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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. I plan to transfer Wolfie over to the PvP server - it is possible to have both Empire and Republic characters on the same server...

    I didn't include some of my lower level characters, i did play a bunch of them just to get a feel for the class and how it plays, i probably wont log into them again, so the 4 on the list are my 'main' characters - and eventually they will all be on the PvP server. If we are able to transfer more than 1 character (the original blub suggested it was 1 character transfer - we still don't know if that's one server or one character) i will update the list accordingly.

  2. I've updated the directory with my main characters, i do have more on beregren colony but i will wait to see what happens with the character transfer before i decide which i will keep and which i will throw away

  3. Sorry i didnt make it online last night - got called away for beer :D

    I am usually on over the weekends, on and off throughout the day... will try to look you guys up... we should have a directory of everyones character names to make it easier to find everyone :)

  4. And HunterMunter, I'll try and contact you ingame sometime. Lookout for Jotil - LvL 29 Jedi Shadow [should hit 30 in another hour or so xD]

    I will try to get on tonight for a few hours, i'm lvl33 now... lets try to hook up and run a few Warzones together :)

  5. Yeah i will move over my Sith Sorc when the transfers happen... i've already created a character on the target server with the same name, i plan to delete that character just as i initiate the transfer and hope for the best! :)

  6. We kinda got a bit fragmented once they launched the APAC servers... but i'd like to pull everyone back together on one server (dont mind which as long as its an APAC server)

    Invite Sent

    I've got 2 invites left - first come, first served :)

  7. PM me your email address, i will see if i have any invites left and try to figure out how to 'invite' you.

    I have three toons on the APAC PvP server (which are based in Australia) - oh and the 150ms ping is with no additional services, thats raw latency.


    Steelfist - Republic Trooper (Commando - DPS spec)

    Somtam - Republic Jedi (The tank spec - i play this one with my GF)

    Wolfie - Empire Bounty Hunter (Merc DPS spec)

    Yes you can have republic and empire on the same server...

  8. I rolled on the APAC PvP server and have been playing there... its been a huge amount of fun, the Warzones pop all the time (never had to wait longer than 10mins) - world PvP isn't as bad as people think, my only encounters have been since i hit lvl30 and only happened a couple of times.

    I've got a BH and a Republic Trooper - the Trooper is so much fun in the Warzones as everyone leaves me alone an i just rain havoc on the enemy, with the 150ms ping (i did see a few instances of 300 during the weekend)

    Ping me if you are on that server and want to hook up

  9. I have my old gamer rig for sale, as my Alienware has become my main machine now...

    • AMD X4 965 3.4GHz processor
    • Gigabyte MA790FXT-UD5p Motherboard
    • Trueblack 120 Heatsink
    • Kingston HyperX 4gb/1600 (x2) Ram (8gb in total)
    • Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT (I think, might be the GTX) with 1 or 1.5gb onboard ram
    • Sexy Black Case (bit dusty)
    • NO monitor – just the case and guts
    • 1TB Harddrive (Seagate or WD – can’t remember) – fully formatted/without Windows

    Any ideas what would be a fair price for this machine?

  10. Been playing a Republic Trooper for the last week or so, doing a lot of PvP warzones and loving every minute of it...

    Range DPS with heavy armour, so most people leave you alone as they see the heavy armour and think they cant take you down, but if i'm left alone i do a tonne of damage from Range... awesome fun!

  11. I am looking around for a Charcoal BBQ and am struggling to find a decent one.

    I don't want one of the flimsy cheap ones you can get in Home Pro etc, i want a good quality sturdy one, i don't mind a hybrid Gas/Charcoal one but i do not want a Gas only one (the whole point of BBQ is that smokey flavour, no?)

    Ive looked around and found a few websites of places that sell the specialized Gas ones, but they don't seem to supply charcoal ones except for the small kettle style ones.

    Idea's i am looking for one of the Half Oil Barrel (or slightly smaller) ones... does anyone have any ideas where i could get one?

  12. The new SWTOR APAC servers are located in sydney, so i am not sure a USA centric tunnel will be helpful (Thailand - USA - Sydney - thats the long route)

    are there any tunnels that go directly *to* australia?

  13. APAC servers up and running and ...... latency sucks big time. 420ms!!!! We drop this idea... too bad. I was excited

    You might wanna try again, i rolled a BH on the APAC PvP server and i was getting an average of 150ms, the max i saw was 200ms - this is a HUGE improvement over the US servers where the best i saw was 250ms but typically 300-350ms.

    Try one of the tunneling programs, i think they have a 'free trial' on most of them, see if that helps... but a sub 200ms ping is possible on these servers!

  14. I've successfully PvP'd with a latency of 350-400 (with Quiksilva in other games) and whilst it does put you at a slight disadvantage its still manageable.

    I currently get between 250-300ms at the moment for the west coast severs, so If moving to an AU server will give us around 200ms that's an improvement and should make PvP slightly better.

    For PvE 350-400ms latency doesn't give any real disadvantage (that i have noticed) as a lot of PvE fights are just patterns (use skill A, followed by B, followed by C, use skill X when it procs) - half the time i don't even need to be looking at the screen for PvE :D

  15. Its really good Quik, the story is really engaging, it doesnt demand days and days of time to be invested (quite casual friendly). The game feels well rounded and stable, but they are patching and fixing stuff right now... we expect the new legacy system and improved guild systems in the next patch or so...

    I highly recommend the game, to hardcore and casual gamers alike... and i really think you should bite the bullet and go get yourself a copy... you can buy the key online then jsut download the client, let me know if you want to go that route and i will tell you which site i used

  16. Just so people know, it seems the census of opinion in the guild right now is we want to move over to an APAC server when they release them next month. We are hoping we can use the character transfer service to move us all over.

    The FAQ's discuss that they will only offer free transfers to players who have registered their locations (in their account settings) as Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong or Singapore. So anyone who is in the guild (or wants to be) should log into their account and change their 'location' option to one of the 4 countries listed.

    Then we just gotta pray and hope they allow us to use the character transfers to move all of us over to the new servers.

    Next decision will be what server to play on... but until we see a list of server names we cant do much right now.

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