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Posts posted by TimTang

  1. Listened and sang along to the ''BAY CITY ROLLERS''....

    We done that in school when I was a young lad,,, we dressed up as BCR and danced and sang on stage in a school concert.

    the least said about that event the better smile.png

    S A T U R D A Y...NIGHT!, S A T U R D A Y...NIGHT! OK Everybody sing along S A T U R D A Y...NIGHT! or maybe not.

  2. Read and understand letters of passion from the person you last had a long meaningful overnight relationship with before fulfilling requests............whistling.gif

    Dear Tilac,

    I love and miss you so much. Now I have big pomprem. I tell you before that my buffalo me sick. Now it die. Fall down dead in middle of rice field. but, when it fall, it land on Papa and break him leg in three places. Now he not work.

    Brother me make stretcher from bamboo he take from loof of house. Now roof collapse and rain get in house. Brother she take Papa to hospital on motocycle. She have accident coming home. Run into police car. Brother me to blame. Police say we have to pay big money.

    Motocycle OK. Police car no good. Now give Mama have heart pomprem. Doctor say she need triple bypass. I not understand what is, he say you know. If you not help me I have to go with many, many farang to pay bill. The old people in my village in Roi-et say it all your fault. If you give me money to buy medicine for sick buffalo when I ask you, then it not die, Papa not break leg, house still have loof, brother not ride into police car and Mama not have heart pomprem.

    Please send for me 200,000 baht for my bank.

    Papa fix: 10,000,

    new loof:30,000,

    New police car 100,000:

    Mama fix:50,000.

    I take off 2,000 bht for sell buffalo meat, but have to pay more hospital bill for 24 people have pomprem eat no good meat - 12,000bht.

    I not know money England but my friend me say it about 54.4564 baht to GBP.

    This mean you send me 7,419.1227 English money. Big money for me, little money for you.

    I love you too much long time. Tikka


    I believe this to be false. Not one word of of a sick Buffalo.

    You might want to re-read it, the entire focal point is a SICK BUFFALO.

  3. Tipping 1,000 Baht for a soapy massage.

    Yes, David, they ARE good fun.

    They USED TO be fun. The services isn't good anymore as before. That's why I don't think tipping too much is needed.

    But get there early before the coach parties arrive, the smell can be off putting.

    I've only done a soapy once and it was a birthday gift from some friends. I went into the whole thing reluctantly but eventually did the deed. What really surprised me was that she massaged the bottom of my feet with her tits; that was a first, yet abnormally erotic. During this abnormality MTV was playing in the background and Sting came on. She suddenly got all excited and explained to me that she had done Sting the week prior. I checked it out and sure enough Sting had played in Bangkok the week prior. To make a long story short Sting and I got together, shared a few stories and now we hang out any chance we can get. And if you believe that story I have some ocean front property for sale in the Florida Keys if you don't mind holding your breath (for prolonged periods of time of course).

  4. "Only do it if you know what you’re doing."

    Well. This guy really is an Einstein.

    I rented one years ago (before I knew about the scam situation) and took all of about a minute to figure it out. When you release the throttle they slow down very quickly so unless your hot-dogging you can usually get yourself out of most situations. I suspect the unit he rented was malfunctioning.

    If you are crazy enough to rent one of these units make sure you inspect it thoroughly and point out any dents, scratches or cracks to the person renting before you even set on the thing. My friend that rented with me was hit up for 50K baht because there was a crack in the plastic chassis that they insisted wasn't there when he took it out. He eventually talked them down to 5K but even then he wasn't responsible for the damage. It's really not worth the risk renting these things in the first place. I was just lucky that I never got scammed.

  5. Sayonarax, on 17 Feb 2014 - 14:18, said:

    And all along i thought it was Korea, Thais were opposed with..

    unless the girls read comic books too?

    Did marvel and dc comics make us think we were Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne?


    No, but I thought I was superman and jumped off the house roof...guess what, I'm not superman. lol

    Never jump off a roof with a pocket full of kryptonite. But if you do make sure your wearing clean underwear because it can be really embarrassing when they scrape off your skiddies at the hospital.

  6. FDA blames Japanese anime for Thai teens' obsession with body image

    To FDA:

    Dudes, you are missing an opportunity here! Just tell them teens that they too can get bodies like that:

    if they exercise regularly! Slam, bam, thank you ma'm! So, get campaigning correctly and everybody benefits...

    MMMMM...I want a body like that too!

