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  1. Quick wet shave for me is a Mach 3, & Shaving Gel. if I have the time (and a bit of a treat) then I use an old Safety 2 edged Razor, go whole Hog; Jot towel (microwave few seconds) leave 2 minutes, pre shave oil or Parrazzo (Green ) eait another 2 minutes then a dish Solid shave Soap with a real Badgers tail shaving brush, lather up & Shave direction of beard, rinse & repeat 2nd pass. Rinse off then again apply hot towel... Relax a few minutes, then apply good quality Post shave balm. Bliss Electric ravage your face are kust not a decent close shave But for myself Mach 3 daily is good for my mush & head (im a Baldy)
  2. Fusion? Lol, they are Rubbish. Mach 3 best out there, All the various models since then have not surpassed the Mach 3 (based on closeness, comfort of shave, accuracy & price point) Tried various other types but they just don't perform as good as the Mach 3
  3. Rife again at moment with this lot, usual gangs of 5-8 TMax's etc, no helmets, riding like complete Tw at$! Horrible, uncouth types. Book & fine everyone of them
  4. Guy sounded Aussie to me, but makes a better story being a Brit ehh?
  5. Think the real story here is, make sure you have your legal affairs/Will up to date so you don't leave your loved ones in a pickle... On balance sge has fone ok with the house for five years, but you can not blame her for having a punt at a bit more can you? Court will decide (because he could not be ar$ed)
  6. Really makes you wonder what the driver was thinking? Going that fast in a bus for what reason...?? Oh well, it will go down as Brake Failure id wager from investigation
  7. Dont know about mate, most of the Ozzy's I know - call everyone C nut! But not in a bad way lol...
  8. Hillman Hunter Super 1728cc with overdrive lol £100 with 11 mths Tax. Had it two yrs sold it £150
  9. Seems people are quoting single tooth implant prices. Turkish v Thai prices when I done my research 18mths ago eas about same price. I had 10 extractions, upper jaw & two wisdom extracted lower jaw. Then 4 implants drilled in Upper jaw to take All on Four implants (Bridge) this was done in Phuket. I had a week with no upper teeth to allow healing & swelling to subside, then Temp bridge fitted. Worn this for 6 months... Then final checks done & Final Implant Bridge ftd. 12 mths later now, forme was a well worth procedure. Get many comments on my Smile, the total cost in GBP was £12,400 (UK price was frm £24,000) You get what you pay for... I would say for OP the advancements in dentures also means you may be happy going that route... Go have a talk with A reputable dentist. I used Sea Smile in Patong. Would do again... Just had my 12 monthly check up december - all good, he said see you next yr...
  10. A night of debauchery with a Singer from the Goonbay Dance Band... ?
  11. Its Bogging, needs a Carb clean. The burning smell prob a separate issue. Nothing to do with oil...
  12. Disagree, you do realise there are three different depts of Police here; Immigration, Provincial & Tourist Police - pic is required for evidence gathering, records & reporting. Thai police get bashed for doing nothing, they do their job here but you find something to pull them on? Nothing up here, good job done 👍
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