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Posts posted by Thanet

  1. I think you're right. He's a troll.

    All he does is use sophism to build arguments on his own false opinions rather than facts. For example:

    1) just now he was trying to equate Australia's anti-terror laws as a 'culture of fear', similar to Thailand's political repression.

    2) A while back, he also tried to pretend that the junta was new and didn't inherit its members from the RTA, that they were 'new people' and should be treated as such.

    3) Ignoring Prayuth's rich kid bro in the NLA

    4) Calling repression 'reforms'and 'education'

    5) Ignoring past instances of corrupt Thai military rule

    6) Hypocritically expecting Thais to live under a dictator while he himself is the product of a liberal democracy


    I think he'll say that black is white to troll his point.

    Ah well, Sunday adternoon and nothing better to do for a while, so since you asked for it ... ...

    ad1. I quoted from an Australian website which posted on 2014-10-10

    ""Welcome, reader, and welcome, anonymous Australian Security Intelligence Organisation oversight employee whose name and position we will never know, and could face criminal prosecution for mentioning even if we did. That isn’t a joke. That isn’t hyperbole. The National Security Amendments Bill (No. 1) has been passed into law, and that means every single thing that’s Australian and online is potentially under investigation.

    The bill’s amendments allow ASIO to spy on an unlimited number of computers on a single warrant, to share more information with other agencies, and to send people to jail for even mentioning the specifics of when those things happen.""


    ad.2 please tell me where I did that.

    ad.3 I also ignore other rich people. Tell me why I should pay special attention to PM Pratut's brother? Did anyone already ask the NACC to have a look at him? Do we have any information on his wealth other than alleged 'inexplicable'?

    ad.4 Incorrect. I said reforms are still to be defined.

    ad.5 You forget to mention ignoring past instances of corrupt civilian governments.

    ad.6 Two things here. One most Thai seem either happy or don't care. Secondly my background has nothing to do with what you think I should believe or stand for. BTW did you study in Australia as under privileged Thai?

    ad.7 Black isn't white. Both are no colours though.

    Correction: Either one or the other is seen by some as a colour it would seem


    How do you know that most Thais are happy with the military government? Of course you don't know, because you have no way of putting this premise to the test. Elections do just that, but you don't seem keen on holding one, do you?

    Behold yet another example of your putting forward a falsehood as a fact, then trying to build an argument on top of it.

  2. What makes you believe that repression is a form of education?

    he is trolling you.

    and he is also wrong. Even with the last claim that Europe took centuries to 'learn' democracy. It takes very little time for people to understand democracy. What takes time is for the old power brokers to accept democracy or to get swept out of the way.

    Thailand - as you already understand - has had a military faction, an anti-democratic royalist faction, and an educated democratic faction for 70 years or more. The educated democratic faction has gotten the short end of the stick for most of that time.

    The promise today, which may bear fruit in the future, is a growing understanding of and desire for democratic rule among a much broader spectrum of the Thai population. This last group understands much more about how the world works. They understand 'respect my vote' and people I know honestly want nothing more than that simple freedom.

    This is not the Thailand of the 1950's and 1960's. In my opinion, this group of the Thai population is growing more aware of it's own power and the past cycles of the elite & military fighting among themselves, and telling the rest of Thailand to go back to the rice-paddies, are finished.

    I think you're right. He's a troll.

    All he does is use sophism to build arguments on his own false opinions rather than facts. For example:

    1) just now he was trying to equate Australia's anti-terror laws as a 'culture of fear', similar to Thailand's political repression.

    2) A while back, he also tried to pretend that the junta was new and didn't inherit its members from the RTA, that they were 'new people' and should be treated as such.

    3) Ignoring Prayuth's rich kid bro in the NLA

    4) Calling repression 'reforms'and 'education'

    5) Ignoring past instances of corrupt Thai military rule

    6) Hypocritically expecting Thais to live under a dictator while he himself is the product of a liberal democracy


    I think he'll say that black is white to troll his point.

    • Like 1
  3. Proper reforms to educate the population on democracy, what it entails, what it expects, the duties and rights. All those things Europeans took a few centuries to learn.

    As for WWII, well that was an occupation by the armed forces of another country. Now as far as I know Thailand has never been conquered, not even in WWII rolleyes.gif

    What makes you believe that repression is a form of education?