    Of course I'll have to replace my wardrobe and I'll probably need a tight bra when I'm jogging

  7. What is required here is Identification which in the case of a Thai is the ID card and a copy is not accepted. In the case of a foreigner the Passport is required and again a copy may not be enough. THais are held until someone brings a card, They are not allowed to go home and get one. Sometimes here a foreigner may be taken to his hotel to get his passport but this does not have to happen.

    Usually you get asked for an ID in a situation such as the person inKL where a bar or place is raided for a spot check.

    Nowdays once they get the passport they often ask immigration to check the immigration status too.

    That's pretty accurate. Even with your passport the police don't know enough to decipher your visa to determine if you're ligit. Normally they'll just wave you by because they can't be bothered to actually study your visa to confirm that it's up to date because you're an anomaly; they're not looking for people WITH passports, they're looking for those WITHOUT.

    • Like 1
  8. You *are* required to present documentation of your immigrations status on demand, and for 99% of us that is our passport.

    "Presenting" doesn't mean "presenting the passport that you must be carrying on you at all times."

    This has been discussed ad nauseam here on TV. Look up the many previous threads. Nobody's ever been able to find any law saying that foreigners must carry their passports, specifically, at all times. Nobody's been fined or deported for not doing so. (If you think there is such a law, then quote it.) They must have a passport, yes. So you can be detained until you produce it, if BiB or Immigration so chooses. If you have no passport, the obvious follows. What else is new?

    Keep carrying those copies and DL.

    Prostitution is illegal in Thailand, that's why Pat Pong, Soi Cowboy, and Nana Plaza don't really exist; who are you going to believe, ME, or your lying eyes? If you really believe in the event that your unfortunate enough to be in a bar that is raided and that you recollect that there is NO law stipulating that you are required to produce your passport or that there is a 24 hour period that you are entitled to produce, then Knock yourself out. I've been in those situations personally and anyone without a passport or carrying copies eventually cashed-out just to go home.

    I was in the Beach Club in KL when they raided it around midnight a couple of years back; complete lock-down. Any foreigner that could produce their passport was allowed to leave. I didn't so was told to wait along with most other foreigners. They started a conga-line of the unfortunates where they were giving their personal details to a cop who was writing it all down in a book. Around 1AM, after they had shaken down all the young ladies in a separate room (real purpose of the raidf?) they decided that they had enough of this malarkey and just closed the book and they all left the premises. Having never joined the sign-up line, I was still at the bar so ordered another beer and carried on.

    I don't think there's a published law in Malaysia that says you need to carry your passport at all times either. However, in special circumstances, such as pub raids and traffic checks, the law enforcement of pretty much any country can ask for it and depending on the situation at hand, you are either allowed to go get it, show it later at the police station... or it all gets forgotten.

    Good for you that you got out of that tight situation. It's true that in such a situation quoting a law that you read in the Lonely Planet probably won't save you. The laws of the land become very blurry when the Police come in with an agenda. It's unlikely that the Police can actually read much less are versed in the various laws that they've been hired to uphold.

    I lived in KL for about a year and the Beach Club was a great bar. I'm surprised they hit it. I guess I was lucky because I never carried my passport in KL, so I guess I would have been in the conga-line as well.

  9. Technically all foreigners are required by law to have an official ID on their person at all times (just like Thai people). This means their passports. Copies of this or that page are not official IDs, though in certain instances may suffice, as may a Thai driving license.

    The purpose is to not only identify people, but to see if their visa status is valid. Having photo copies of your picture page is therefore not sufficient. Even with a copy of the visa/entry stamp page it's still insufficient as they could be from another passport.

    All that being said, I live in Thailand and do not carry my passport with me and in 15 years have yet to be asked to show it at any time. Just bad luck for these folks.

    Standard police are not qualified nor trained to determine your visa status or validity .

    I am not sure but I believe I read somewhere, if person does not have passport to produce on the spot, there is a time frame when they must show it.

    Under normal situations you probably would be given time to produce. If your in a region or district where the local constabulary are less than scrupulous (which can vary if you live in Bangkok) the Boys-in-Brown will see it as an opportunity to extort some money out of you. If you're a lawyer you might be able to talk your way out of it, but they will usually intimidate you into cashing-out. That's why it's always a good idea to carry as little cash with you when ever possible. If you're packing a wad of 1000 baht notes in your wallet they'll probably turn up the heat to see how many units they can extract. It's totally illegal but then WHAT is legal in Thailand? Even the laws they create are rarely enforced.


    Not all Thai police are like that. I've got to know many that were fine upstanding individuals that really took pride in their work and weren't out to rip people off. Most were in the Thonglor police station.

