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Posts posted by PCA

  1. I have charged my phone yesterday with 100 baht (1-2-call prepaid). Have made no calls and sent messages.

    Today in the morning there pops a message saying your balance is running low, please recharge your account.

    Balance showing 12 baht now compared to 111 from yesterday and without making any use of the phone.

    Did that happen to anybody else and what to do in this case. Going to AIS and letting them trace history? Is that possible to do?

    Thank you

  2. One of my guys, Larry Edelson, says the floor should be around 1050 very lowest and maybe around 1150. He says hold off on the juniors until the rise commences. He has a pretty good record. It's darn confusing to me. You can look him up and get most of his opinions free. Saved me pretty big, I lost alot in the big drop a couple months ago but stayed out since then saving me quite a bit. I think yesterdays bump was a dead cat bounce. Any big drop below 1100 I'm gonna come back in.

    one of your guysbiggrin.png

    The floor is at 0.

    You may hate the metal, but the floor is not 0, far from that.

    I have contracts with the goid mining industry in North America and I'm told that they need a price of at least $1,300 to keep the operation reasoanly profitable. Other areas may have different cost, but do not think that they are too much different. If the price falls below a certain level for extened perios of time, extraction slows down, offer is reduced, prices bounce. And as long most cemtral banks keep gold reserves (oh yes they do), gold will have value. The world is on the look to replace the USD with another global trading "currency", as it happens it has not found it yet.

    I don't hate the metals. When you just cut out a phrase from a text and then try to interprete what stands behind the message you are missing the context.

    I have my opinions but they are seperated from my actions more often than not. And my opinions count as much as yours.

    • Like 1
  3. One of my guys, Larry Edelson, says the floor should be around 1050 very lowest and maybe around 1150. He says hold off on the juniors until the rise commences. He has a pretty good record. It's darn confusing to me. You can look him up and get most of his opinions free. Saved me pretty big, I lost alot in the big drop a couple months ago but stayed out since then saving me quite a bit. I think yesterdays bump was a dead cat bounce. Any big drop below 1100 I'm gonna come back in.

    one of your guysbiggrin.png

    The floor is at 0.

    Again it is about timing and not time. Expectancy. Essential to not betting the farm on a deal where surely everything changes after your entry, depending on what others are doing - actionreaction.

    And in case your floor is hit then get up again - in the same field or change it (trading or whatever).

    Before you bet make sure that the only one who might get hurt is yourself.

    And it's a game, a skill, an art and a gift. Cocktail

    This is not financial advisory but common sense so think about it deeply before you engage.

  4. The Great Comex Paper Gold Dump: Online Real-Time Physical Gold Price Datasource

    The tail is wagging the dog right now. Nobody – NOBODY – in their right minds is selling the physical. This is all futures movement, which as pointed out above, maybe 100 times larger than the physical market. We have to go through this phase to get to the other side. Think of this as a cleansing process. The fake futures market needs to die before true price discovery can begin. But this process offers a great opportunity to those who recognize it (for a limited time only though). We don’t know how low the futures will go, but there will be a futures price below which the physical won’t be available


    that's rubbish midas. Leave gold alone, it doesn't support you and it doesn't stand by itself. What you are doing is distributing hype with most of your posts. The middle man who thinks he is in balance but doesn't know what it means for others.

  5. Only a fool or someone with serious inside information would bet against the market trend.

    sentiment and price do never corellate long for long. Trends are not the only way to make money otherwise nobody just following trends could in the long run.


    The brokers don't know, the exchange doesn't know, the manipulators don't know. All of them are taking their piece baced on their advantages and those are getting diminished because if nobody plays along anymore they'll have to go against each other.

  6. The more gold goes down the more I'll buy, I'm hoping it'll get down to $300 again.

    and then where do you give up, when the birds thrill higher or gold hits 200?

    Just joking I buy soon for the length of a cigar. Not driven by price or chart but pure sentiment. That's my thrill - not the smoke but the timing.

    When the cigar still glows I am out again at least my risk is - P/L no problem. Then I might reconsider to change my view.

    Gold is a sentimental market and far too sentimental right now, even the boys who thought they're the biggest have left it. Not talking about banks but organizing structures if you like that term.