    Did I mention repression? I mentioned reforms. Now of course if you're totally unwilling to participate, or cooperate, provide input because you 'know' your input will be ignored, well, no progress.

    It would seem you look forward to another seven months or maybe seven years of 'democratic' chaos.

    You don;t need to mention repression. Enforced disappearances for people who dare to criticise, locking them up incommunicado mentions it on your behalf. Is your idea of education?

    You should go and live in North Korea. Your kind of system over there.

    You don;t seem to have as many friends here now though, do you? coffee1.gif

  4. Ha ha. Very funny.

    So what is wrong with this country then, and what makes you think that repression by a bunch of old soldiers will fix it? Go on - admit it. Other posters are doing so. Even some friends that I was having a dinner with this evening, and who were supporting the coup at first, now think that Prayuth is totally out of touch, and not the hero that he at first appeared to be.

    Military dictatorships didn't work in Holland either, as I'm sure you'll recall and agree. Why on earth would they work here?

    To support a political system that failed in your country, while living as a guest in mine, is the very essence of your hypocrisy.

    I've always said that with proper reforms even the PDRC would be unpleasantly surprised. Equal by law, effectively as well. Now that's where your friends might start to feel threatened.

    BTW please remind me, when did we in the Netherlands last have a military dictatorship?

    In the second world war. You are of mature years, so I'm sure that your parents told you about that.

    And what makes you think that the reforms here will be 'proper'. What is your definition of the word 'proper', and would the majority of Thais agree with it?

    Proper reforms to educate the population on democracy, what it entails, what it expects, the duties and rights. All those things Europeans took a few centuries to learn.

    As for WWII, well that was an occupation by the armed forces of another country. Now as far as I know Thailand has never been conquered, not even in WWII rolleyes.gif

    What makes you believe that repression is a form of education?

    • Like 1
  5. If as you say I'm an unwavering 'junta flag' carrier than that would suggest consistency. Accusing me of hypocricy seems aimed at trying anything to condemn me, or suggest insincerity in my posts while being emotional to the point of losing objectiveness.

    With all your non-arguments and frequent suggestions of how you think people from other countries should think, it seems you're a prime example of what's wrong in this country.

    Ha ha. Very funny.

    So what is wrong with this country then, and what makes you think that repression by a bunch of old soldiers will fix it? Go on - admit it. Other posters are doing so. Even some friends that I was having a dinner with this evening, and who were supporting the coup at first, now think that Prayuth is totally out of touch, and not the hero that he at first appeared to be.

    Military dictatorships didn't work in Holland either, as I'm sure you'll recall and agree. Why on earth would they work here?

    To support a political system that failed in your country, while living as a guest in mine, is the very essence of your hypocrisy.

    I've always said that with proper reforms even the PDRC would be unpleasantly surprised. Equal by law, effectively as well. Now that's where your friends might start to feel threatened.

    BTW please remind me, when did we in the Netherlands last have a military dictatorship?

    In the second world war. You are of mature years, so I'm sure that your parents told you about that.

    And what makes you think that the reforms here will be 'proper'?? What is your definition of the word 'proper', will you have to live with it, and would the majority of Thais agree with it?

  6. If as you say I'm an unwavering 'junta flag' carrier than that would suggest consistency. Accusing me of hypocricy seems aimed at trying anything to condemn me, or suggest insincerity in my posts while being emotional to the point of losing objectiveness.

    With all your non-arguments and frequent suggestions of how you think people from other countries should think, it seems you're a prime example of what's wrong in this country.

    Ha ha. Very funny.

    So what is wrong with this country then, and what makes you think that repression by a bunch of old soldiers will fix it? Go on - admit it. Other posters are doing so. Even some friends that I was having a dinner with this evening, and who were supporting the coup at first, now think that Prayuth is totally out of touch, and not the hero that he at first appeared to be.

    Military dictatorships didn't work in Holland either, as I'm sure you'll recall and agree. Why on earth would they work here?

    To support a political system that failed in your country, while living as a guest in mine, is the very essence of your hypocrisy.

  7. You mean that Prayuth is looking more and more like Berlusconi by the day, right? Cronyism, hatred of criticism, association with people of unusual wealth, things like that.

    Even with the censored press, and devotional people like you who believe it, your hero is making one crass mistake after another.

    Quite an achievement, don't you think?

    None so blind ... ...

    Is that all you can say?