  10. You *are* required to present documentation of your immigrations status on demand, and for 99% of us that is our passport.

    "Presenting" doesn't mean "presenting the passport that you must be carrying on you at all times."

    This has been discussed ad nauseam here on TV. Look up the many previous threads. Nobody's ever been able to find any law saying that foreigners must carry their passports, specifically, at all times. Nobody's been fined or deported for not doing so. (If you think there is such a law, then quote it.) They must have a passport, yes. So you can be detained until you produce it, if BiB or Immigration so chooses. If you have no passport, the obvious follows. What else is new?

    Keep carrying those copies and DL.

    Prostitution is illegal in Thailand, that's why Pat Pong, Soi Cowboy, and Nana Plaza don't really exist; who are you going to believe, ME, or your lying eyes? If you really believe in the event that your unfortunate enough to be in a bar that is raided and that you recollect that there is NO law stipulating that you are required to produce your passport or that there is a 24 hour period that you are entitled to produce, then Knock yourself out. I've been in those situations personally and anyone without a passport or carrying copies eventually cashed-out just to go home.

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  11. You are saying that a photo copy of your passport is not enough to satisfy the Thai police? You have to risk carrying the original with you whenever you leave your home? I do not drive in Mexico but I have carried a copy of my passport & resident paper for over three years & have never been asked to produce papers. I will do whatever the law of the land says but I do not feel comfortable carrying my original passport even in a protected case.

    In Mexico it's probably OK to present a photo copy but I've witnessed it first hand that it won't work in Thailand. I'm not saying that it won't work everywhere but if you're unfortunate to be in a bar that's being raided the chances are slim that it will work. It's true you could go for years without ever being asked to produce your passport so 99% of the time you're at no risk what so ever. If you avoid Hi-So bars that are frequented by foreigners it's unlikely that you'll ever be present during a raid. Those were the only situations where having a passport saved my ass. Those seem to be the areas where they purposely hit knowing that people generally leave their passports in a safe place rather than bring it with them. It's unfair but the laws in Thailand stipulate that you have to be able to produce your passport when asked, and photo copies will not suffice (there's no 24 hour period that others have said). If you treasure your passport and feel insecure carrying with you then it's probably worth a couple hundred to a couple thousand baht for your peace of mind.

  12. 4 Foreign Nationals are arrested for no passport.whistling.gif

    In other countries you're usually given time to produce your passport. A passport is something you prefer to keep in a safe place rather than take out for an evening of bar hopping. Thailand still hasn't come to grips with that concept and like to punish those that don't have it on them at all times. I eventually relented and insisted on carrying it with me at all times because even a photo copy of the first two pages will not suffice to the local constabulary, so I knew what the consequences would be. Many world travelers are caught off guard when they're asked to produce on the spot or be incarcerated because Thailand is unique in that respect.

    I've heard stories of guys walking out to the street vendor in their shorts and T-shirt for a bowl of soup and busted for not having their passport within steps of their front door. It's ridiculous but to play it safe always have your passport with you.

    My passport was not a very pleasant looking document what with being soaked with sweat, beer, and all the wear and tear from carrying it constantly but I avoided a lot of grief on several occasions just by having it with me and it was always a pleasure to see the Boys-in-Brown go "OH Shit" when I was able to produce.

    So it may seem stupid to some but I recommend ALWAYS carrying your passport with you when in Thailand because there are many Boys-in-Brown banking (and when I say banking I mean from your account to theirs) on the fact that you're NOT carrying.


    Actually....you have 24 hours (from memory) to produce your passport. This has been discussed before. The issue with a damaged passport is that say you travel somewhere, if it is in bad condition they(immigration) can not accept it and hold you in limbo until you can provide other proof of who you are.

    I never carry my passport (only copies). Never had an issue either. I do have a Thai drivers license and have provided that once when stopped in Bangkok (in a taxi, alone, believe they were looking for people carrying drugs).

    This is just a crock of crap. And if the bowl of soup story is true, just another way some local police are trying to extort money.

    My passport is my most important document outside my home country. As such it will always be kept safe. The risk of losing it, getting it stolen or damaged far outweigh the getting extorted by the BIB.

    But might depend where in the country you live too.

    I agree with you in most of what you say but I've been in two situations where photo copies were not accepted and they were both very high profile bars and MANY got busted. If you've never had an issue then that's great. Come back when you HAVE had an issue because I've had more than a few. I said many would think it stupid but it saved my ass on more than a few occasions but that's over a period of 20 years. I'm not dictating, I'm just saying what I thought was the best plan of action to avoid un-pleasantries to me (not everyone else) and my bank account. The bowl of soup story is just one of many so it depends if you're living in Bangkok or Isaan. Things might change depending on the police force in your region or neighborhood and whether you have a relationship with them. I was well acquainted with the Thonglor police station and they were not a problem but if I went to a Hi-So night club that was being raided things changed drastically and things became very unpleasant very quickly.

