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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. What has reading or understanding got to do with voting?

    Maybe you think that her voting on a bill she has not even read, would be responsible behaviour for a prime minister.


    Plausible deniability

    Please vote for and accept the constitutional changes my brother desires.... i haven't read it, but i'm still going to vote for it, because i have total faith and respect for my brother and everything he does!

    • Like 1
  2. because, they felt that the public should have the ultimate say on who runs their country, not a few people in parliament.

    they didn't feel they should have to wait another 2, well i think nearly 3 years to find out who the public want to rule their country.

    The public have a say in who runs the country by who they elect to represent them. Every MP of the Abhisit government was elected by the people.

    In reality (as in many countries) it IS the few people in parliament that have the ultimate say on who runs their country.

    Doesn't really matter what people "feel" - this is the parliamentary system for this country and thats that.

    Holding the government and the people of the capital to ransom, burning down buildings and instigating violence (then crying like a 2 year old when they get violence back in return) is not how democracy works... if they claim to be the defenders/saviors/champions of democracy then they should to wait for the next election.... not force out the government with a 'terrorist coup'

  3. Must admit there has been a drop in population since D3 was out, but i wouldn't say the APAC servers were dead...

    I played D3 - completed it in a handful of hours (normal mode) then never logged in again... utter disappointment for me, feel like i waited X years for nothing and wasted money buying the game

  4. Well apart from the fact that Jaturporn had nothing to do with the names/adresses nonsense and looking at the situation non emotionally and from a legal viewpoint, is it normal legal practise for a constitutional court to use its legal team to press for bail revocation in a criminal court?

    Can anyone petition the courts? If so, it wouldn't matter if you are a CC Judge, a policeman, a food stall vendor or a rice farmer... no?

  5. Seh Daeng was killed during an interview...but maybe he killed himself from a distant building.

    Supporting red movement or not, no democratic country will shot real bullets on its own people. bang grenades, rubber bullets and tear gaz are really good to disperse any crowd...

    But not in Thailand apparently

    More interesting is WHY the army asked to run the investigations on some death cases?

    "no democratic country will shot real bullets on its own people"

    Tell that to the guy who was shot by police in the London underground.

    He was Brazilian

    Does that somehow make it ok? Does that mean he has less human rights or something...

  6. Pretty certain that if i was in the military or police force and deployed to contain civil unrest, if i faced armed civilians with intent to do me harm... i'd shoot one of them (to wound, at least) - i don't need an order from the PM, DPM or some bureaucrat sat in parliament with no frigging idea of whats going on outside of his own rose-tinted glasses...

    Does that make me a criminal, or a survivor?

    • Like 2
  7. Anyone's guess on the release date, one thing Apple does do is keep this kinda thing secret until they unveil the product...

    Typically that's at the end of Q3/start of Q4 for the iPhone, or at least it has been in the past.

    as for what to do with the existing phone, take it down to MBK or Fortune and try and get a better quote for fixing it, if the price is still a bit high then just chop it in for the 14k as quoted and either use a cheaper phone as a stop-gap or get a 4s and resell it later when the 5 is out (at a small loss)

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