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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. The deputy premier said the number of protesters estimated by the police was less than the actual turnout. He earlier estimated those in the protest to number only 1,500-2,000 persons.

    Unlike the various Eye-witnesses who reported 10x this number.

    Some people in the lower northeastern provinces were reported to have been hired to join the rally, Mr Korkaew said, urging the government to shut down the royal turf club to counter the move.

    Only the Reds are allowed to pay their supporters - the Dem's are not playing fair! sad.png

    The red shirt leader cautioned the government to closely watch the anti-government movement.

    Because they know how much damage a Large scale Rally can do, right? smile.png

  2. Any other country in the world which had a 40% drop in exports year on year for ANY commodity would be sh*tting themselves. When it is your main export, then it becomes mega serious

    Rice is not Thailand main export and hasn't been in a very long time (100 years?). I am not sure it is even in the top 10 but certainly not the top 5 when it comes to export dollars.

    You are quite correct Nisa, Rice comes in at #10 on thier list of exports.

    10. RICE.

    Oh that's OK then, lets reduce exports even further then! rolleyes.gif

  3. So...the Democrats coming to power had nothing to do with the coup and the constant unrest following it...in your opinion?

    I love when people can connect the dots and see things in a wider perspective!

    The Democrats came to power 2 years after the coup, and a year after elections.

    What does the Democrats coming to power have to do with the coup?

    Democrats came to power because the current PM got thrown out for moonlighting and the Dems managed to cobble together a (shaky) coalition and seize power before the Reds could stop them. Whilst unusual in its approach, it was legal under the constitution/law of the land.

  4. Two boys partying? Why would they come to Thailand to sit in a room and snort substances in each other's company unless they were gays? Let's wait for the substance report. Sounds like that may open a few more options and I would bet there is foul play involved. Hotel in Klong Toei? Again why would anyone want to stay there?

    Its actually quite a nice hotel according to the photos etc i see on places like Agoda. And the hotel is near Asoke, so not the slum you are thinking of... (awaits witty quip about how Asoke is a slum etc)

  5. If you do go on your own, the key thing to remember is - the legalization section is on the third floor - not the second floor - all the sign posts are in Thai only until you get to the third floor and there the Legalization part is in English and Thai.

    I got a bit worried at one point cos i couldn't see any English anywhere, but i asked the guy in the translation shop where to go next and he directed me to the third floor - once there it was all easy... queue up at the counter, get a number (they also check your docs) - then wait for your number to be called and goto the correct window, and the ladies behind the windows seem to speak some basic English...

  6. Just did my legalization today. Got there around 9:15am. Got the translation done at the shop on the ground floor, they did it in approximately 30mins (300b). Then upto the 3rd floor to hand it over to the legalization dept. 400b plus 60b postage as I opted for the EMS service. In and out in about an hour. Little daunting to do it on my own but quite easy in the end

  7. I never said that. My point is that BOTH parties are as corrupt as each other and as undemocratic as each other with vote buying on both sides.

    Democrats represent the status quo whereby the rich continue to control the poor. One law for the rich and one for the poor. Continue with the feudal society that has served the old elite so well.

    The reds really aren't any better, but, at least they have awoken in the masses that they do have power at the ballot box. Frankly, change; any change has to be better than the status quo.

    The Shinawatra clan represent the very thing that the reds/PTP are supposed to stand against... the Very Rich and Powerful controlling the poor...

    The difference between the PTP and the Democrats is, as far as i can tell, the democrats did not engage in a widespread campaign to leech every last satang out of the countries coffers as possible... with a possible dash of 'lets whitewash the crimes of our Dear Leader at the same time'

    and the whole Democratic argument is invalid once you realise that votes are bought.

    Bring on the coup i say... ban anyone who is currently holding a political position (both sides, not just the reds)... clean up the police force, the political benches and start again with a fresh clean set of people... a dream i know, as it will never happen.

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  8. Pheu Thai list-MP and red-shirt co-leader Korkaew Pikulthong claimed that red shirt supporters in the North and Northeast were lured by groups of people to join the upcoming rally in exchange for Bt300-500 in cash.

    Sounds like a typical Red Shirt Protest then... he starts crying when someone lures away his supporters with the same tactic they have used in the past - LOL

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