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Everything posted by Lokie

  1. The amount of Assets the US have now moved into the Eastern Med & Gulf areas, with Strike capabilities from Airbases within reach to that area - looks like its Kicking off very soon... Raptors deployed last few days?? They normally US based... Yep somethings brewing...
  2. Put of my Farang friends the only ones who have had accidents are 2 Americans ... (thats from friends of Oz, UK, France, Germany, Austria & SA
  3. Well if you lot drove on the correct side of the road it would help you... Lol, Thai Test, forget your American ways - Thai Logic - Use the Force Luke'
  4. Obviously never Banged a Geordy lass from the Big Market in Newcastle... Latino's Best Girls in the World pmsl
  5. For the amount of people from across the world & number of bars & Clubs in the Bangla area - It is one of the Safest places in the World to enjoy a good night out. Like all busy places there is petty crime committed. The Bangla STC area has morre CCTV covering this area than most people would know or think about. If your going out with your Gold & Rolex on show, anywhere in the World, unfortunately you will be a Target to Scumbags. Report suggests there is more to this incident, without any facts who knows? Patong/Phuket Haters - usual negative comments - change the record or better still come & enjoy a great night out in a pretty safe place... Obvs is years since you made judgment
  6. Everyone else has probably seen it, from the discussions - you seem to not be up to speed with events... Maybe you need to go research a few 'Link' lol...
  7. What are you talking about? There was no Police present at MLM disturbances... Zero, which was my point... Re the Sky news feed cut as the reporter had threatening fully hooded MLM supporters starting to invade her space
  8. Actually agree with that, Im still in shock that a sitting PM who supposedly has expert advisers to assist in putting the right message across, alienated most of the normal native population... He could have so easily made a true leaders speech to help dampen the flickering embers...
  9. Agree with the statement that is correct... Last line not, Starmers Speech was the Bellows that blew up the trouble across UK... Out of touch at the street level
  10. TBH is not really the Indian peoples... In UK is mainly Pakistani's & Bangladeshi's (you can guess why?) not Hindu's, Sikh's they british as any whites with our respect to british values
  11. You can find plenty!! How about; 74 year old Grandmother with Heart condition arrested (with Handcuffs) by four Met Police Officers in Riot gear... She was standing on the pavement... Even MSM broadcast that...
  12. Thats not true at all - normal law abiding people are also Kopping fir the long arm of Stazi Starmers Stormtroopers...
  13. Err, not quite right - the Sky news reporter was at the Birmingham MLM (Muslim lives matter) show of force - Complete lawlessness, rioting, attacking properties, vehicles with any Whites in them - Not 1 Copper (Police) insight, Not one!! Free to Rampage' Sky cut off the Feed pronto as it does not fit the MSM agenda... Plenty of vids of this ystday on YT The one where the White landlord if a pub is stupid enough to attempt to Reason with them... They absolutely Kicked the $ h*t out of him, and I mean really battered the poor bloke trying to stop them wreaking his business... Which they then smashed in... Not one of Eest Midlands finest was there 2 Tier Policing... Fact
  14. Comrade Starmer & his band of loony lefties - While Rome Burns... No excuse for looting or violence, but normal brits have had enough! Also Irish feel same in Eire, been simmering for years Half the Police are at odds with it all but have to follow orders... They simply will nit have the resources to quell across the Nation... Troops on the streets if UK?? Way to Go Labour... Starmer is living in another dimension, he has no idea of what the person in the street feels, nore do they care
  15. No mention if poor old Frank Bough? Leading sports presenter, then lead anchor on the new Breakfast TV in 80s... His downfall quite tame compared to most at the beeb - caught with couple of prostitutes dressed in a full set of Webbing, doing lines of Charlie with a big black d il do stuck up his orifice... If memory serves me correct...
  16. Thanks for sharing that with us all... Lol
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 49 seconds  
  18. Really... Facts are as I said I'm afraid my friend... But I await any facts to show otherwise... Lol, obviously past US administrations over the years have never sucked up to dictators... Do you know your history? Please... It's how business works anyway
  19. As a neutral, I am amazed this is best candidate Dems have... Evertime I have seen this lady talking she does not strike me as a leader... Maybe I am biased TBH, if I was American it would be Trump all the way - the world was a lot safer then, the US was held in higher Esteem, the last few years has been a bit embarrassing on both a Domestic & Global scale Tell me I'm wrong...
  20. Agree 100% with this, however as the news reported in the end it was as I said; the Kuwaiti Guy made mistake of parking in this area after being told, Can Not. If he had applied your advice then he would av moved on with no issue. Knowing this area as I do, I knew why he got beaten up.
  21. No evidence but, as no one has mentioned it; this area outside Central Patong & across rd gacing Jungceylon is a marked parking area for motorbikes - Good luck with that if you attempt to park in either of these areas... I'd wager this farang was adamant he will park there after 'someone' informed him no cannot'
  22. Pair of over privileged Bell-Ends, yes big Envelope - with love frm Mummy & Daddy
  23. Dont all be falling out 'Team' Report seems to say; British man does a 'Runner' in 2017 with a load of money, this is recorded & put on Immigration Police data base. Man is stupid enough to return, gets Nabbed when database flags it up. I'd wager he is a Thief & a no good person who must of thought no one will remember him doing a Bunk, but lets see...
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