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Posts posted by siam

  1. My partner is a pain in the butt sometimes,She won't wear anything above the knee,or go out with no bra underneath her clothing,I am not asking to dress like a tart,but in my eyes she stands out from all the rest in the UK,She looks miles better than the school leavers here and weighs probably 30 kg lighter.But obviously her Thai morales creep back in,and she likes to be seen as a lady,which she is :o

    But i know what she wears underneath :D,

    If your lady isn't a BG,Try taking her into a Lingerie shop or Ann Summers,The latter is def a no no :D ,Funny though everytime we walk past the shop,as i head for the entrance :D

  2. Dislikes

    1. when the waiter wants to fill up your glass of whisley/coke every 2 minutes, when it is still half full...(you lose track)

    2. when people put on their blinkers after they have made the turn..and you have stopped your car to a screeching halt in order not to crash.....

    3. people who have no concepts of queues ..at bank, cinema...etc...

    4. Pizza hut guys who expect large tips after 1h30 mins.....special express delivery!

    5. When the security guard yells YOU YOU YOU!

    6. people who want to raise dogs but keep them outside without leashes free to roam and raise havoc....real animal lovers!!

    7. Sitting in a deckchair in Jomtien and being asked if I want an ice cream, fried shrimps,manicure,massage,jet ski, tattoo, diamonds etc..100 times an hour.

    Pluto number 7 bugs the ###### out of me,All i want to do is chill out with a drink.

  3. Mine was over here for college studying English,After getting her Law and Barristers Degree in Bkk,Met her in London at first i would drive the 85 miles from the south even if i could be with her for 45 minutes,We will go back to LOS next year to stay,after her being here for 18 years.

    Bar girl of the First catergory :o

  4. One of the biggest influences in the UK towards broken families is feminism. It brought in no-fault divorce, sexist domestic violence proecedures by the police and the courts, unfair custody laws etc etc.

    Reminded me of 1996 when i was married to a Farang,what a nutter she was,Cut a long story short,she had attaacked me nd started dumping my stuff on the street,so i called the cops,and they were going to arrest me for Breach of the peace to quell the situation not her :o

  5. IV also asked this question and read the treads on same there is a lot of confusion

    Over this, customs issue.

    I for one loath having to give up my SCOOBY but paying 210% duty or more is a painful option.

    I feel the same about my S70 T5,It has been highly modded 310 bhp,160 on a calibrated speedo,It will hurt me to let her go,as i have spent so much time and money on her,and know i would never be able to get her into LOS :D

    But then again i will save £950 a year on the insurance :o

    You got any pics of the scooby?

  6. Only ever been stopped once on a bike,Hired a blade 900 and on my way back Pattaya from Rayong near to Tesco/Lotus was pulled over by a Policeman on a bike,and said 1000k,

    I went what,so he walked away and came back and said 500,I told him my brother inlaw was major/General in Police in Bkk,and i said i would phone him,

    The Police man in question pulled all the bikes over about 6 of us Thai and Farang,

    His excuse i was overtaking in the outside lane on a motorbike :D

    When i spoke to Pii Toy my B in law,he just told me to ask for the guys number and Police station :D

    Which i did and then the copper said no more overtake :D and let me go. :o

  7. I normally give them what comes closest in notes....... Hate all the ###### change  :D

    Me too, but The Thais have wised up to this and are more likely to give you as much change in coins as they can :D

    If you are really unlucky,You might get change for 500 baht instead of a 1000 :o

    Caveat emptor!!

  8. Hi Mark,I looked into bringing my car over and the customs wanted to load 320% onto it plus the £850 to ship it there,Think you might have a similar problem with the bike,I am going to sell my car here in the UKand buy a Isuzu pick up when i am in LOS,

    By the way,You can gets Isuzu rodeos here now top of the range for £18k but they only cost £10k to buy in LOS :o

  9. Kon,Myself and my family feel exactly the same here in the UK,A lot of people here are in the rat race with no escape.Or not having the balls to leave,But this country if you are middle class white with 2.4 kids,mortgage and a car stereotypically,is ruined,Taxed to ###### and crap weather with people where i live don't give a crap about anyone or anything that is British,

    Shame we didn't look after the tax payers instead of the hangers on,this country should be renamed Britain, Great it is no more.

  10. A longtime ago,My first Thai G/F,we had a steady relationship for quite awhile,and we were intending to get married,But she was really starting to get on my nerves with her sister needing everything from my wallet,and it was starting to drive my feelings away from her,But she continued wanting us to get married,oo cut a long story short,

    In the last month of our relationship items started to go from my home,and i was really looking at a excuse to end it all,As in the end i was really unhappy and i was in LOS for god sake,So i paid for the wedding,and organised everything but i knew it would be worth the whole family losing face,on the eve of the wedding i went out with my Best man and had one ###### of a stag do,crawled back into the house at 7 am,everyone worried were i had gotten too,I just told the whole family i was not getting married,and i stood by this,As hard as it was and i do have feelings,But her love for me meant nothing to her,

    Someone did say the moved out of the village as they lost so much face,and i was also told i was very lucky to not have been killed :o

  11. As some of you might have read,I am moving out to CM with my family next year,

    I have just looked at importing my car over to LOS,as it is only 6 yrs old and would be a great car here in LOS,Value here in the UK for my Volvo S70 T5 is £6k,Been looking on RODTHAI and TALAD web sites and they want over £10k for the same car,

    Looks like i am going to sell my car here in the UK,Then buy a Isuzu pick up for around the same price or upto 500,000 baht,

    Inusrance for my car here is £950 a year,and i am 38 with 2 yrs NCB,fuel is now at £0.87 a litre :o

    Also looks like Broadband is a lot more expensive in LOS for the same set up i have here in the UK, 600 KPBS is £30 unlimited,in LOS i have heard £50 with a lottery for connection at a high speed.

    ps once saw a Mars Bar in Korat with a 55baht price tag,and that was 4 years ago.

  12. I am actually movinh to CM next year with my family and renting a place,Is it best to get a Dial up or a Cable system?I have just bought myself a new Sony Vaio with Wireless G connnection,Would sort of problems do you think i could or would have for accesssing the net?

    Ps Just did a check and i am on 729 kbs in the UK.Looks like i am going to be a little out of pocket or dissappointed.

  13. There are good and bad everywhere,I have drunk in bars and got real friendly with the girls,Some of them are just normal people,Doing it to make money for sneding back home,Others are new and been there a few days/weeks and are not clued up at what is going to happen to them physically and mentally,and others are the worst type greedy/scheming/liars they are normally the Professional pros you need to be weary of,

    But remember Caveat Emptor buyer beware.

    LC i read all of your posts and love your avitar :o

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