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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. None of my business of course, but if your staff who are on this demonstration are still being paid their salary by you, then they are being paid to attend the demonstration aren't they?

    And if that is the case, you being a Farang and all, aren't you getting actively engaged in Thai politics?

    None of my business of course...

    Quite a weak effort there really... dontcha think?

    So you, buying a beer in the local watering house, which is owned by someone with a political affiliation means you are actively financing this political movement...

    And to counter your next argument of 'i dont drink beer/goto bars' the same could be said for the guy who delivers your drinking water, the lady who makes your somtam or the motorbike taxi guy who drives you down the road when you dont want to walk etc.

  2. those abhisit dem mps are really showing themselves as a bad and desperate bunch.

    Worse then their yellow shirt street mob.

    storming the speaker like a wild bunch of animals, what ever next?

    Maybe they should illegally occupy part of bangkok, kick off a M79 campaign and burn down some buildings? Would that be a more accpetable form of Democracy for you?

    • Like 1
  3. I am looking around for a good Thai cooking class, can be in Thai or English.

    The course must cover a multitude of dishes with good hands on experience of how to prepare and cook the dish, with some kind of lesson on ingredients, what can be used as a substitute outside of Thailand, preparation of the pastes etc.

    I've looked online and seen a few 'cooking schools' but they seem a touch expensive considering what you actually learn in the class, so was wondering if any TVF members knew of any schools that might be better value for money?

    Thanks in Advance!

  4. Well completed the game this morning (normal mode) with my mage, ended up at lvl31 when i was done. The last boss/fight of the game was a little tricky, but once i figured out my strategy it was actually very easy - the fight lasted about 10mins in the end, which is a real long fight for this game! I think my character died about a dozen times throughout the entire game/campaign... not bad for a mage/wizard. Unsure if i will run again on Nightmare mode or play another class... but time for a bit of SWTOR for the rest of the day :)

  5. I tried the asian servers last night, after getting past the Error 37 (Servers too busy) i rolled my Witch Hunter and then got put in a queue for 20mins, i cant tell you the latency of those servers as i got bored and changed back to the US servers after their "x minutes wait" got to zero and i was still waiting to get in.

    Was a bit laggy last night, saw pings going upto 900 occasionally and back down to 200-250. Had a few deaths because of the lag, so that was a bit disappointing. I still dont understand why they dont have an offline option - just make it totaly seperate so you cant port characters between online/offline and let players choose which side they want to go. <sigh>

    Blizzard are notorious for troublesome releases, i saw the same with other online games they produced and also they are notorious for releaseing games late, so this is not unexpected :) Give it a week or two and things will settle down :)

    I dont appear to have any guest keys on my battle.net account, but as soon as i get some i will post up and offer them out to anyone who is interested.

  6. Thanks for the links, i was wondering how to change regions... was having a blonde moment... done now.

    Fortunatley i only had a lvl17 mage so i didnt lose much.

    When i checked latency on the US server, i was getting around 200-250 which i thought was real good, let me check the Asia latency tonight when i get home and play :)

  7. I played for a few hours last night and i can say i did not experience any lag that i noticed - i didnt know the ping thing so will check tonight when i play.

    For me the game runs beautifully smooth, no GFX lag at all even though i ramped up all the settings to highest, the game is fast paced, gorey and great fun. Got my Mage upto lvl11-12 i think.

    I dont know what server i am on, what ever was preselected for me when i hit play/create character, so will check tonight as well.

    Over all - impressed so far, its the original Diablo with a new paint job and a few extra tweaks. Real pi**er about the only online thing but that wont affect me too often to be honest.

  8. i really hope this can be played offline, whilst i have no real issue with online stuff its nice to know this is a game that can be played even when internet is down...

    I didnt read up on this anyway, so i presume this game cannot be played offline, is that true?

  9. For those of you gamers who prefer a little less blood and gore in their games, or are not that interested in twitch (FPS) games, there a little gem i came across called Port Royale 3.

    Its a sea based trading/adventure type game based in the Caribbean around the 1500's, which is based on the same engine of an age old classic called "Patrician" (which was a pure trading based game)

    You chose your side, Spanish, French, Dutch or English, choose your town and then sail around the Caribbean trading, building production businesses, buying ships, finding treasure, fighting pirates (or become a pirate if you prefer) or become a privateer... choose your own destiny!

    Fun game, with levels of complexity you can explore. A real time consumer as it takes a while to build a nice production chain and keep it supplied.

    Available now on steam for a little under $40 - was only released a few days back so if the price tag is a little steep for you but you like the idea of this kind of game, wait a few months and its likely to drop in price a bit.


    Edit: URL for the main producer those interested; http://www.port-royale3.com/us/

  10. I've got it on Pre-Order, but i am enjoying SWTOR too much at the moment, so i might not be playing on Launch day.

    Is it ready for download yet?

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