    Some fundamentals:

    Mining is (still) not entirely controlled and the companies doing the work to explore and supply in the first place are nothing more than they supposed to be - making days end and keeping business afloat in benefit of themselves, the market's demands and their employees. So the miners hedge preventively because there is competition and manipulation. They have no other way to hedge their productivity than participating in the Futures and Options markets (insurance and speculation). This is a territorial thing with all metals and the industrial metals do show more what is going on in economies, globality

    This is similar with other commodity markets but I'll not burning my mouth here as the biggys are having those definitely under control.

    But you gotta help yourself somehow while Gold definitely will not, not more than blinding you.

  7. some satire...

    Helium was up. Feathers were down. Paper was stationary. Knives were up sharply. Pencils lost a few points. Hiking equipment was trailing. Elevators rose while escalators continued a slow decline. Light switches were off. Mining equipment hit rock bottom. Diapers remained unchanged. Shipping lines stayed at an even keel. Balloon prices were inflated. And batteries exploded in an attempt to recharge the market.

    Copy and paste job from my joke collection.

    off topic too...

  8. It is very easy. All depends on who does arrange the taxi fare for you. The driver gets informed about a customer from a third party. Hope that helps. And if you want to return after flying off then get back to the same people.

    In case you have a tendency to hysterics.

  9. Well, I'll throw my 2 satang in.

    Many people, for the sake of saving a few baht, end up spending more. Example: you drive to the airport to save a few baht, but someone breaks into your car by smashing a window, now, it's cost you thousands of baht.

    It's peace of mind to know your car is safe at home, less km's going onto the clock, no airport parking fees, no gasoline to pay, no risk an accident can be made to be your fault. smile.png

    Thank you dear Namkangman, i do agree with those points.

    For me - it's not a money influenced decision. It's not for a quick visa run or anything.

    So i'll put it to you all this way - if you were unable to take your Wife or grown up Daughter to the airport because of prior commitments. Would you feel relaxed to pop her into a taxi, or would you insist she drive herself there and park up? Forget about how much the car is worth or how many days she is going for.



    I would never recommend a single woman use a taxi or tuk tuk in Phuket. Never. Drivers here are very rapey. Too many horror stories. And for every story we hear about, there will be 5 we don't. There are confirmed cases where drivers in Bangkok were charged with raping passengers were back driving taxi's after the incident, so there is no vetting process whatsoever for drivers.

    Speaking as a 12 year resident here, former police officer back home, police volunteer here, and having had three farang friends raped or sexually assaulted by Thai men, and another female Thai friend sexually harassed by taxi drivers, I suggest the following:

    Like Iceman said, the only way I would do it, and have done it, is if I don't personally know the driver, I would have a chit chat with the driver, (I will also get real close to him to assess his level of inebriation. Assume he has been drinking. Most have been) I take his photo, and a photo of his taxi's number if he has one, or his number plate if he doesn't. Make sure he see's you do this. From the airport you can take a shared van which is slightly safer as there will probably be others on the van, unless you are the last to get off. Depending on where you are going, there is also an airport bus to town, and hopefully starting July 1st an airport bus to Patong, and maybe to Karon and Kata if they ever sort the tuk tuk filth.

    Also, keep some pepper spray in your bag. Good luck.

    no need to get overly hysterical or emotional. Every attractive and not purposely attracting woman knows how to cut the vibe. Cannot be that somebody drives you around and confuses you by primitive instinctual sensitivity can it. Present yourself as unfriendly and you sit in the same boat, even if it's a car this time.

  10. Hey Bill, I bet your surprised to find out that there where this many people around who remember you! Too bad they never came to eat at your deli? A great Deli will be missing from Patong

    Well , Im surprised at the number of views , and a few old timers and guys I knew at Derby King when I was in BKK! Yes , a real shame, that People who always are lookin' for places to eat wouldn't come because"we don't go to Patong much anymore" and as I wrote in earlier post , that was a poor excuse to miss what we were cookin' up. So , they can enjoy Subway now.....excuse me while I barf!

