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Posts posted by Thanet

  1. I am happy with the Junta and I think the General has accomplished quite alot in a short time.

    Many of the complaints from TV members have been amongst those accomplishments.

    Its great to have an interim PM that is actually concerned for the Country of Thailand more than his and his cronies' wallets.

    What have they actually accomplished, exactly?

    And with the censored press, how on earth can you believe what you are reading?

  2. I've never seen the appeal of a lunar eclipse - looks just like an accelerated version of what we normally see in a lunar month - the full moon, crescent moon, new moon cycle.

    A solar eclipse is a different thing - seen plenty of partial ones and n 2012 I travelled to Cairns Australia from Sydney to see a total one, this being on my bucket list.

    The weather was cloudy on the morning of the eclipse, at the Esplanade where I was standing. It got dark, and then light again, but the eclipse itself was obscured by a cloud. Other than that, it was a nice few days in Cairns, but a total eclipse remains on my bucket list.

    My personal experiences of Cairns:

    mozzies the size of a wasp;

    salties - do not come near water edge;

    fat old ladies holidaying with their kids everywhere.

    Maybe I went to a wrong Cairns.

    That's the effect the top end of Oz has on people - you love it or you hate it wink.png

  3. I've never seen the appeal of a lunar eclipse - looks just like an accelerated version of what we normally see in a lunar month - the full moon, crescent moon, new moon cycle.

    A solar eclipse is a different thing - seen plenty of partial ones and n 2012 I travelled to Cairns Australia from Sydney to see a total one, this being on my bucket list.

    The weather was cloudy on the morning of the eclipse, at the Esplanade where I was standing. It got dark, and then light again, but the eclipse itself was obscured by a cloud. Other than that, it was a nice few days in Cairns, but a total eclipse remains on my bucket list.

  4. Still dodging the question. Do you speak the language? You say that you know Thais, but can you speak to them in their mother tongue?

    You quote all this junta legalese like it means something, when in actual fact it is just a smoke screen to placate fools. The army will decide who gets elected - it is their modus operandum, in case you hadn't noticed.

    And you have the cheek to say that I am not a 'representative' Thai. In whose book?

    I have met enough Dutch to know that you are not representative. The Dutch value democracy, having fought tyranny in living memory wink.png

    it is just a smoke screen to placate fools


    The Dutch value democracy

    well, normally.

    can you speak to them in their mother tongue?

    let's keep it simple and stick with English. From posts on TV is seems that he speaks that language but still doesn't understand it.

    BTW, your point about speaking Thai is very important when it comes to understanding Thais.

    Christ - you must be joking. If Rubl's been here 20 years, it's hard to believe that he's still so naive that he believes all that filtered crap that the army tells him on Friday Prayers. How gullible can people get?

    I mean, the politicians on both sides here (and elsewhere) are a mainly bunch of crooks, but at least we can chuck them out in an election. History shows us that the Thai army are not one tiny bit better than the politicians when in power - worse in fact as they cover their tracks with censorship of the media and rejecting democratic principles. They are impossible to get rid of, so the scale of their corruption multiplies with no popular vote to stop them in their tracks.

    Most people who have spent a significant time here know this full well, absolute power corrupting and all that, and the majority of Thais certainly know it, if you ask them.

    Only Rubl doesn't seem to get it, and throws up all sorts of falsehoods to try to convince himself and others that his heroes are beyond reproach. It makes me wonder where he spends his time, but when I look at the frequency of his posts I can guess that he spends it all on TVF.


    • Like 2
  5. interesting - you have a link on "other changes to go along with that, removing restrictions on family members"

    as memory serves (stuggling to find a link though) the main impeachment accusation was trying to undermine the constitutional democracy with ... you know the rest.

    Fully agreed that the Guy In Dubai wants to stack every department with cronies. But I don't see the new powerbrokers as doing any different. YL was prosecuted for 'Abuse of Power' for installing her own relative as national security chief. She was replacing the previous coups own crony Thawil. But the new guys have done exactly the same.

    I don't see this as good guys taking over from bad. Just more of the same power grabbing by different factions. The difference is that PT party always relied on the vote - who the people vote in, they can vote out. But by diverging power to bureaucrats, courts, councils, and undoubtedly a strong Military veto/appointed ministers the people don't have the ability to vote them out of power.

