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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. So tell us who did give the order then, or tell us if you ordered them to not fire and tell us who ignored that order, tell us exactly who was controlling the country at that point as it seems you were not. Or tell us who did not understand that the term 'live fire zone' was not actually meant to be a live fire zone but rather a deterrent only.

    Some one gave the order, or the soldiers were firing without any control, and that backs up my theory about random indiscriminate shootings in which unarmed people were killed by the army whilst posing to immediate threat, either the soldiers were ordered to fire, or they took it upon themselves to fire at unarmed civilians. which is it ex PM Abhisit?

    If there is any evidence that people were killed by their own side then lets see it, if all the deaths were in self defence then let us see the evidence, there are nearly 100 people dead here on both side and just saying you did not give the order does not absolve you, you were running the country at the time, or where you?

    I am 100% sure that some of the red shirt deaths were self defence, just as i am 100% sure that some of the red shirts that died were not armed and were no threat, and before posters pipe up with the nonsense that they deserved to die because they were there then just remember we are talking also about medics and journalists here.

    Let the witch hunt begin! I say lets burn them all at the stake! Doesn't matter if they are guilty or not as some people have already decided they are guilty :)

    • Like 2
  2. Anusorn alleged that the Democrats were working in concerted efforts with the anti-government movement in order to grab power.

    Replace the word "Democrats" with the word "PTP" and it accurately describes the few years leading upto the last general election... If the Democrats were not doing what they are being accused of, i would claim 'double standards' :)

  3. I think calling someone a liar on the forum breaches forum rules so I have reported this just to be on the safe side,

    there are so many things wrong with your post, I don't think you have even attempted to look at where the meeting was held, the meeting was in a public room, not a bedroom or a suite, a public room. I am a business man and I meet business people in the bar or restaurant, or rooms we have booked for private meetings, again not bedrooms,

    I think it is time for you to bow out of this thread in all reality, to accuse the PM of being nothing more that a prostitute is downright disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    No I didn't call you a liar or call you any other names. I said that calling a hotel-room a "public place" is infact a lie.

    I didn't say Yingluck was a prostitute - you said that. I said she was selling her nation in a hotel-room and I will stand by that statement until proved otherwise.

    You are a businessman and you meet peope for business in hotel-rooms and bars, as you say. That is your business. However you are not Prime Minister. The PM does not have the legal right take the day off from important parliamentary debate which affects millions of the electorate, to have SECRET meetings in hotel rooms. That is against the law. Being PM is not the same as being a guy on the internet who does business in bars and hotel-rooms.

    To give you an example, if you buy a condo, you do not go to a hotel room to sign the property deeds do you? If you buy a condo in Thailand you go to the Land Office and sign the deeds 50 times infront of witnesses. That is because it is STATE BUSINESS and not private business which as you said you conduct your business in hotel rooms and bars, most people do not and the state certainly does not. Yingluck is head of state. Respond.


    Now you order me to respond?

    A bar is a room in a hotel, a restaurant is a room in a hotel, a public meeting room is a room in a hotel. The room where this meeting took place is not a bedroom as you seem to be implying, this is a public room that had hotel staff present as well as a number of other people, do you get this now? A room in a hotel is not necessarily what you would term a hotel room, ie a room where one would sleep, have sex etc.

    You say the only business conducted in a hotel room must be prostitution, you say the PM was conducting business in a hotel room, you do the maths.

    Selling her nation was she? Do you have any proof of this or does proof not exist in your world? All you have is hearsay and speculation. I suggest you visit the hotel and see the room in question and then give your opinion as to whether this room can be used for sex.

    the simple fact of the matter is this, she may have been doing wrong in relation to the meeting, I am not suggesting otherwise, but to suggest this was a sexual liason is wrong on so many issues and by raising this again it weakens the argument against any actual breaches that occured,

    is this clear to you know, can you get someone to explain it to you as I think you still don't get the grasp of what I am saying, in your haste to be angry and demean the PM you are ignoring what is actually being written by other posters, you are just going off an a rant without actually addressing the issues I raise in your haste to demean the female PM as an adulterer.

    Shame on you

    Can you prove she wasn't engaging in sexual encounters, before, during or after the alleged meeting?

