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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. https://www.facebook.com/GuildWars2


    Is anyone interested to give this one a try? Due out next month.

    has a (closed) beta event this weekend, only people who have pre-ordered can play... i just purchased it and got my key immediately (ordered online, direct on the GW2 site) and my beta invite as soon as i registered the key... beta client is now downloading (maxing out at 1.2mb/s)

    I plan to give this one a good test run this weekend, and will give a a quick write up after.

  2. Interesting thread, did anyone here ever use the guy in Asoke? I'm open to the idea of hypnotherapy but am a little concerned about getting scammed, especially in Thailand :) So any personal recommendations would be useful

  3. If any of you have champix available and wanna sell it on (providing they haven't expired yet) let me know, i would be interested to give it a go... i did try 4-5 years ago but had the weird dreams/sleep patterns problem, hence i dont wanna go down to the docs and lay down 5k for a 3-4 week supply - they didn't work for me last time (i still smoke today) - but i'm willing to give it one more go before looking into alternative methods.

  4. You will be inside a sort of pod-like machine and it will be very noisy and you'll need to lie still. there is microphone connection between you and the technicians so they can give you instructions and you can tell them is you have a problem.

    For the contrast media, no, you won't pee a different color. it is essential that you tell them of any allergies you have, though, as some people are allergic to it. Also if you have any impairment of liver or kidney.

    Some people complain of transient fever and/or muscle aches after the injection, usually just for a few hours to a day. Most people have no complaints at all.

    I assume you already know of the need to tell them if you have any metallic devices implanted anywhere in your body.

    It is really not a bad experience, just annoying, except for people suffering from severe claustrophobia.

    I dont have any metal in my body, that i am aware of - but no they havent asked me anything yet (appt on Friday)

    I have some mild allergies to Amoxicillin but nothing else. The liver is evil and is punished on a regular basis, but i guess that doesnt count as an imparement :)

    Thanks for the info tho, appreicate you taking the time to spell it out for me :)

  5. I got an email this morning from one of the dodgy satalite services companies in thailand (who sell the dodgy boxes) saying that their supplied Dreamboxes now can be reprogrammed to use the new True service, there was a NDS update (or something) which was a program that had to be downloaded, put on a flash drive and then do a flash/firmware upgrade on the box with it and it would start working again.

    I didnt buy a dreambox from these guys originally (but i did sign upto their site/emailer) so i have not/cannot/will not try this myself - just wanted to share as it would appear the Thai hackers have found a work around already :)

  6. I'm due to go in to BNH in Bangkok this week for a Brain MRI (MRI + MRA + MRV - whatever that means!) - Late July 2012

    I have been quoted 15,000 thb for the MRI plus an additional 4,000thb for the traceable fluids - the Hospital is working with the Insurance company now to pre-approve the claim.

    On a side note - this is my first time for me (MRI virgin here!) - what does it feel like? One poster says its noisey, what does the traceable fluid do to you? will i be pee'ing purple for a day or two after? Little bit nervous, both due to the condition they are investigating and the whole MRI thing! :(

  7. RT @tulsathit: TR @news1005fm: Red shirt leader Thida says she disagrees with court verdict "on virtually every count".

    Shes perfectly entitled to disagree with anything she god-dam_n wants to - however its tough luck, the court has ruled (fairly, it seems) and shes needs to accept that.

    If she mobilizes her Red Shirt army against the court/judges etc - then she deserves everything that happens to her and her army

  8. I agree with you that PTP being told who is boss, and being told to procede through referendum, is a good thing.

    The reason I don't see this decision as a win-win, is that Thailand needs parliamentary time spent on anti-corruption and infrastructure improvement bills. This decision today means that the government will continue to waste even more parliamentary time, trying to airbrush Thaksin's crimes from history.

    That means even less work being done to improve Thailand's infrastructure. Todays decision has kept Thaksin at the centre of the government's work-engine and policymaking, at the detriment of real reform progress bills for Thailand. I see PTP being in power as a lose-lose, because they are mono-policy, and now they will focus even more on their 'freedom for Thaksin' obsession.


    I found the comment about "we (the court) have the right to block any amendment we feel..." (paraphrasing) to be quite interesting, i read that to mean "we wont let you change the laws to let Thaksin back scot-free"

    Maybe that's wishful thinking, maybe its misinterpretation...

    • Like 2
  9. And lets' have proper open public discussussion and participation as part of the process - referundum?

    I read on one of these threads a few days back, i don't remember which thread or posted by whom, but it was suggested that had the government tried to amend instead of rewrite, and been public/open/transparent about the whole thing, none of this would have happened.

    Looking at the courts verdict today, seems that was a very factual, true statement.

    And i agree, about bloody time this government stopped faffing about and pulled its socks up, its got a whole host of election promises to fulfill and needs to do its job in governing the country. The sooner it drops the whole Thaksin thing and gets on with what its supposed to be doing, the better... sadly i feel that bit wont change and we will be back here in 3, 6, 12mths time having a similar conversation on a similar subject.

    • Like 1
  10. Now lets hope the Reds back down... theoretically their call for civil war still stands, the courts ruled against them (total rewrite of the charter) - so in theory they should still follow through with their threats...

    i feel they wont, i feel they will class this as a win for the Reds/PTP, but that ball is still in the air and we need to wait and see where it lands.

    • Like 2
  11. My question is if they wish to amend the constitution, why are they seeking to write a new one ? Why not simply address the areas of the current charter they have a problem with.

    I think that's been the argument of a lot of people (read: government opposition) - don't rewrite it all, just amend the bits you feel you wanna amend, oh and let us know what you wanna amend!

  12. It would probably get more press if the diplomats go directly to Puket or Pattaya, rent a jet ski, wait for the swindle, and have one of their top news agencies descend on the scammers in the act. Get it on tape. Diplomats can't be touched by the authorities, so they can essentially laugh in the faces of the scammer and the "helpful police negotiator" and tell them to bugger off -- get it on camera and broadcast it prime time in their home counties.

    Perhaps the 'loss of face' would carry more weight then mere words.

    And what a headline it would make "High counsel of <insert country here> Brutally beaten/killed by Jet Ski mob"

  13. Well, yunla, while manipulating fictitious numbers, why stop at 62%? Just include the stray dogs and cats in Thailand who didn't cast a vote for the PTP and you'll soon get to 100% - or more!

    Does that sound ridiculous to you? Of course, and it is.

    But let's come back to just regular people, ok? You see, before the election, the polls showed that a PTP landslide was imminent, so the 25% ++ of the voters who didn't vote were actually 100% PTP supports who just kept working one more day for 150B rather than go to the polls - secure in the knowledge that their side would win. So the "truth" is that the PTP enjoys over 75% support among the Thai people.

    Get it now?

    Prove it, or be labelled a liar.

    I know at least one person who didn't vote in this election (my wife) and is 100% definitely not a PTP supporter and would have voted either democrat or one of the smaller parties....

    so in fact, i've just proven you to be a liar and full of cr@p

    Get it now?

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