    With Taksin's party out of the picture, and power resting in various offices there will be the usual power grabbing in-fighting and corruption as in the past.

    I don't buy into the piture that with Thaksin gone, there will only be 'good people' left and everything will be nice, democratic and clean.

    Check the part on article 115.5 a.o.


    With all this censorship, how on earth would you know what the result of Article 115.5 a.o will be?

    You are just guessing, and speaking from a position of ignorance.

    Result? The Constitutional Court ruled, NACC ruled. What you mean result ?

    BTW Constitution 2007

    Section 115. A person having the qualifications and having no any of the prohibitions as mentioned below has the right to be a candidate in an election or selection of senators:

    (5) not being ascendants, spouse or child of a member of the House of Representatives or a person holding a political position;

    As for guessing and ignorance, well did you read the article I provided I link to or is that beneath your dignity as 'know it all ' Thai ?

    No offence meant, but luckily I have met enough Thai to know you're not really representative.

    Still dodging the question. Do you speak the language? You say that you know Thais, but can you speak to them in their mother tongue?

    You quote all this junta legalese like it means something, when in actual fact it is just a smoke screen to placate fools. The army will decide who gets elected - it is their modus operandum, in case you hadn't noticed.

    And you have the cheek to say that I am not a 'representative' Thai. In whose book?

    I have met enough Dutch to know that you are not representative. The Dutch value democracy, having fought tyranny in living memory wink.png

    • Like 1
  6. interesting - you have a link on "other changes to go along with that, removing restrictions on family members"

    as memory serves (stuggling to find a link though) the main impeachment accusation was trying to undermine the constitutional democracy with ... you know the rest.

    Fully agreed that the Guy In Dubai wants to stack every department with cronies. But I don't see the new powerbrokers as doing any different. YL was prosecuted for 'Abuse of Power' for installing her own relative as national security chief. She was replacing the previous coups own crony Thawil. But the new guys have done exactly the same.

    I don't see this as good guys taking over from bad. Just more of the same power grabbing by different factions. The difference is that PT party always relied on the vote - who the people vote in, they can vote out. But by diverging power to bureaucrats, courts, councils, and undoubtedly a strong Military veto/appointed ministers the people don't have the ability to vote them out of power.

    With Taksin's party out of the picture, and power resting in various offices there will be the usual power grabbing in-fighting and corruption as in the past.

    I don't buy into the piture that with Thaksin gone, there will only be 'good people' left and everything will be nice, democratic and clean.

    Check the part on article 115.5 a.o.


    With all this censorship, how on earth would you know what the result of Article 115.5 a.o will be?

    You are just guessing, and speaking from a position of ignorance.

  7. As for the rice pledging case, Mr Sansern said that former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra would face the impeachment hangman

    one may wonder if Ms. Yingluck would prefer to face her older brother again who might be somewhat disappointed and really saddened by the ineffectiveness of his clone.

    That sounds rather one sided. Prayuth has a clone too. Check out the membership of the NLA and get back to me when you find another "Chan-oocha" (his little bro), or one or another military classmate.

    Family members in prominent places happens everywhere. Look at Hilary and Bill, the Bushes, etc, etc.

    Get over it.

    Indeed, get over it. Ms. Yingluck may face impeachment.

    And what about Prayuth's little bro?

  8. What a load of nonsense. With censorship the order off the day, how can you possibly know that all the steps will be documented, and that the documentation will be a representation of the truth?

    You don't know.

    Oh come on, Thanet. You didn't know under the previous government either and seem to have been perfectly happy with that. Democratically happy as well.

    Wel, at least with the previous government we could read about their screw ups in the papers.

    Not any more.

    Back to my original assertion - you have no way of knowing what will or won't be documented, nor how it will be documented, so why are you pretending to know about something that you actually know nothing about?

    There's a word for that in the Thai language. Do you speak it?

    Well, at least we could read about 'some' of their screw-ups, as far as not suppressed. Even Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm as head of CAPO ordered news outlets not to publish anything which could be deemed to put the anti-government protests in a positive light.

    So, can you prove "why are you pretending to know about something that you actually know nothing about?" or are you just 'suggesting ?

    BTW being a member and posting on this particular forum doesn't require one to speak Thai. To ask if I do doesn't have any relation with the topic as well.