    I didn't think so... so until the courts/ombudsman etc figure it all out - no-one can prove anything and speculation is/will be rife :)

  4. If you ask the Dutch experts in flood mitigation & control they will suggest to go for the biggest flood in 200 years. Anything between the biggest flood in 50 years and the biggest flood in 200 years can be debated and is acceptable. In fact it is better to let the debate to take place. But to have which one you want to use is beyond debate. You have to have it. That figure will be used to design the entire flood control systems and components, passive or active ones. Then only you can know the limit of your systems and you can measure how good the systems are utilized to deal with floods. You can't expect the system that is good to take on the biggest flood in 200 years to stop flood flow that is equivalent to the biggest flood in 1000 years if you are fair. Obviously you know who to blame if the systems have failed to deal with the biggest flood in 50 years, for instance.

    How about she starts with a flood the same size as last year...

  5. Sometimes if you get a bit of a slow-down its worth taking hte time to do a fresh re-install of Windows.

    I used to do this about once a year myself, just to make sure everything was clean, fresh and running fine.

    Win7 doesn't seem to fall foul of this, so I've not had to do it since i had Win 7 - and yes, i have a legit purchased version (3 seat license - 'Family' pack - very cost effective if you have more than 1 PC in the household)

  6. I still think that someone who is "on the run" to escape a jail sentence should lose his right to take someone to court in that country.

    Fleeing the country to avoid a jail sentence is showing you have no respect for the courts, but then to turn around and file a case such as this... well, you either respect the court or you do not, shouldn't be able to have it both ways IMHO

    • Like 2
  7. The prime minister is doing her job. Nothing glamorous in inspecting (or observing) flood defenses. I've read all contributors up until lunch time Sunday and not seen a single intelligent offering. Thailand's flood defenses are very substantial and have been upgraded many times during my life time. Now new management procedures and reinforcements are needed to the existing systems in order to buy time until a major adjustment of flood defense infrastructure can be undertaken. This is what the prime minister has taken on board. Most of the above negative remarks are infantile and therefor unhelpful.

    And perhaps, as PM, the elected leader of the country she should turn her attention to more important tasks like national reconciliation, rising food costs, attending parliament etc and delegate the week long sight seeing trip to a junior minister or... god forbid... someone who actually knows something about flood defenses?

    As was stated before, no real leader of a country will spend 5-7 days touring the country looking at drain pipes/flood defences - a day or two, possibly, but not a whole week when her government is trying to push through a bill that promises to divide the whole country...

    but yeah, flood defences are important...

    • Like 1
  8. but this time it was Yellows (again) using 'violent protest' etc.? so that's ok? some people's naive view amazes me

    I dont remember seeing any reports of violence at the last protest, obviously there must have been a little scuffle as they stop the police from moving them, but no reports of death or injury that i remember reading

  9. So next election i promise to give everyone 1,000,000b, a 3 bedroom detached house in a nice moo baan and a saloon car of their choice... don't forget to vote for the "I'm Honest Guv Farang party - we will make you all rich in 3 months!"

    Then when i am elected PM, i will reduce the 1,000,000 down to 100b and will be given out as vouchers to a shop chain i own, the house idea will be scrapped as its too costly to implement the way i offered during my election campaign and the car idea will only be for the village heads who secured me 100% of the village votes.

    obviously this is just a sarcastic scenario - as farangs cant be voted into office - but you get my point, i'm sure.

    • Like 1
  10. Good to see the government delivering on yet another election promise.

    Finally a progressive government of action, instead of the 'only good at talking, boost the army budget, arm twisted behind the back Democrat coalition.'

    So you consider the handing out of 100 tablets 'deleivering on yet another election promise' when the election promise was all kids would get a tablet, and then after she got elected it was reduced down to some kids will get it... much like the rest of her promises, they get downscaled dramatically after the election and then deleiver only a fraction of what she promised.

    Perhaps in the next election i can have a campaign slogan of "Free Merc for everyone!" then just buy a handful of mercs and hand them out to people i like - then its a election promise fulfilled, right?

  11. True, unless you bet on the Green. Perhaps this country needs an alternative to Red and Yellow. It may take a while, but it could happen. The one good thing that has come from the Shinawatra greed is that where once the common people accepted the vast difference in money between the classes, they have now had a belly full of the rich continuing to steal from the poor. One day the country may get a party that will be there for the people.

    And i'm pretty sure that TS and his cronies will charge everyone 500b to attend the party and give them only 100b worth of food and drink, whilst putting the rest in his swiss bank account!

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