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Posts posted by siam

  1. The issue of using headlights during the day has implications in Thailand. Mainly the idiot factor.

    All those unroadworthy vehicles excepted, does this not lend licence to all the pillocks who now with their new cars and their fancy hallogen lights both back and front that have to have them full on so as to attract the most look at me I've got a new car attention. How many will have enough (or any) savvy to dip them... and in the spirit of vain competition, how long will it be before their all using the fog lights as well to get oneupmanship.

    This law ( for cars) if passed is potentially very dangerous in the hands of Thai's who have not yet experienced any formal road safety training.

    And what happened to conserving energy??????


    Teach,I think you are on about the new type lighting called HID,I have them on my car in the UK,and it's basically light driving in the daylight but at night as they are so bright and that is on dipped beam,

    I don't know about the cars in Los but here in the UK,Lights that are HID,have to have a self levelling system fitted by law so not to blind anyone on dipped,But on High beam they can do what they want i suppose.

  2. The main problem i see in LOS is the heat,As to why not much protection is worn either helmet or clothing,Here in the UK,I always have my lights on when riding the bike,and always wear one piece leathers,Gloves and leather boots,But even this sometimes isn't enough,as 2 years ago i was doing 5 mph on a 170 mph bike,and slipped on diesel and broke my hip in 3 places,

    As for those little scooter things in LOS,I bet the rates of death or serious injury are extremely high.

  3. My Fiance and i had this discussion this morning,We cannot give into these Fanatics,Once you give in,Then everyone is kidnapping,

    This is the sad side of this conflict innocent people getting murdered on both sides,

    My heart goes out to him and the other 2,One which is no longer alive :o

  4. Lake Palmer was a man featured on Louis Theroux's "Weird Weekend" show about The Thai Bride industry, it was shown on UK TV

    Yes Totster i remember that program,He was the guy with the personality disorder,He couldn't control his temper and was on medication for it.I think that lady did well to last as long as she did,If you saw the program you would know what i mean :o

  5. My GF is great with money.... I would just let her deal with it... she has no problem with saying no... she has got both our interests to look out for after all... :D

    totster :o

    Totster I am in the same boat too,In fact my Thai future inlaws have a lot more money than i,I think i am in the minority as my Fiance is not money orientated,We don't drink or smoke,and we can trust each other down to the last penny,

    We work as a team in everything we do,Virtually live in each others pockets,

    To the OP,don't get into any relationships just enjoy yourself in Los,But just bear this in mind,everyone wants your money,and you won't be far/go wrong :D

  6. I must admit,when i was in Los,A lot of people are nasty towards Animals,Throwing things at the Monkeys and this wasa Buddhist Monk,Thais with catapults because they were bored firing at the Soi dogs,they thought it was hilarious showing off in front of a Farang :o

    Someone told me it's because it's an after life thing :D As someone said spineless.

  7. What do you listen to when you are in Thailand? I know this has been covered in previous threads, but it always gets a good response. I'm not a permanent resident, rather a 3-5 month visitor every year. I carry a sleeve of CDs. International tunes. Here they are. What are yours? Where did you get them? Especially Thai music that you like. Sorry for the length ( of course, I'm American, and we pride ourselves on our length!!!)

    (2) Aaron Copeland - American Classical

    (1) Solo Para Ti - Mexican Romantic Music

    (3) Los Fabulosos Cadillacs - Argentina Rock

    (5) Various Thai Collections


    A Lot of Other Thai Music I Downloaded From the Internet and I Haven't A F--- -in' Clue Who They Are But I know My Girlfriend Loves Them So I've

    Scored At Least A Few Points

    (My Computer Does Not Have the Symbol for Infinity) %#@& MORLUM !!!!!

    (2) Texas Tornadoes - Old Fart Tex-Mex Border Rock

    (1) A Thrash Collection - Iggy Pop and Iron Maiden (Internet Downloads)

    (4) The Fabulous ???? (Lao Music)

    I ask and I ask, but can not figure out who this guy is. ###### good. Plays the flute and has many Isaan musicians backing him. If I had a Thai keyboard I could tap his name out....

    (2) The Pogues ... Various. They always deliver.

    (1) Joe Walsh - The Smoker You Drink .... and w/ james Gang

    (1) Neil Young - Comes A Time

    (1) Warren Zevon - Lawyers, Guns and Money

    (1) Little Feat - Waiting For Columbus

    (1) 10,000 Maniacs - In My Tribe

    (1) Dickey Betts and Great Southern (alman bros guitarist)

    (1) Social Distortion

    (1) Suicidal Tendencies

    (3) Beethoven

    (1) Paulina Rubio - Mexican Pop

    (1) Richard and Linda Thompson - Shoot Out The Lights and anything that includes Shane and Dixie

    (3) Cowboy Junkies (I will listen to Margo Timmins sing the parts of the body!!!)

    (1) Dinah Washington (she'll knock you on your ass!!!)

    (2) The Ramones - Most of them are dead now. They earned it.

