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Everything posted by p414

  1. Thanks for your post.I am considering all recommendations
  2. Thanks Moonlover.. I should have said that a couple of times a week I urinate only about an eggcup full..Flow is ok.
  3. Hi Jim.. What medicines are you taking? and do you have any side effects? Mine are not too good and am looking for some way to stop taking my dutasteride and 400 micrograms Tamsulosin daily..[ all from Uk]
  4. Thanks actonion.. I need to know these facts before I go forward.
  5. Thanks lacessit.. Where is 'gemini?..I want something that means I do not have to keep taking the medicine I am now taking daily.
  6. Thanks for the info, Lacessit..I thought that surgery should be only a last resort..Is why I am now interested in Sheryl's mention of Urolift treatment..
  7. Sorry Y.T. I should have written 'volume'..flow is not fast but not a problem
  8. Thanks again for your replies and for your time,Sheryl. I am most interested in the 'Urolift' treatment.. This sounds much better to me than surgery. I will check with my doctor in England and with Bumrungard hospital re cost. As I paid 44 years National Insurance in England I am not happy to pay huge sums for any medical costs but will check all pros and cons..
  9. I had some very small red centipedes coming up from the shower drain.. When there was no rain for 2- 3 weeks I put Chaindrite powder down the shower drain...I found a few dozy centipedes on the shower floor and one bigger one 3-4 inches long dead..I have not seen any of these red very small centipedes for some months now.
  10. try 'LINE' ...Medisafe'...they deliver and off C.O.D...Will show medicines and prices.
  11. Only once or twice a day just an eggcup fulll..Maybe 8-10 times a day I have to pee..2-3 times at night and I do not drink anything [ I am teetotal] after 6.30 pm.
  12. Yes I have 'flow' issue... .sometimes app an eggcup full only.
  13. All reading this and taking medication ...Check on 'LINE' for medisafe...they deliver medicines [Cheaper than most chemists] and offer C.O.D Thanks to everyone for your responses.
  14. Thanks very much for your reply Y.T. ..I will google Xatral XL ..I have never heard of it. I have no cancer and at last check up [ England last month] my prostate has not grown any larger.
  15. Thanks Sheryl. I answered some minutes ago but cannot see my reply..I take 5mg dutasteride...20mg Atorvastin and 400 micrograms of tamsulosin daily.
  16. I had all of that done 2 years ago. and a test last jume and again this year in England.. As I live mainly in Thailand it will not be simple for me to get surgery in England.
  17. Thanks Beno..I do not have to pay [any more than already paid to NHS ] in England.. But due to the hospitals being filled with foreign people who have not and will never pay, the waiting list is very long with no date offered. Not sure But I have an appointment with Dr Niti on 15 th of this month [ July]
  18. Thanks Xylo..will check back
  19. Thanks for the info,Sheryl. I have been taking 0,5 mg dutasteride and 20.mg atorvastin plus 400 microgram tamsulosin daily for app 3 years now. I need to pee often though . I am surprised at the cost of the operation.. I read somewhere last year that there is a new operation that takes app 30 minutes and that you can return home on the same day.. I cannot remember where I saw this info but it was in England.
  20. I have an enlarged prostate and have been taking medicine for 3 years. I am now thinking of having an operation to have it cut back ..Has anyone had this operation here in Thailand ? I saw a Dr Niti in Bangkok hospital Pattaya some 2 years ago who suggested surgery then. I was hoping to get it done when in England but waiting lists are too long.
  21. Try 'medisafe' on 'LINE'...they will give you a price for any medicine you require. They deliver to me free of charge and C.O.D.
  22. p414

    electric fan repair.

    Thanks to you all for your helpful replies.
  23. p414

    electric fan repair.

    Thanks topti
  24. p414

    electric fan repair.

    thanks Topt..will check it out.. Not far from me.
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