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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. Red Shirt movement camps out overnight at Parliament, waiting to open way for MPs to enter Parliament for session on Friday /MCOT

    And i'm sure that the Red Government will also decide to vote the new bill through today as well. Discussion or Opposition to the bill? Tough Sh*t we are the government and we will do as we please... opposition parties, high court judges and everyone else can goto hell... we are the elected government and we write the laws, not you!

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  2. Any bets on if he is significantly MORE hardline against Yellows than Reds?

    hope so - I was heartened that they have got a stricter person to stop yellows disrupting a democratically elected parliament. The election was held and the people spoke (not TV armchair experts) but Thai people and they should be allowed to continue without hindrance from the yellow mob

    Providing they adhere to the normal checks & balances that a democratically elected government should do, stay within the letter and spirit of the law, and not abuse the power the people have granted them...

  3. Disgusting behaviour

    however it should have never needed to come to this if everyone did their jobs properley

    Well tell that to the PM, she should at least turn up for work when it comes to a critical bill such as this to pass parliament. She hasn't even read it - by her own admission.

    Or perhaps you are pointing fingers at the Constitutional Court? They believe they have a legal obligation to investigate this due to the 5 complaints they have received. So they are acting on this, even the house speaker admitted the other day that the court were within their right (altho, hes probably changed his tune since then) - so by your point of view the Court Judges brought this on themselves, however disgusting this tactic maybe, by acting on what they (judges) believe their legal obligation is...

  4. TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

    Do any of the pro-red (or Anti-Yellow) want to comment on this?

    Legal or moral approach to tackling this problem?

    To me, this is just another example of intimidation tactics by the Reds...

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  5. You know much as I enjoy the discussion on TV, we should all remain calm and remember that Thailand is for the Thais and if this and all that has gone before is seen by them as acceptable and appropriate then fine so be it.

    There is no need for us (foreigners) to get so hot under the collar and state our opinions as truth. I moved here to relax, enjoy the weather and opportunities for outdoor recreation, as I'm sure most of us did as well. Not hang out on an internet forum discussing the same politics time and time again? (although I do perversely enjoy it) and slating other expats as being misguided, disillusion etc for supporting the reds, yellows, pinks greens or blacks.

    Let the Thais sort it out, they neither want nor desire our opinions and they prefer their prefer their politics served with a large helping of corruption, nepotism with a large side dish of bullshit and <deleted>. So let them eat it.

    I'm pretty sure that whatever we discuss/debate/agree on here will never float high enough to reach anyone who gives a toss and has the power to do anything anyway, so let us have our fun debating/arguing our points of view. Isn't that the whole point of internet discussion forums such as this one?

    Thai's will do what they see fit, nothing we say or do will make an iota of difference, but that doesn't change the horror story from opening and developing before our very eyes...

  6. BANGKOK: -- Thaksin Shinawatra, in his phone-in from abroad last month, called on all his supporters to forget and forgive so that the country can embark on a genuine reconciliation path. Last week, in another call-in, he changed his tune again, declaring that he had been "robbed" of Bt46 billion by a court order - and that he was determined to fight on.

    'nuff said really... when the Leader of this mob changes his mind every few days, whatcha gunna do?

  7. Similarly how much less bloodshed we would have seen in 2010, had the demands of the reds been met so readily rather than being met with armed suppression?

    Remember they simply wanted the opportunity for the Thai people to vote for their own Government, not forcibly instate their own leader...

    Did you forget they were offered early elections, but instead refused them as it was in a few months time and not immediate *RIGHT NOW* - as it happened they got their new elections but had to wait a lot longer... so i wonder how much less bloodshed there would have been had they gracefully accepted the Government giving in to their demands?

    Lets face it, the Red were itching for a fight then... much as they are right now

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  8. And based on the amount of 'bombs' that was found at Government House it would appear that none exploded and the yellows decided to keep them and store them whistling.gif

    Not so dissimilar to the amount of small arms and bombs that were found around the Central World area...

    Also having a gun pointed at my head by red-shirt guards during the 2010 red insurgency and forcibly searched by a handful of thugs whilst trying to make my way to my place of work leads me to dislike the reds more than the yellows - no i cant prove that happened, as i already threw away the soiled underwear...

  9. Yes I seem to remember the yellows had bombs thrown *at* them. The red shirt protests involved some bomb *throwing*, threatening people with machetes, automatic rifle fire and even the odd RPG launch. Do you seriously think the two are comparable? Jeez...

    Well in fairness we dont know who was throwing bombs around... we just know that during the Red insurrection the bombs were headed out of the red camp but in the Yellow occupation of Parliament the bombs were headed into the yellow camp...

  10. Well I would go so far as to say that the decision to try and impeach the Judges of the Constitution Court is a direct threat/challenge to the Monarchy in itself. The decision has not been made without considerable thought. Just what dangerous game is the Megalomaniac and his side kicks playing now. They seem to have upped the anti. Does it not seem that Thaksin et al are actually trying to provoke military intervention. Whilst I enjoy watching from the side, I am no voyeur of blood sports.

    Well it would begin to seem that way, leaving out the defense of the monarchy in the new bill they are trying to force thru (which as i understand it, is the whole reason the Constitutional Court has now got involved) and then mobilizing their Red Thugs to put pressure on the courts, impeach them and block Parliament... with the occasional cry to amend the LM laws and Jutaporn's "there's a coup coming!" - one does wonder what game TS is playing... could this all be a big smoke screen for something else equally/more evil coming? Or are they just going "hell for lather" to force this one through quickly before it can be stopped?

    One thing is certain, i have a bad feeling about the next few months...

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  11. So lets get this right. A red mob is assembling, having been whipped up by Jatuporn and Nattawut to try and impeach the 9 judges of the constitution court. The 9 judges appointed by HM himself to be independent arbitrators on all electoral matters and to ensure that any bills passed through the house do not illegally threaten the nations constitution or it's Monarchy.

    Almost sounds like another LM charge will be coming soon...

  12. That is incorrect, actually the lawyer told them what the constitutional court did was illegal, but advised them to hold on a while to let the situation calm and for more legal work to be undertaken before taking it back before parliament. 'FACT'

    And i assume you have evidence to back up your claim that your statement is entirely factual and not just something you dreamt up whilst taking a dump at lunchtime? Or perhaps you are in FACT taking out of the very orifice i referenced?

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  13. There is a simple solution to this reconciliation mess. Thaksin accepts Abhisits two for one offer, Abhisit and Suthep stand trial for the deaths in Bangkok and Thaksins conviction stands. The money is used to pay for all the tablets being handed out and any other improvements to education. Thaksin returns to Thailand,walks through a police station, which would be more time than his wife served and he is a free man......but...we all know that isn't what he really wants, because it would be an admission of guilt.

    and open the door for the rest of the pending cases against him to re-open - so even if he didnt spend a single day in jail for the current conviction, once of the others will stick and then he will go down for that...

  14. Right. They stir up the mobs and then say they cannot operate a democratic government because of the mobs.

    That is because angry mob's are the only things the reds truly understand... now the shoe is on the other foot, they are trying to quash the protests before they can take hold... Double standards, much?

  15. Besides, a little difficult to get rid of a PM when you don't even know where he is at any given time.

    Well at least with this government, you dont actually ever have to look for her at her place of employment... shes never there... if it were me i'd be checking the hotel's check-in registrar or the airlines passenger manifesto...

    Where in the world is Yingluck Shinawatra!?!

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