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Posts posted by PCA

  1. Isn't that the trouble with humanity ? There is no natural selection anymore. The social safety net , medicine,...everyone survives, even the one that shouldn't ,

    because of their decisions (intellect ) or bad DNA.

    If an animal can't get food in the wild , it dies of hunger. If a plant can't get water/light/nutriants , it dies.

    When people have no means of supporting themselves , they die. Natural selection. And yes , it should still be applicable to humans in this day and age.

    And no I'm not trolling here , just so tired of the bleeding heart responces here.

    very disgusting comment. Show some respect to the desperate (out of whatever reason) and more so to his family members who might read here as well.

    RIP, it's a sad tragedy.

  2. Trying to factor in the historical rates is a waste of time. It is what it is at any particular time. Dollar cost averaging is when you decide to take a position and purchase over a length of time, 100 shares each month for instance.

    I have around 230k AUD in a TD account with HSBC Perth, at present they pay around 3.25%. I am based in Thailand and will never be living in Oz to use the AUD there.

    I have no need to use this money at present, and if required I can let it sit for 5 years or more ,any thoughts on how to make the most on these funds.

    My plan was to use it as retirement cash, but as it is now there is no way I can change to Thai Baht at the present rate.

    In your specific case I'd suggest that you convert your AUD to NZD hedging as a buffer to more losses in the 10% range (betting on parity or below with NZD/AUD) against USD. I don't know what sort of interest you'd receive with NZD compared to the 3.25 % in AUD stated which sounds unreal to me but that's what I would do now wearing your shoes. AUD/USD 60 most likely soon and 50 possible too (not very) but if then that's where exhaustion will swing it around again in no time.

    USD is tricky but it will get hammered again in a while and harder than ever. Capitalism in America is way after it's peak.

    Regarding the 3.25% this is the rate I received on October 2014, and the TD will mature next month. I have just sent a mail and enquired what the present rates are.

    at the same time you'd ask about how much they pay interest for NZD.

  3. Trying to factor in the historical rates is a waste of time. It is what it is at any particular time. Dollar cost averaging is when you decide to take a position and purchase over a length of time, 100 shares each month for instance.

    I have around 230k AUD in a TD account with HSBC Perth, at present they pay around 3.25%. I am based in Thailand and will never be living in Oz to use the AUD there.

    I have no need to use this money at present, and if required I can let it sit for 5 years or more ,any thoughts on how to make the most on these funds.

    My plan was to use it as retirement cash, but as it is now there is no way I can change to Thai Baht at the present rate.

    In your specific case I'd suggest that you convert your AUD to NZD hedging as a buffer to more losses in the 10% range (betting on parity or below with NZD/AUD) against USD. I don't know what sort of interest you'd receive with NZD compared to the 3.25 % in AUD stated which sounds unreal to me but that's what I would do now wearing your shoes. AUD/USD 60 most likely soon and 50 possible too (not very) but if then that's where exhaustion will swing it around again in no time.

    USD is tricky but it will get hammered again in a while and harder than ever. Capitalism in America is way after it's peak.

  4. if the stock market can fall 469 points which the news presenters are attributing to " poor economic data " then surely there will be a lot more of this to come? median US incomes are now 6% less than 1990 incomes. Doesn't that tell you everything?

    It tells ME that US incomes are 6% less than 1990 incomes!! But it doesn't tell me everything.

    There may be a lot more to come on the positive side too, i.e., significant rises. The stock markets will always respond to hysteria and panic. Fundamentals don't drive the market, hysteria does. Sure, figures are published, and the index may vary a little as a consequence, but the big swings are caused by hysteria.

    The Australian market is down 6.6 with an hour to the close. At one stage it was down 90+, following the US which dropped by 469, but the traders and institutions couldn't help themselves, good companies sold down with no rational reason, were too big a temptation, so they bought heavily, and bingo!! Up it goes, like it's attached to a bungee.

    I'm invested for dividends, so it matters not a dot what the capital does. I have the same number of shares in only 11 of the top 20 companies in Australia, dividends will be the same (depend on profits, not share price), so I'll knock the top off a bottle of Cab Sav tonight, enjoy a couple of glasses whilst thinking that it would be nicer if the index was still 5960, not 5050, but when it's all said and done, who cares??

    I think the west is just realizing that the figures China has been publishing for the past 10 years were rubbery at best, and downright deceptive and misleading at worst.

    not trying to talk your strategy foul here but you can't really assume that in case there is a real bear market in the stock markets coming which would be fundamentally more than justified that your blue chip stocks could weather this with the same profits and dividend payments. You're diversified which is good and as long as you derive income from it all power to you but have you seen what can happen to share prices when they cut or cancel dividends? So you don't need to be nervous but at the same time are you far from saved.