    I always said at BBD we didn't BS the customer with fancy breads , we went with quality and quite tasty meats . Our Turkados , Rubens ,Pastrami ,Veal Parm Heros and Philly Cheese Steaks were as spot on as if I was back in NYC ....I mean it was so much better then the Derby King days! And people loved the DB !

    Sorry Bill, but as I said I moved from Patong eight years ago and really have no reason to go there again. I just don't like the place! I will rarely even drive to Kata. But I will drive to Prompan and Phuket Town when I need to for certain items. I don't think I would ever drive to Patong for a sandwich from Rawai. Yet I am one of the few Americans still around left around here. Good thing I know how to cook! Best wishes~ Maybe you should just move down to Rawai!

    Believe me , I wanted to find a place , house or shophouse 10k or less , I haven't been to Rawaii since 1985 , when it didn't look a think like today. I stayed at Phuket Island Resort....which is now time share? I never saw a beach with that many flies , I hadn't seen that many flies except around a horses ass I remarked to a friend swatting a fly ! My friend asks

    "are u callin me a horse's assBB? I said no I'm not , but you can't fool them flies !

    So , any body reading this knows of a place in Phuket at 10k or less , Flower will go look, but can't do Deli again unless find a working partner.I believe our Pickles and Frozen foods would sell great at Villa Markets , I knew the Boss in my Bkk era days but always missed him in Phuket VM. I really believe it would work in Pattaya well and so do some friends but needed a investor to move and improve.Was impossible to find good or even ok help , 2 bad ones 1gone in 2 days ,1 lasted 2 weeks and third was Burmese who was great til she got offered double our salary she got! Now ladies here only come to work in bars to find husbands , just like back home,in a way? At one time I had enuff money to do it without a partner but 3 hospital admittance's wiped that possibility out! So , never found 200,000 to move the Deli out of Patong, but then people would use that that was too far. A guy I thought was my Bro , who I started the Breakfast Club at The Expat Hotel Bar & Rest.many years back , he never came in once and he only lived in Kathu . Go figure!

    so I take it from there, you don't want to leave and you are still inspired to stay. Disappointed yes, underrated yes but you have learned that the hard way. Can you find a place to live stay and run biz by yourself?

    Just a handful of cash you need or what's the point. Easy motto - show what you can and people will find you. Same same and no difference.

  11. Well, I'll throw my 2 satang in.

    Many people, for the sake of saving a few baht, end up spending more. Example: you drive to the airport to save a few baht, but someone breaks into your car by smashing a window, now, it's cost you thousands of baht.

    It's peace of mind to know your car is safe at home, less km's going onto the clock, no airport parking fees, no gasoline to pay, no risk an accident can be made to be your fault. smile.png

    Thank you dear Namkangman, i do agree with those points.

    For me - it's not a money influenced decision. It's not for a quick visa run or anything.

    So i'll put it to you all this way - if you were unable to take your Wife or grown up Daughter to the airport because of prior commitments. Would you feel relaxed to pop her into a taxi, or would you insist she drive herself there and park up? Forget about how much the car is worth or how many days she is going for.



    Hehehe, just ask you unlike yourself grown up wife or daughter how they like it better. Watch the perfumetongue.png

  12. I know I shouldn't take it personally , but I've put alot of Heart and Soul in everyplace I worked in Thailand , I loved being the guy who people came back to see over the years.I never wanted to run the world , just party in it , and make sure everyone ate decent food to recover LOL I never really eat Thai food (unless there's no choice) , and quality of Patong food has gone down ,except in a few places. That's why I opened our Deli, everyone was complaining about Phuket -Patong places to eat. I know there was a big hole in the Sandwich and diner foods available and after all Deli foods have a European origin , refined in NYC!. We had a rep for great food already , our frozen foods and Pickles sold great at the Deli Supermarket, we had Parking and I tried to create an atmosphere that was comfortable and as a NY Jewish friend said to me, Don't change a thing my corned beef and Pastrami were as tasty as a New York Deli. Never wanted to get rich , just pay the bills would have made me so happy. Thanks to all the well wishers , and all who tried to make our place a sucess.

    So what could make you stay if I may ask? Clear that you don't really know where to go anyway.