    Greetings from a Bangkok where thunder can be heard for half an hour already and a storm might break lose at any moment,

    uncle rubl

    You pretend to be an expert, but do you even speak the language, or is Friday Prayers your sole source of information?

    You don't speak the lingo. How would you know anything?

  9. Not enough evidence and Yingluck is out of politics for sure.

    To be fair, if the NLA impeaches Yingluck they surely have to go after Suthep as he destroyed the tourism industry for at least in Bangkok.

    Corrupt government officials have always been send to an inactive post. Thaksin got screwed because after the coup he continued from overseas.

    Why the NLA doesn't bring Thaksin back? Simple, they don't want him back.

    May I remind you that Suthep wasn't either MP or Democrat party member anymore since late October / begin November 2013. That would mean you want the NLA to go after a private citizen ? That's more for the police I'd think, apart from the fact that Bangkok tourism wasn't really destroyed, nor was it Suthep's doing. Unless you want to accuse him of the nightly, cowardly gunfire and grenade attacks that is ?

    As for NLA bringing Thaksin back, I guess that indeed they'd rather he'd stay abroad apart from the fact that 'to bring back' isn't just a 'send someone to take him back'.

    Anyway the NLA as parliament/Senate may ask the NACC to (continue to) investigate Ms. Yingluck and a few of hers.

    Suthep a private citizen??? Just like a harmless mister average commuting to work???.

    What a complete understatement. Suthep is a political activist, and a former Deputy PM, with allegiance to the Democrat Party and the military. He was instrumental in bringing down a government, and used a paramilitary force of guards to prevent the police getting near him. Next you pretend that the effects on tourism of six months of mayhem, all led by Suthep, was "not his doing". Ask anyone in the tourist industry, who will tell you that you are either deluded or lying.

    You'll be telling us that Abhisit didn't blow a whistle next, and didn't really support the PDRC.

    ... and Ms. Yingluck is innocent till proven guilty, isn't it ?

    Is that all you've got left to say?

  10. Most democracies don't welcome dictators, and quite right too.

    There's always Myanmar. He'd fit in well there.

    A true dictatorship would most likely shutdown this forum and jail those who criticize their regime, such as the above.

    Dictator? It's easy to put a label on something, but sometimes difficult to support the thought.

    Well, Amnesty International think that the thought is well supported.

    • Like 1
  11. Great news about time many people suffered under Yingluck's Government time to face reality , this is what they get for being puppets .

    thank you General Prayuth.

    Not enough evidence and Yingluck is out of politics for sure.

    To be fair, if the NLA impeaches Yingluck they surely have to go after Suthep as he destroyed the tourism industry for at least in Bangkok.

    Corrupt government officials have always been send to an inactive post. Thaksin got screwed because after the coup he continued from overseas.

    Why the NLA doesn't bring Thaksin back? Simple, they don't want him back.

    May I remind you that Suthep wasn't either MP or Democrat party member anymore since late October / begin November 2013. That would mean you want the NLA to go after a private citizen ? That's more for the police I'd think, apart from the fact that Bangkok tourism wasn't really destroyed, nor was it Suthep's doing. Unless you want to accuse him of the nightly, cowardly gunfire and grenade attacks that is ?

    As for NLA bringing Thaksin back, I guess that indeed they'd rather he'd stay abroad apart from the fact that 'to bring back' isn't just a 'send someone to take him back'.

    Anyway the NLA as parliament/Senate may ask the NACC to (continue to) investigate Ms. Yingluck and a few of hers.

    Suthep a private citizen??? Just like a harmless mister average commuting to work???.

    What a complete understatement. Suthep is a political activist, and a former Deputy PM, with allegiance to the Democrat Party and the military. He was instrumental in bringing down a government, and used a paramilitary force of guards to prevent the police getting near him. Next you pretend that the effects on tourism of six months of mayhem, all led by Suthep, was "not his doing". Ask anyone in the tourist industry, who will tell you that you are either deluded or lying.

    You'll be telling us that Abhisit didn't blow a whistle next, and didn't really support the PDRC.

    • Like 2
  12. Don't worry, impeachment is just the first step which will lead to NACC / Supreme Administrative Court and from there to possibly Constitutional Court and/or Criminal Court. All steps duly documented, just like under the previous government and the one before and so on.