    Well, there are an increasing number of people here who are honestly saying that they have misjudged Prayuth. They say that all he does is talk, and that much of what he says displays a crass misunderstanding of how things work.

    Not you though. You've dug yourself too deeply into your hypocritical hole of an argument.

    It would seem that you're losing yourself in emotions rather than objective arguments.

    Better to be emotional than to be a hypocrite wink.png

    Still waving the junta flag? Sounding a bit hollow, and not so many supporters here now?

    Would you wave a junta flag in Holland? Thankfully, you aren't allowed to vote here, so your political influence goes no further than this Internet notice board.

    • Like 1
  8. ,,, and that's why most government nowadays watch social media. Of course only to 'take care'. Ask Snowden.

    You don't seem to understand the ("take care ")comment is part of the Thai Junta "mouth piece BS

    They Said It!

    SO there is no confusion the Thai military said this

    So the reader understands -

    Here is the full comment -

    *(when asked why they were going after social media people)


    "This is only to take care,but not control.

    People need to understand not to infringe on other's rights to improve society'


    It was said about nailing people who are critical of them (a justification)

    Its obvious , they are going to be oppressive today and tomorrow - and every day they rule by GUN

    Well FF, since you often state that the Australian government has banned the Thai PM and other NCPO members from setting a single foot on Australian soil, you may be relieved to know that the Australian government is really taking care for you and of you


    "Welcome, reader, and welcome, anonymous Australian Security Intelligence Organisation oversight employee whose name and position we will never know, and could face criminal prosecution for mentioning even if we did. That isn’t a joke. That isn’t hyperbole. The National Security Amendments Bill (No. 1) has been passed into law, and that means every single thing that’s Australian and online is potentially under investigation.

    The bill’s amendments allow ASIO to spy on an unlimited number of computers on a single warrant, to share more information with other agencies, and to send people to jail for even mentioning the specifics of when those things happen."



    "On Thursday, the Australian Senate passed a bill that would increase the powers of domestic spy agency ASIO, giving it the ability to monitor all of the Australian Internet with a single warrant. It could also send anyone who “recklessly” discloses information that “relates to a special intelligence operation” to jail for up to 10 years. (Any operation can be considered special.) The bill is expected to pass the House, where it will be up for a vote on Tuesday at the earliest."



    "Tony Abbott’s government is applying the same infantile messaging tactics it applies to foreign policy nightmares like the conflict in Syria. According to Abbott and attorney general George Brandis, Edward Snowden is a traitor (baddie). Anything the US Government (goodie) does to silence the messenger – presumably up to and including the vivid daydreams of extrajudicial murder disclosed by NSA operatives – will be uncritically supported by team Abbott."


    Trying to say that Australia is as repressive as Thailand is a good example of the casuistic piffle that underpins practically every point you make.

    Surveillance laws for are a sad reflection of modern times. They are intended to thwart terrorism and serious crime, rather then to bully and harass political opponents as is routinely happening here. Sadly mistaken are all these conspiracist paranoid types, who believe that ASIO has the time and resources to spy on their boring lives.

    Australia is nothing like Thailand. In Australia, you are allowed to criticise the government, lampoon the government, peacefully protest, and the press is allowed to report on all the stupid things that the government says and does.

    Kudos to Australia for taking a stand against dictators and similar trash, not letting them set foot on its soil.

    • Like 1
  9. You mean that Prayuth is looking more and more like Berlusconi by the day, right? Cronyism, hatred of criticism, association with people of unusual wealth, things like that.

    Even with the censored press, and devotional people like you who believe it, your hero is making one crass mistake after another.

    Quite an achievement, don't you think?

    None so blind ... ...

    Is that all you can say?

    Well, there are an increasing number of people here who are honestly saying that they have misjudged Prayuth. They say that all he does is talk, and that much of what he says displays a crass misunderstanding of how things work.

    Not you though. You've dug yourself too deeply into your hypocritical hole of an argument.

    • Like 1
  10. Unfortunately we still don't have reforms to be able to 'forget' about Pheu Thai and remarks from 'defender of some form of democracy' Jatuporn suggests those reforms are really needed.

    That is assuming you want Thailand to progress, like Italy make sure a new Berlusconi will be near impossible, things like that.

    You mean that Prayuth is looking more and more like Berlusconi by the day, right? Cronyism, hatred of criticism, association with people of unusual wealth, things like that.