    I guess if there was a place 2brm , nice yard and neighbors that aren't nosy but friendly

    Close to transport that's not a rip-off , don't get me wrong , I will always love Phuket and cherish my time here, but since I refuse to pay 200B for a tuk-tuk for 1 minute rides and friends offering to stop by and give me a ride to go party never happens. I know lots more people in BKK and Pattaya , but if I found a place around 8k like someone mentioned they paid!

    I wonder who came up with the idea to make renters pay the electric bill to landlord instead of EGAT ,(is that elect. comp.?) they charge renters 7 to 9 Baht instead of the 3 or3.50Baht per k.

    the EGAT charges, which doubles or almost triples the real bill . People sign a contract get the 1st bill and realize the 10k a month became instead of 13k(approx. using ac alot) 16-19k but they locked you into a year lease....It happens other areas of Th. too , but I swear the people here came up with it first!

    and how about business, do you want to stay active or get more active in case you'll get over the WC flu?

  13. I know I shouldn't take it personally , but I've put alot of Heart and Soul in everyplace I worked in Thailand , I loved being the guy who people came back to see over the years.I never wanted to run the world , just party in it , and make sure everyone ate decent food to recover LOL I never really eat Thai food (unless there's no choice) , and quality of Patong food has gone down ,except in a few places. That's why I opened our Deli, everyone was complaining about Phuket -Patong places to eat. I know there was a big hole in the Sandwich and diner foods available and after all Deli foods have a European origin , refined in NYC!. We had a rep for great food already , our frozen foods and Pickles sold great at the Deli Supermarket, we had Parking and I tried to create an atmosphere that was comfortable and as a NY Jewish friend said to me, Don't change a thing my corned beef and Pastrami were as tasty as a New York Deli. Never wanted to get rich , just pay the bills would have made me so happy. Thanks to all the well wishers , and all who tried to make our place a sucess.

    So what could make you stay if I may ask? Clear that you don't really know where to go anyway.

  14. I'll be keeping an eye out for you on the front page of the PG one day. smile.pngsmile.png

    you can also meet me and bring your cameragiggle.gif

    No need. I'm sure I'll see you on the front page of the PG one day. You will have a police officer pointing at you. You will either be dead, or alive and on your way to gaol. smile.pngsmile.png

    That's what has happen to many like you, with your attitude.

    could be your turn I already had that fun. Now don't bother talking to me, thx.

  15. a new group:P . Yeah there is a new group and they don't comply with the presence. I don't really know how you can help anyone if you are failing to help yourself in the first place.

    The OP and you are different than for example NKM, so yes there are changes under procedure. Changes by will for a better community and funny you might think - including farangs.

    Oh boy..

    well that's what I said. Good nightbiggrin.png

  16. @ PCA

    Yet another who has been nowhere else in Thailand and/or South East Asia. smile.pngsmile.png

    hehehe, think what you want but don't forget to rest when you sleep.

    I'll be keeping an eye out for you on the front page of the PG one day. smile.pngsmile.png

    you can also meet me and bring your cameragiggle.gif

  17. funny boy you seem to be. I might invite you for a beer one day so that you can see something new. Your first sentence just shows where your mind has travelled so far after running against countless walls.

    Then later you can look back to a fun beer or night if you like.

    There are problems and that's true but if you don't have the balls to surmount them you make them bigger.

    Yeah and I am not a priest or solicitor so you make me feeling bored by talking non sense.

    The first sentence should tell that I don't really valuate people who have learned standard solutions and repeat those to everyone who are willing to listen. It simply does not work. We are living people here who do interact with the locals, even if we criticize how things are handled currently.

    If you have solutions for the problems, then I'm really interested to hear. If you know that there is a new group in Phuket, who is working on the problem, then I'm ready to help.

    But until that will happen, it's only talk here which will not result to anything. The point is that the change has to come from local people here, before that.. well we have thaivisa.

    a new grouptongue.png . Yeah there is a new group and they don't comply with the presence. I don't really know how you can help anyone if you are failing to help yourself in the first place.

    The OP and you are different than for example NKM, so yes there are changes under procedure. Changes by will for a better community and funny you might think - including farangs.

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