    What a load of nonsense. With censorship the order off the day, how can you possibly know that all the steps will be documented, and that the documentation will be a representation of the truth?

    You don't know.

    Oh come on, Thanet. You didn't know under the previous government either and seem to have been perfectly happy with that. Democratically happy as well.

    Wel, at least with the previous government we could read about their screw ups in the papers.

    Not any more.

    Back to my original assertion - you have no way of knowing what will or won't be documented, nor how it will be documented, so why are you pretending to know about something that you actually know nothing about?

    There's a word for that in the Thai language. Do you speak it?

  13. I hear this a lot, but it tastes fine to me. I wonder if I've ever had the real thing and I've had it all over the world, including Japan. do they sell fake wasabi there too?

    I was also surprised to read that wasabi is notoriously hard to grow, very expensive, and that most people have probably only ever had fake wasabi.

    The real thing, is less powerful, so I read.

  14. "without elaborating on the the scope of the new power or how it will be put to use."

    Didn't take long for transparency to be trampled. The rule of law is now - whatever. The NLA stands to become a priviledged organization under the direction and supervision of the NCPO. In essence the government might become a permanent extension of military rule. On the plus side, there will never be a need for coups.

    Agreed. With all this talk about restoring democracy and transparency to Thailand, the actions taken tell a very different story.

  15. As for the rice pledging case, Mr Sansern said that former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra would face the impeachment hangman

    one may wonder if Ms. Yingluck would prefer to face her older brother again who might be somewhat disappointed and really saddened by the ineffectiveness of his clone.

    That sounds rather one sided. Prayuth has a clone too. Check out the membership of the NLA and get back to me when you find another "Chan-oocha" (his little bro), or one or another military classmate.

    Family members in prominent places happens everywhere. Look at Hilary and Bill, the Bushes, etc, etc.

    Get over it.

  16. "without elaborating on the the scope of the new power or how it will be put to use."

    Didn't take long for transparency to be trampled. The rule of law is now - whatever. The NLA stands to become a priviledged organization under the direction and supervision of the NCPO. In essence the government might become a permanent extension of military rule. On the plus side, there will never be a need for coups.

    Don't worry, impeachment is just the first step which will lead to NACC / Supreme Administrative Court and from there to possibly Constitutional Court and/or Criminal Court. All steps duly documented, just like under the previous government and the one before and so on.

    What a load of nonsense. With censorship the order off the day, how can you possibly know that all the steps will be documented, and that the documentation will be a representation of the truth?

    You don't know.

  17. You told me that PTP were being given the same forum as Abhisit and the Dems. You told me that there were "articles" to support your claim.

    Where are they?

    As always, you toss falsehoods into the argument, because you have nothing real to go on.

    Try looking in the right topic. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/762093-abhisit-enjoys-a-surge-in-popularity-bangkok-poll/page-3#entry8417945

    An answer to my question would be appreciated.

    Ah, thanks. Note though that while PTT "raises its head", and both articles are about accusations against them, Abhisit is riding high on (Bangkok based) poll results and pontificating about politics in general. Hmmmm - biased somewhat?

    Well, Abhisit and the Democrat party are the same thing. He is their leader, and there iss ample evidence of him blowing whistles and hugging Suthep to make any reasonable person believe that he is leading his party in support of the PDRC. To try to claim otherwise is sheer desperation, and nonsense.

    They should dissolve the Dems, just like they disbanded Thaksin's lot. If they want real reconciliation, that is.

    So, only for the sake of reconciliation the Democrat party should be dissolved. No need evidence for the case being discussed, no, just dissolve them. THat would of course also imply we should dissolved Pheu Thai. Not because the Dept. PM and party leader was at a UDD gathering sponsoring treasonous talks on a separate Lanna State. No, not at all, just for reconciliation.

    Seems fair, wouldn't you say?

    Seems just as fair s kicking a civilian government out of office for a bugled rise scheme, then failing to come up with the evidence, wouldn't you say?

    Yep. The hypocritical whistle blowing Dems should be disbanded, and Abhisit told to shut up, just like the other side, if reconciliation really is the aim here. Otherwise, this pack of lies that is being used to rehabilitate him will cause festering resentments to remain - not in Bangkok of course, but there is a lot more to Thailand than that. Or perhaps you hadn't noticed? Do you speak the lingo yet?

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