    If you're confident that photo copies will suffice in a raid then I wish you all the best.

    To each his own.

  13. 4 Foreign Nationals are arrested for no passport.whistling.gif

    In other countries you're usually given time to produce your passport. A passport is something you prefer to keep in a safe place rather than take out for an evening of bar hopping. Thailand still hasn't come to grips with that concept and like to punish those that don't have it on them at all times. I eventually relented and insisted on carrying it with me at all times because even a photo copy of the first two pages will not suffice to the local constabulary, so I knew what the consequences would be. Many world travelers are caught off guard when they're asked to produce on the spot or be incarcerated because Thailand is unique in that respect.

    I've heard stories of guys walking out to the street vendor in their shorts and T-shirt for a bowl of soup and busted for not having their passport within steps of their front door. It's ridiculous but to play it safe always have your passport with you.

    My passport was not a very pleasant looking document what with being soaked with sweat, beer, and all the wear and tear from carrying it constantly but I avoided a lot of grief on several occasions just by having it with me and it was always a pleasure to see the Boys-in-Brown go "OH Shit" when I was able to produce.

    So it may seem stupid to some but I recommend ALWAYS carrying your passport with you when in Thailand because there are many Boys-in-Brown banking (and when I say banking I mean from your account to theirs) on the fact that you're NOT carrying.


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  14. "It's indeed strange. As others have already pointed out, male Thais are raised to think they're allowed to do all they want with a girl if she follows him to his room/house/ apartment.

    I know of two girls who got raped, but didn't go to the cops, nor did they mention that to their relatives. It's similar to the procedure(s) in Europe, when a women has to come up with details why and how that happened.(Intoxicated, teasing him... him, etc.......)

    So if the guy would say that she followed him, jut because she wanted to have sex with him, the chances would be pretty slim to go through the instance of reporting it at the cops.

    The guy would only have pay some good money and in the end the girl was the one who had "molested" the guy.Cops would change the report in favor of the person paying more money.

    So, please guys, be careful out there, that you won't get raped by a stunning girl....It's strange, but true.-coffee1.gif"

    Quote above.

    If I was ever raped by a beautiful Thai woman I think I would just learn to live with the PAIN. Of coarse I'd probably relive the experience in my mind for years. Unfortunately that has never happened to me so I'll just have to imagine.

  15. Its possible but not very healthy when you're in a relationship with a thai girl.

    Thai girls usually do not do well with the "female friends" concept.

    Even the most self-confident ones don't like unwanted attention on their bf's. Who does?

    But then again it all depends on how you hold yourself in front of other women. If you can appear friendly yet platonic to other girls in front of your gf then you might have her trust. Advances will be made and girls have a special radar detector for that so learn to maneuver the hazards.

    I would actually be more concerned if my gf had no jealousy whatsoever as it often indicates a lack of emotional commitment or that they're straying.

    Navigate at your own peril and good luck with the balancing act.

    Actually that's pretty accurate. I think Thai girls tend to be more suspicious that you may have an alternative agenda if you befriend another female. They simply cannot see that you may be totally platonic in your friendship.

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  16. Thai girls won't be alone with a guy unless happy to do the bed thing.

    In Thailand friends go out in groups, not one male, one female.

    I don't know where you come up with this stuff. One of my best friends is a Thai girl (woman) from South Thailand and when she visits BKK we go out together alone. We have been friends 5+ years and talk regularly. She has never had a romantic interest in me and I have never been interested in her in that way. She has a long term BF and I'm married. I have another female Thai friend I met at my martial arts class 4 years ago. We have remained friends since and go out to eat and chill together sometimes. She is now friends with my wife also.

    A sort of true, that "ordinary Thai" woman are trying to avoid to be alone in a room with only one man.You wrote that your friend never had a "romantic" interest in you....and so on.

    When you go out with your best Thai friend, you'll sit in a cab or hang out in clubs where you won't be alone.

    I've had a rough time at my school, as my American female colleague always came with me to have a coffee in our free time in my house on campus. That went on for a while until one teacher approached me just to let me know that this would be against Thai culture.

