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Everything posted by Lokie

  1. May have been 'British Nationals' they fit the MO, up to no good... this is how British MSM report cretins that look like these two deffo not Thais as they dont steal
  2. Just insured a bike last week above 250cc, mandatory Big Bike Insurance (3rd party only) was 845baht, ok I asked for Cover options at the bike Test/Tax place as wanted fully comp for me & my new bike, they explained they have a Bronze, Silver & Gold Cover Policies for additional protection/cover. Was 2499baht for the Gold Big Bike Policy (250cc +) Fully Comp Policy with Hospital coverage including In-Patient. Would have thought an Ex-Pat would make sure they have right amount of coverage... can understand Tourists overlooking these things or running the risk... Anyway Good luck to him but yeah - using my money to cover myself dont expect others to pay for me
  3. Passport is not proof of residency as been posted, Drivers licence if you have one is good to go as it shows your pic and address - what I used last year, recent utility bill with your name & address on it also ok - also make sure your uploads all same format that suits the Thai websites system, they do inform, I put all mine uploaded as jpeg format - had visa through in 48hrs no worries - good luck
  4. Fair enough, still a lot cheaper at 8K its 15K for same here (with this agent anyway) the 35K was initial 3mths stamp then the 12mth extension (15mths total) also, yes Phuket is premium charges but this is where I like myself - suits me
  5. Mmm bit broad ranging your friend of a friend - handholding... for what? could be anything... As said I used a bonifida quality Visa Agent used by all locally they all pay these rates... maybe your friend of a friend should go into to business he could make a Killing here... Each to there own of course I just post my own experience not hearsay, soz dont want to hijack the thread
  6. agree its a bit steep but hey wont break the bank... and no stress at all... had one visit to Phuket IMO in/out 2 mins to have pic taken... lots of people sat outside in Blazing sun waiting for what ever they had to wait for... To add I know otheres who have tried at Phuket to renew themselves and had the PP thrown back to gthem told to go where it was issued/stamped to renew, Phuket Immigration will not do... These peeps end up starting the process again at Phuket as said local to Phuket Immigration
  7. Yeah Im taking you learned fellows out there already knew its 15mths first time, I decided to use agent as locally here in Phuky there are that many people from a certain country trying/doing extensions things are taking a bit longer and good advice was for your first time just pay & use the services of an agent, I know some will baulk at the costs, but this is RL in Patong anyway, yes Nakon Nowhere may be peanuts etc Im just giving facts as they was a few weeks ago here in Patong (BTW the Agents I used are who all my friends use locally with excellent service reputation Im sure there are cheaper agents about but I go with real info and results) As said this year paid, for my first time - they charge 15K for renewal nxt year.. I will be doing myself though so no need to pay that
  8. Yep I came in visa exempt, used an agent & switched to O Visa, was easy and I went to agents straight away to get ball rolling (this was in Phuket) Agents fees a few weeks ago in Patong were; 1. Own money 800K in your own Bank account - 35,000Baht (option I used) I live in Phuket I want my stamp in Phuket (see below) 2. They 'assist' with the 800K 39,000Baht (You have to open a Bangkok Bank account through them additional cost of 9500Baht - incl a years Insurance) how ever this method can not be done in Phuket so entails a trip to Pattaya (where you go in person to Immigration) as thats where the stamp will be given... so prob another 5 or 6K baht on top. Personally was not for me as Id like to do my own extensions going forwards
  9. No one has mentioned the Police check in home country required for an OA or am I wrong...? Myself on an O as suits me fine 800K in bank
  10. Overall agree but then we are applying farang logic to the issue... 555
  11. Question to raise first is did the lady have a Licence and Insurance for the motorbike she was riding with no helmet... (it sort of works like that a lot here...) Hope she recovers ok and the guy (he may have had a medical emergency)
  12. Tell that to the O'l Bag in our local Post Office Mr Billy Big Potatoe' In past my UK IDP was only valid 1 year (had a few over the years all 1 yr...) Last yr its valid now 3 years as a direct result of Brexit thats what the old dear said was the reason, thats good enough for me... My IDP is three years now you can quote what ever you want British PO issue 3 years IDP to UK Citizens travelling to Thailand, but yes if you living here just get a Thai one, easy
  13. As for us Beloved Brits... a bonus of Brexit is UK IDP now valid for three yrs from date of issue just to throw in the mix lol... I always thought it was 3 months as after that you cease becoming a tourist or sumat along them lines, so you should take the Thai licences for Car & bike or what ever you choose for you, its a laf anyway or I should say an experiance (You say Deng Mr, Uhh me oh - jai Passed!) 555
  14. Candy used to sponsor Liverpool FC, EPL for years well known White Goods manufctr
  15. Did intervene once years ago... never again, slapped the bully then she started laying into me <deleted> & jeffing dont you hit my Man <deleted>? That was in UK, here in LOS if nowt to do with you do not get involved... in anything, I mean anything
  16. I DJd for over 15 years in UK, Pubs/Clubs/Social Functions - nearly always get the odd <deleted> pi shd up trying to come the Oracle, occaisionally ends like this. !00% support the DJ doing his Job, this <deleted> got what he deserved, Next!
  17. The road there towards Surin Beach is an off camber S bend, report says the Russian ended up on the opposite side of rd in the French guys lane causing a head on collision - If I was a betting man Russians come in way to fast overshot into opposite lane, if was a car or Minivan that frequent the area Russian would have been dead. Hope the Russian has the correct Insurance to cover the poor unlucky French dudes injuries Is a great enjoyable bit of road, by its nature dangerous to those that are unwary and travelling too fast
  18. Yes but rules on helmets appear not to apply to Thais as I witnessed a few days ago in Patong, observing the BIBs on daily morning helmet/licence check duty - Jct of Bangla rd/ Soi Sansabai & 200 Pee rd - All Farangs stopped with no helmets (and rightly so, then asked for licence again rightly so) Two lots of fines right there for most No Thais were stopped with no helmets and up to 3 persons on bikes, trickled through right passed said farangs who were getting written fines... Alos to not there was far more Thais riding without helmets than Farang, so obvs BIBs are doing a good job (at least cutting down on amount of Farang Nut Jobs anyway I do Random observations every few mths to see if any rules have changed but Nope Farangs ware an helmet, Thai no worry is ok (wonder how many actually have a licence ???) 555
  19. All the weed being grown here now, TAT must be smoking quite a bit of it...
  20. Hence you have answered the reason your suggestion is a Non-Starter (excuse the Pun) 555
  21. Plus coupled to the Fact Thais have to put up with 'Brake Failure' and 'Rain' as added dangers on the roads here, so Australia is obviously far worse 555
  22. Cost me $12 four weeks ago with onward tckt, came in on a 45 day Visa waiver frm Manchester UK on a 6mth Return Flight Tckt, was asked at Mancheter Check-in (with Etihad) explained had an out flght booked on the 40th day Phuket to KL, they ws happy with that did not ask to see it... Also IMO on entry to Phuket asked how long I stay thailand - gave same answear, same never asked to see it I came in... was worth the $12 for peace of mind, will use again if ever need to was easy - no hassles
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