blatant and brazen vote buying on behalf of the PTP government who effectively 'bought' the election both with sponsorship money (Thaksin's 500b per vote) and Tax payers


  6. So tell me again why Abhisit was wrong to use this when the rhetoric was "Burn it if we don't get what we want!" and almost every day more explosive rounds were being fired, and yet this government is in order when nothing of the sort is in the wind - at least not from them.

    The Red Government employs double-standards - which as i remember was one of their campaign points during the Red Riots.

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