    I really disagreed with their point of view and continued doing so. Finally they got the message that we haven't had a sexual relationship. But that's what they think when a man and a woman are staying in a room/house alone. It's a different culture.-wai2.gif

    That is strange. Just because you hung-out together it's immediately assume that you MUST be having sex. What's that all about?

    I went to Koa Samet with the same girlfriend I mentioned earlier with her brother. When ever I was alone with her brother he would suddenly wonder off even if I was talking to him or whatever. It really started to bother me because he seemed like a nice kid, we always got along and suddenly he wouldn't even acknowledge my existence unless she was around. I finally asked her "what with your brother?" She finally explained to me that if anyone saw us together alone they would immediately think that I was a pedophile and he was my young boy partner.

    I just thought GREAT! so I can't even socialize with my girlfriend's brother because EVERYONE else would assume that we were sexually engaged. Has the world come to this?

  17. I've had Thai females that were just friends so I don't know if I'm unique but it didn't really seem to be that big of a problem.

    On another note...I was at an office party with my girlfriend and at the end of the night a colleague of mine offered to give another girl a ride home because they lived close. As soon as they left my girlfriend said "they're going to boom-boom". I just looked at her strangely and said they both work for our company and it's not unusual for someone to offer a ride home if they live close to one another. I knew them both and they were in separate relationships so there was nothing suspicious going on; if there was they probably would have left separately and met somewhere else rather than leave together in front of everyone at the party.

    What surprised me was that she just didn't think it was conceivable that a man could give a woman a ride home without F&&king her. Anyway...I'm not with that particular female anymore because her attitude was more of a reflection of her own behavior and mind set than that of normal adults that can actually control their libido.

  18. I cannot see any problem with having CCTV cameras in public areas of toilets, for security purposes.

    In most schools where I teach, there are CCTV cameras in the childrens' toilets, albeit not hidden.

    The entrance to the toilets and possibly near the hand basins I don't have a real problem with but in the cubicles and urinals is over stepping the mark. A number of people have faced criminal charges in Australia over the years for putting camera in toilets.

    This is the latest one

    Man arrested over hidden toilet...

    19 hours ago

    A member of the public found what was revealed to be a hidden camera in the Victoria Square male toilets on January 20. Police were called and found a second device in the female toilets. They later said "inappropriate images" were found on the memory card of the camera taken from the male toilet, but the card from the other toilet was faulty and nothing could be retrieved. Police on Wednesday said they had charged a 19-year-old man with 28

    I doubt that they're trying to get pornographic images but rather try to capture unscrupulous behavior within the room. I seriously doubt that they are watching girls or men take of their pants but monitoring what may be construed as criminal behavior. I don't think that's such a BAD thing.

  19. I hear so many stories that start like this: "I've been with my wife/girlfriend for X years, she's great/wonderful/perfect, I give her 10-20k/month --"

    I always want to stop right there and say, "what?" I don't get this, why do guys do this? Is this normal? I never had a girlfriend who I just gave money for whatever she wanted to spend it on. Am I alone in this?

    I don't just give my wife money. Whenever she wants something or needs money, she justs asks me, and we talk about it and I usually just give her what she needs. Whenever I want to spend money, I always consult her. Yes, the final decision is usually mine, but the vast majority of the money comes from my side, so I think that's only fair. If its her own money, then she can always overrule me instead. Am I the strange case for handling our financial decisions like this?

    Seriously, do most of you guys just give your wive's discretionary allowances (either farang or Thai), no questions asked?

    You're right! If you're paying a girl monthly and the amount comes into question, then you are still living with a prostitute. You discuss the monetary needs as they arise and come to mutual agreements on what to spend on in a normal realtionship. If you just give a girlfriend 20 grand a month to stay with you, she'll most likely be on a pub crawl buying drinks for her friends and bonking the first good looking guy that comes along.

    Bar girls love guys like you because you just finance them to find someone willing to pay 30 grand a month. Then the 30 grand a month guy will be heartbroken when she finds Mister 40 grand.

    You get my picture?

  20. Doesn't something like this go on on a daily basis around the world and never makes the news? Really 7000 baht given back should not be newsworthy.

    If you've ever lost your ID or personal documents you'd realize 7,000 baht is nothing compared to having them returned. I've had it happen to me and believe me I would have paid a lot more than 7,000 baht to have them returned.

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  21. Honestly, what's with all the do-Gooder stories coming out of Phuket lately? Guess they got a new press manager. Just goes to show you how the media can control people's perception.

    What's wrong with a little do-Gooder news now and then. With all the bad news going on in the world it's nice to hear that there are still people out there with integrity. What the world needs now is more movies and TV series that glorify serial killers?

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