  5. The gold price is manipulated to camouflage the deteriorating monetary system. Realistically, gold should be somewhere at 5.000 US$ right now if it were to reflect what truly is going on with the world's economy. Given the relatively small investment you want to make (100k Baht?) there is no use to buy gold hoping to make a big profit on it. You should buy gold only if you can afford to have it lying around in a safe place (not in a bank!!!) for a couple of years to use it after the world economy, respectively the monetary system has collapsed and gold standard is applied again. I believe we will see things coming that will supersede our worst nightmares. In that case, you could use gold to barter for food, diesel, etc... or to get a boat ticket out of here if the s hits the fan... But I'm just a penguin, what do I know? smile.png


    But you should also buy Silver

    silver well if you think (I don't) metals are going to rise again soon then ok but gold please don't touch it as a fresh investment and derive reflections to the world economy or monetary system in terms of being secured in any way. Certainly the world economy is in a very desperate situation and there will be a lot of wash outs. We are overpopulated, not enough lids for the number of pots. Apples and Facebooks are leading the downtrend in human behavior and common sense.

  6. well see well above 36 in USD/THB and not in the long distant future.

    so to the OP if you can wait a bit then do it.

    The OP wanted to sell Baht and buy US dollars. If the USD does indeed go higher in the future; now would be the time to execute on that.

    But investing does not have to be an all-or-nothing decision. There is always the dollar cost averaging method of establishing a financial position.


    ok, got it so don't wait OP.

    lol and thanks to you SL I haven't really noticed/

  7. I was trying to persuade my wife to cut her losses (she bought when the price was high) and sell last week. She thinks it will go up, not likely. When you look at how much Gold has risen since 2006, once it falls through $1000 there will be a panic. I see it dropping below $850

    yes gold down to 800 and below and then there'll still be no reason to buy it. The run which never was justified in the first place is over. Some seasonal and cyclic influences might create a few hickups but the way is down.

  8. Throwing accusations of "idiot", "stupid" and such is all very well, but brief observation of Joe and Jane Public at large at any time confirms that absolutely EVERYBODY leaves their brain at home sometimes, at least for some substantial part of the day.

    There are no exceptions, we are all guilty of doing so to some extent.

    so what you gonna do about it? Accepting that high-tech-addicted junkies young or not threatening your comfort (safety) zone being excused for mind absence all the time ?

    They're stressed and burned out what a pity and too much to handle it, no?

  9. I am having my nephew here visiting and he is keen to buy a suit. Now since I don't have much experience with such I'd like to ask for a good one you can recommend.

    Thanks in advance

  10. Certainly central banks know what they are doing and indeed it is not in the public's interest, never was.

    QE by ECB has been a normal thing since years so to justify this decision with the danger that the Euro currency will drag down the SF unjustified is a blunt misunderstanding of the situation.

    This is a pride issue in the first place in order to stand out (maintaining stability and 'growth'blink.png) and the hope in glance not having to chime in with the rest of most European countries and their economical downslide. However I do understand the sentiment and have to express a sort of sympathy that Switzerland as well as the UK never joined into the European Union which has and continuously will bring Europe further down. Much more than we have seen.

    As for the currency markets this is not a tragedy, neither is it for the stock markets. Less people will participate but that doesn't mean things will not go higher (stock markets) or swinging in a very volatile way (currencies).

    Gold investors will lose and I am pretty certain that we'll see 800 within the next 2 years.

    Am I talking too much now? - Yeahbiggrin.png

  11. Thought I was banned, hehehe.

    However the SF manipulation was one of the biggest mistakes a national bank can make. First of all opposing a similar thing carried out in 2011 and then which is even more absurd of an idea trying to compete with USD and it's latest run in order to underline their country's long lasting privileged role (trial of resurrection) in Finance as a save haven and investment paradise for tax avoiders.

    This will have dire consequences for Switzerland, well except for expats temporarily.

    The economy will bleed in a big way from one of the dumbest decisions in financial history.


    • Like 1
  12. Mr Professional Crap Artist (PCA)cheesy.gif

    All you can show is type script. Show some trades. Surely that's not tooooo much to ask? So I am the one laughing. Plus up another $120 right now waiting to close.clap2.gif

    Like I said earlier. If you have nothing to say, say nothing. Plus, If you have nothing positive to add to this thread while you sit sipping thai whisky or whatever, best you get back to doing what you do best. Insulting people on god knows how many forums or paper trading. Perhaps Stimpy is another name for you or even Jack Russel, Get a life. Or perhaps try living one. Its amazing whats on the other side.

    As I said before I was not talking to you at all until you came up with smart ass comments. However I know now that you are just penny jiggling, nothing wrong with that if you cannot better or whatever other reason there is that you have to trade laughable position size (laughable for somebody who claims that he has been trading in and out for more than 20 years). Might be that you are the one who needs another life.

    I can show you every trade if you are trading against me but you can and dare not and we both know it. smile.png


  13. Ah, just what I was waiting for.smile.png So PCA, how much money did you make trading this past year? Its ironic that professionals with all the brainpower and spreadsheets can rarely make money in futures yet I beat them with such a simple strategy. Its actually the times I'm wrong when I make the most money because I increase my position to average up my short price.

    Today my second trade went the wrong way. The 100 short CAD contracts at .9084 didn't work as the CAD continued climbing to .9117 Now I've seen a top and have a second 100 short contract order pending at .9116 I'm comfortable with large swings of $300,000 or so. If you're not, stay out of futures.

