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About Stupooey

  • Birthday 06/23/1950

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    Nong Ya Plong

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    Nong Chok

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  1. Just in case anyone on here is thinking of jetting to the UK to check out Brighton Naturist Beach, I would point out that it is actually EAST of the main beach, towards the Marina. West would be Hove, where nudity is definitely a no-no.
  2. Why not both? Ah yes, they've done a deal with each other. Silly me.
  3. Do I detect a token Thaksin apologist?
  4. Alternatively, the doctors have done a remarkable job keeping him alive for so long with such life-threatening diseases.
  5. They all play. Israel are ranked 62nd in the world, Denmark 78th and India 86th, so just not very well.
  6. Pita intends to amend Section 112 along the lines proposed by the late King in 2005. Has anyone from the Senate or those parties who will not join the coalition ever explained why they are opposed to the reform, as by doing so they appear to be placing themselves above the Monarchy?
  7. I think you'll find that the Conservative Group is, and always has been, the largest in the House of Lords, although obviously not as large as in the days of hereditary peerages. Bear in mind also that the Tories have won recent elections with about 42% of the votes in a turnout of less than 70%, so in effect have had the backing of less than 30% of the electorate - hardly "overwhelming"!
  8. One would hope that by 2028 the human race would have advanced enough to exclude all violent sports from the Olympics, as opposed to introducing another one.
  9. Blair's error on Iraq was to get in bed with the Americans and go against EU policy, something which we may see happening more frequently in this post-Brexit future. The Tories of course were 100% behind him, unlike the Lib-Dems and a third of his own MPs.
  10. As I remember it, Tories were 100% in favour of the invasion, whereas all Lib Dem MPs and a third of Labour MPs voted against.
  11. If the intention is to target so-called 'quality' tourists, shouldn't they be bragging about how few they are attracting rather than how many?
  12. The use of the word "chum" in this context. Okay, perhaps more condescension than insult, but still not acceptable.
  13. Quite why you have quoted me on this and then completely ignored the point I made is beyond me. However, I do agree with RayC regarding people's obsession with Abbott, a Labour backbencher and hardly the embodiment of the Party. I am not a particular fan of hers, but she is far less of an 'embarrassment' than many Tory MPs, not least the erstwhile leader of the Party, whose immorality and dishonesty are a disgrace.
  14. Cut the insults and admit you are just manipulating statistics to fit your argument.
  15. Both parties get kicked out eventually. Between 1945 and 2010, when they were last 'kicked out', Labour were in power for 30 of the 65 years, not far short of half the time. You conveniently forgot about Ramsay MacDonald's governments, but facts never get in the way of a good Tory story.
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