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Everything posted by p414

  1. Some people have bought a single story house in my village and are ripping everything out . It appears they intend to make it 'two storys. The main part of the village has only single story homes and just a few 2 story houses where the land area is bigger. Can they legally do this?.. app 200 houses in the village [ Darkside Pattaya ].
  2. My thanks to all who have commented on my post.. Much appreciated and plenty of food for thought..
  3. Thanks for that Xylo...... Urolift appears to be my besot option.. especially re my age.
  4. Thanks for your input Lacessit
  5. thanks Potato.
  6. kids in Thailand look much younger than they are...Those you see are probably aged 12 or 13.
  7. Kids in Thailand look much younger than they really are...the ones you see are most likely aged 12 or 13.
  8. I have been taking medicine for enlarged prostate for 2+ years but I want to have surgery now. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is now offering REZUM surgery for enlarged prostate. Has anyone had this done or had prostate surgery in Pattaya or Bangkok? Any remarks re your surgery/doctors and after care would be appreciated.
  9. I have seen that Bangkok Hospita; Pattaya now have 'Rezum' treatment for prostate shrinking... This is a one-2 hour treatment and no stay in the hospital.. Has anyone here had this and will it mean I no longer need to take the Dutasteride and Tamsulosin medicine I am now taking [2+years]./ Thanks, in advance, for any response
  10. Posted before but 'LINE' 'medisafe' in BKK.. They sell medicines etc online .you will be shown the cost before purchase and can refuse ... They deliver free to Pattaya and you can pay C.O.D.....
  11. On 'Line' you will find 'Medisafe'...in Bkk but they deliver free to Pattaya...They will show you the cost of any medicine they have [ also' generic],, Their medicines are far cheaper than any I found in Pattaya...I pay C.O.D.
  12. Great for recruiting innocent young boys .. .I watched an Oxford schooled very tall 'Reverend' change a normal 11/12 year old schoolboy into a painted travesty from what I first knew as a smartly dressed schoolboy.. I last saw this schoolboy with strangely coloured hair ,lipstick and weird clothing accosting old foreigners in a supermarket..
  13. I thought taking saw palmetto would be used instead..IU still only know my prostate is twice normal size..what do professionals regard as 'large'? Thanks jetset.
  14. Thanks Kiteman, for your post and your best wishes.. Good luck to you with your health program. I do not drink or smoke and play badminton regularly.. I do eat vegetables often [frozen] but not much fish.. Just one cup of coffee daily, but 4-6 cups of tea. I eat too much bread, cakes and cheddar cheese which I guess are not so good. I am close to 80 years old now.so surgery will be a lst resort.
  15. Sheryl...Noted your remark re 'small prostate.'..I think my prostate is twice normal size...Is this 'small' enlargement?
  16. Good morning,Sheryl. I have ordered Saw Palmetto from I HERB... Have you any idea of how much of this herb I should take daily?. I will also carry on taking 400 micrograms of Tamsulosin but cut out Dutasteride.
  17. Thanks Jim..I have been taking Dutasteride and 400 micrograms of tamsulosin daily for mor than 2 years..but get side effects [ I think from Durasteride].I will continue the tamulosin.but have ordered some saw palmetto and will try that instead of dutasteride...
  18. Thanks for the post...I have bordered some 'saw palmetto' from Iherb..how much should I take each day?
  19. Many thanks for your input...Moonlover.
  20. I too have side effects from Dutasteride ..I have ordered some saw Palmetto.and hope for similar effects as your husband.
  21. Thanks for all of your help ,Sheryl. I have decided to try Sametto ..I will not have any surgery done as it appears to be a 'last resort'..
  22. Thanks to everyone who has responded to my post.I have decided to try sametto from i.herb..[just sent my order.] I hope it is better for me than the 2+ years of side effects I have been getting from taking Dutasteride [brought from UK.] I have decided against surgery . As an aside, anyone taking regular medicine ...Check out 'Medisafe'...they are on ,'Line'.. They deliver and offer. C.O.D.... which I use.
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