    Its so easy to say I'm wrong in my strategy but when you see my new aircraft flying down the coast in Pattaya next year, look up and keep saying I'm wrong.smile.png

    Am understanding your method somewhat more. Looks as if you target the CAD and put alot of backroom work into the fundamentals and reason why it should not going higher than say 1.10. So you enter 100 contacts lower with enough in the bank to average in at different prices with your total risk calculated at 1.10 for 300 contracts. This can be a very risky way to trade, however if you have the cash and knowledge of the countries economic status it can work. Also Whereustay , when i put (lol) next to a comment it was not because the cad moved against you, was referring to the money you are making. To late to edit when I realised.

    Had a very wealthy person do something similar on the New Zealand Dollar. He was very lucky he had a multi million dollar building business as he was short the NZD at .75. And you know what that's done. I have actually helped him liquidate his position. He was almost 1 mill in losses. He never understood anything and if the bank said go short he would..lol.

    Welcome back to the thread PCA. Thought I would never hear from you again after last time..lol. Have you done a live trade yet? or just nit picking people apart to build yourself up? Would appreciate some live trades.

    Trading last night was ok, made my daily average $500 approx. Happy with that.

    no, still paper trading. Wish that one day I can become such a hot shot like you hahaha.

  14. Ah, just what I was waiting for.smile.png So PCA, how much money did you make trading this past year? Its ironic that professionals with all the brainpower and spreadsheets can rarely make money in futures yet I beat them with such a simple strategy. Its actually the times I'm wrong when I make the most money because I increase my position to average up my short price.

    Today my second trade went the wrong way. The 100 short CAD contracts at .9084 didn't work as the CAD continued climbing to .9117 Now I've seen a top and have a second 100 short contract order pending at .9116 I'm comfortable with large swings of $300,000 or so. If you're not, stay out of futures.

    Its so easy to say I'm wrong in my strategy but when you see my new aircraft flying down the coast in Pattaya next year, look up and keep saying I'm wrong.smile.png

    As said before you'll get toasted if you don't exit that again or hedge it up. I am not talking about money but market and you are on the wrong side. Be toast or eat toast that's all. And yes if I trade an 800k account I'd not be comfortable with being 300 k down, mind you?

    You are a gambler who will donate it all, sorry to say.

  15. I entered a short at .9064 June 14 100 contracts. Waiting to cover at .9053. If the dollar climbs to .9114, I will double my position.

    If you have limited funds, my strategy won't work as you need to be able to average up into a losing position, otherwise you need a stop loss and will be looking at a potentially large realized loss. I am comfortable being down $300,000 into a trade when I average up. Many traders lack the funds and discipline to be successful.

    You have to read employment / housing / monetary policy / consumer spending / etc...all the drivers that move foreign exchanges. There are no books or trading software know to man that work, otherwise the author would have billions of dollars. No different than people claiming to have the inside scoop on Vegas. Its not possible.

    Here's a simple strategy that works great. Lets say expected job numbers are 100,000. The dollar always over reacts to this number. Its the big one. Make a short CAD 80 points higher than current price. If the jobs are much higher, you will get a strike and then right away cover 30 points below your strike price. You can only do this once a month though.

    The beauty of futures is that its free to place an order; its only when its exercised that you pay. So in essence you could have a June 2015 contract placed open for a year and pay nothing. These random strikes are just so easy to make money.

    you will be toasted after this trade but that's presumably what you are looking for with your approach.

  16. To build a good portfolio today it's kind of hard due to uncertainties in the market, given that your savings are assocaited with THB there will be depreciation, today's sport market is kind of fragile, stocks, mutual funds, commodities extra are unpredictable, since you can't afford to lose the little you have , I would recommend you to invest in a simple business social networking business, where you can make from 1650- 3375 Usd per month and it's a win win investment.

    yes we all love you and see you in the rest room.

    • Like 1
  17. If it was a data leak you would have lost your 111 baht balance in ~ 90 minutes.

    Did you receive any unusual SMSes?

    When did you buy the SIM? Can you share any details on the SIM? Promotional name?

    My best guesses are either

    1.) you've accidentlaly registered for some SMS delivery service: Picture of the Day, Facebook notification, Horoscope, Lucky Lottery, etc.


    2.) Your SIM is some sort of promotional SIM which has a bundled service, like 99 baht, which got deducted as soon as you added value.

    If you can't figure it out maybe best to ring 1175, or stop by a full service AIS shop to ask what me happening. I doubt it's a scam, but everyone has a different definition of that word.

    thanks for your reply.

    I am going to find out tomorrow, want that they trace everything back on the sim card. Since I did neither by intention nor accidentally subscribe to any sort of their promotional BS they'll have to declare whole history.

    And yes it's a scam - what needs to be clarified is whether it was initiated from the vendor or the provider. Ridiculous regardless.


  18. What phone, data on?

    It's a simple Samsung phone, no cam no internet not any special features. Just making calls and sending messages that's all it can.

    Bought it new a month ago for 690 baht.

    No data on except a few contact numbers.

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