    (4) American Zydeco - Accordions, barbeque, cheatin' wimmin'... Doesn't get any better................ I highly recommend the late Beau Jacque..........

    (1) Meat Puppets - "Too High To Die" Late 80's American Punk (From My Home Town)

    (3) The Clash - Anything Before Sandinista and of course excluding "Rock the Casbah"

    (2) The Alligator Records 20th Anniversary - Classic American Blues

    (2) The Alligator Records 25th Anniversary - Classic American Blues

    (2) X - Los Angeles, Wild Gift - Mid 80's LA Punk - Western Punk Guitar Heavy

    (1) Mike Watt - Ball Hog Or Tugboat?

    (1) Steve Earle and The Dukes - Exit O

    (1) Lynrd Skynrd - Greatest - American Redneck Rock at it's Best

    (1) Bodeans - Black and White

    (2) King Sunny Ade

    When i visit Los i try to get away from western music,I love Issan music but the Fiance hates it,Status thing again :o ,Visit karaoke bars all the time,and they seem to be in a time warp of about 20-30 yrs,well the one in Khao Yai was :D,

    Back home we both have the same tastes in western music,mostly rock,amd rock pop, But she is a different generation than i,So she likes 70s :D ,whereas i was brought up with 80s music.

  8. Thanks fo all the info guys. I planned the trip as follows please tell me what you think

    3 nights in bkk to recover from trip

    4 nights Chiang Mai

    4 night Phukett

    4 nights Ko Samui

    3 nights Pattaya

    3 nights Hua Hin

    3 nights Bkk \we leave on the 22 but at 1am (really the 21st)

    do you think we should add or delete days in any place due to activities?

    Any guidance is appreciated

    BTW my son thinks your idea of renting his own room in Pattaya is a great idea although I am worried he will get into trouble. In the states he and his friends smoke weed ( he says no more, I dont believe him) What I am worried about is that someone will offer and he accepts and gets turned in for drugs. the last thing we need is a son in jail in Thailand. If someone could post what these dangers are I will give it to him so he knows first hand. You guys are the best!!!

    Don't you think that you may have chossen too many places to travel in a short period?,All you will be doing is mostly travelling,You are not losing much by missing out Pattaya IMHO, :o Plus it is out of the way compared to the other places you are travelling too,Then you can at a couple more days in Phucket or Samui :D

  9. This itself proves my point why I said "Shame on all Americans". Coz all of you have thought same thing.. That is to defend this movie..and to tell me it is just another incident done by one person..and for posting this..I am Anti American..
    Americans don't infuse old statues from other cultures with the same "spirituality" that is common here. You may think that's "culturally insensitive", but then you're being culturally insensitive if you don't at least TRY to understand American culture before you criticize it.

    See, Americans just don't have a long history of "statue-worship". Our landscape is not dotted with shrines and statues from centuries-lost cultures. Sure we have statues of Jesus (and YES, of course nobody would sit on Jesus's head), but those statues are usually relatively new and on church property, so part of the reason nobody would sit on them is because they'd have to climb up the side of a church wall to get to the statue.

    The original Americans did have,I do believe they had their own shrines and religion too :o ,

    Welcome your comments Pudgi?

    Or did you overlook that part of history?

  10. :o why don,t the goverment just ban ciggeretts altogether and this would include any retailer selling the product as well.

    treat it like an illigal drug and impose the same penelities if any one is caught with a ciggerette in their possession then they are treated with the same contempt as "druggies"

    oh and this would apply to cigar,s and tobbacco aslo.

    So all of the people that carry duty frees can get life for every pack they carry? :D

    Those Thai coaches nearly kill people if you are on a bike sitting behind it at traffic lights :D

  11. Back here in the UK they are given a council flat or house,and about £70-80 to feed clothe and pay the bills,and that's for one child,

    In Los if you are a BG and get pregnant there are not too many options for them,as their only lifeline will dry up,

    I knew a Thai BG once had 4 kids and she was 19 years old,Things are so tough for some Thais.

  12. Just wondering about Thais that speak english,Whether they are starting to learn or have spoken English for quite sometime like my partner has been speaking English for the last 15 years,

    The subject of this thread is about the most sultry ways Thais speak,one word my partner uses absolutely melts me everytime she says it,I always say Balance,all one word and spoken as one syllable,But my partner says it as Ba/Larnce,2 syllables,

    Does anyone else have any favourite ways of the words their loved ones speak.

  13. Harry Harry Harry, what is it with you???

    One thing I've noticed since you joined is that you have a really big chip on your shoulder when it comes to bargirls.

    I asked you before, what happenned to you?  Did you tell us everything?

    scampi me old mate... thailand & this board are plagued by farangs whose only interest in this beautiful country & it's rich traditional heritige... is sexually motivated...

    all too often i see the sad results of this exploitation, usually perpetrated by manipulative, avaricious & perverted farangs... and as a farang myself, it gives me cause for great shame... :o

    therefore i will speak out... and by god, with my 'sword of truth and trusty shield of fair play'... will effect change in this wonderful country...

    I have been wondering lately are Harry and Begs the same person :D

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