    Even with the censored press, and devotional people like you who believe it, your hero is making one crass mistake after another.

    Quite an achievement, don't you think?

    • Like 1
  11. He has been branded a criminal by Italian protestors

    All eight of them, none of whom have ever even been to Thailand.



    such a miserable statement they were not 8 but the mother of Fabio Polenghi the italian journalist was there

    dont you have any respect for a mother who lost his son?

    she went to thailand many times to follow the case,btw


    No offence, but with all here dragging their opinions, favorite colour and so into the discussion, the innocent and those seeking truth will lose out, as usual.wai.gif

    Take your own advice, and say nothing more then.

  12. "Also the majority of the people did not want them but were willing to put up with them up until it was made crystal clear that what they wanted was of no interest to the government. What kind of a fool would put up with that for two years and say it is OK I can take it for two more years."

    You seem to forget that the PTP gave "the people" the opportunity to remove them from power by calling elections. Those elections were blocked and ultimately stopped from taking place by Suthep and his "people". If "the majority of the people did not want them (PTP)" why were Amart/Suthep/Army so scared of letting free and fair elections take place?

    'free and fair' elections. The Pheu Thai led not-so-caretaking government was even having a Emergency Degree in part of the country to 'help' elections. The somehow still somewhat in function MoFA Surapong even suggested the Army should declare martial law to 'help' the elections.

    Surely can't get any more fair than that.

    Forget about PTP and all that twaddle. Let's just have elections, just like they do back home in your country, Holland.

    Let the citizenry decide, you not being included, thankfully.

    • Like 1
  13. I have generally been a supporter of the PM up to now but I must admit I am seeing a few cracks forming in his almost stellar performance - talking the talk is not the same as the walk

    His "quality Tourist" remarks were very confusing and mentioning the KT murders in the same context and statement disappointing and misplaced

    The lawyers of the 2x accused murder suspects should obtain DNA samples from the accused and ask the murder victims families to allow samples to be taken from the victims and carry out independent tests in the UK - Thailand would have no say in this process or it's outcome - granted it could not be submitted in the court case in Thailand but would certainly put an end to the speculation. It would be better for Thailand if the PM ordered that these tests be carried out using existing evidence samples but it seems that is never going to happen and in my opinion is a grave error

    Thank you for your honesty. Actions speak louder than words, and we've heard a lot of words.

    All these old generals show their incompetence when they try to meddle in politics.

  14. All he does is talk. What a national joke this man is.

    I read in the news today that the government has abandoned the 10,000 Baht reward for refusing bribes - ALREADY cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Could it be that is was being used for corrupt purposes?

    The government never proposed or set up the bonus system you're referring to. It was established by the police to reward their own and the RTP, not the government, have now abandoned the scheme.

    That would be the same RTP that is under the command of the NCPO then? So much so that all the top cops that were not on the NCPO's list of 'friends' were transferred to 'inactive posts'?

    If you think that the police are an independent force in Thailand, then you are dreaming.

  15. More hot air from the worn out old soldier.

    With no criminal record checks for short term visitors, and visa free entry, how on earth will this be done in practice? Ah I got it - visas will be needed by everyone. As if tourism wasn't totally screwed already, this guy is trying to make it a whole lot worse.

    There's always the recent suggestion of Martial Tourism, I guess. Watch them come over in droves!

    Name dropping------what about comparing Chalerm antics, The PM can run rings round him. Had PTP organized themselves and run the job according to the vows they took, there would be little work for the PM to do.

    Eh? Why on earth do you keep banging on about Chalerm and the PTP?

    All we are talking about here is the effect that the present circumstances, and this proposed policy, are having on tourism.

    • Like 1
  16. More hot air from the worn out old soldier.

    With no criminal record checks for short term visitors, and visa free entry, how on earth will this be done in practice? Ah I got it - visas will be needed by everyone. As if tourism wasn't totally screwed already, this guy is trying to make it a whole lot worse.

    There's always the recent suggestion of Martial Tourism, I guess. Watch them come over in droves!

  17. Just a phantasy:

    Army acts

    mass arrest of police officers all over Thailand

    The people applaud frenetic

    Only few left to do police work under continuos scrutiny of the military

    In every police station 3 soldiers on every policeman

    Foreign police asked for help to train new integer police officers


    Oh, oh .... just woke up and the headache is back, too

    Change whatever it is that you are smoking please

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