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Everything posted by Lokie

  1. Well purely as an exercise I got my good lady to go buy a BiG DooBie 150Baht, in a jiffy bag stuck it in her hand bag on night out, few beers then Sparked it up - av not smoked a joint in over 40 yrs... Thought Mmm this aint that bad... I had about 50% the Mrs had 25% & my daft mate had the other 25% put the dimp out thought narr its not all that... couple more slurps of San Miguel Lgt then you know that red Light on the Bonnet (Hood) of Knight Rider's car - well, all of a sudden this feeling ran inside me from Head to Toe and on its way back up I thought - Hang On a Minute... that Joints kicking in! 555 I then took on the attributes of Spiderman's Spidy Senses Wow its was good stuff, I looked at Mrs said you ok? she laughed & said yes - I said well thats good as Im Way up there!!! I said its all right laughing but in a few minutes your gonna get this... I looked round to my mate he was collapsed on the table pi $$ ing his sides.., his Mrs was livid, she didnt want him to have any as she said he daft enough without it... So Samo was Right - Just Say No!! Puerly Medicinal of course... Next time will only have half of a BiG Un between us ????
  2. So still none the wiser... what was the BiG Cheese guilty of in this case of the poor woman's demise? Did she pass in Police care or in the community??
  3. I got mine back in april after three days, but answer to your question is Yes you are cutting it fine but I hope you get it in time if you gonna go for it
  4. Think the phrase one is looking for is; 'Smoke & Mirrors' a well honed modus operandi in LOS
  5. Adding weight? read what I written; if asked the question what nationality is largest number of foreigners in Germany then it is Turkish granted prior to Merkel's open door policy to immigration there. You never guessed his nationality then lol... Its a human reaction to guess when the person telling the story withholds the information (you know like filling the gaps) DumbKopf!
  6. Well some interesting reading there & assumptions, I knew from reading the OP the Guy was Turkish as the fact is there are quite a lot of Turkish people in Germany and only for that reason I thought Turkish (so thats not Rascist IMO) The only other thing I feel from this is possibly the OP has an Issue with German People and assumes they all have a Superiority Complex... To round things off, if instigating any warnings it used to be two verbal warnings prior to a Written Warning (but that was in UK when I worked a long time ago) and evidence to document and record this type of thing is quite hard to show.
  7. Thailand, truly a Wacky kinda place, but for sure Money No1 and never forget it R I P to the couple killed by this P O S
  8. Narr as I re-call they were a dodgy batch of exploding ones off the back of a Lorry round the back of Soho'
  9. Im on hill over looking Patong, see the same fireworks (they dont bother me any) you get the ones your on about, then Tri Trang beach normally launch a few and still a few from Paradise beach go up at weekends/full Moon etc. I think they look great and a free show. Im right at back and above the Wat Suwan Temple on Pisitkoranee (Bottom of Patong Hill first left) I get the Temple bells every morning 03.45 then the first call to prayers drifting across on the night/early morning breeze from the Mosque on Phrabarami rd about 05.00 interspersed by Cockerels here & there crowing their Nut z off... Again doesn't bother me, Gets a bit OTT when the Temple & Mosque start turning up the volume the odd occasion (having a bit of a Mash Up between them lol) it reminds me Im in a good place (better than cold damp dark Blighty anyway lol)
  10. When cutting across the flow of traffic the onus is on you to ensure it is safe to cut across. So OP IMO was in the wrong, lucky for him was just a scooter in this instance.
  11. Nope you have it exactly correct, same in Phuky a lot of live music bar security are simply not letting groups of them in as they just want to watch the band, take up table/floor space for free, no drinks... nearly always in groups of four to six. Thais seem not to be too keen on them
  12. My first Thai lady was an absolute Stunner, Smoking HOT from Chaiyaphum, a dainty wee lil thing and beautiful... however, turned out she was a Complete Nut Case! After mums bad leg in Hospital, Shorts for her 60 year old dad (something a boyband member would ware) and Court No9 Fees owing to her being a passenger in her friends car crash??? Enough!! It was Lakon Khrub! I think the real answer to the OPs question is sadly Not in Issan
  13. Current residency you can use: countries drivers licence, household bill (energy etc) showing name & address in home country where applying (Your passport does not show an address) Just showing first night is sufficient Note* answer all questions (some are generic which may not relate to your particular Visa you are applying for e.g If applying for a SETV 60 day, two of the Qs are for METV (Multiple Entry Tourist Visa) in this instance write a cover note explaining Not Applicable for a 60 Day Tourist Visa and upload that, (I know crazy but it works) if no answer uploaded they will Knock you back and you lose app fee This is covered in previous posts so also use search, lots of YouTube vids on how to complete the online process and these silly questions - also recommends to upload everything in J-PEG or PNG formats NOT in PDF, anyway when I done mine as advised above for a 60 day SETV in UK I had it approved and all done in 4 days hope that helps Here ya go, found link which gives a great vid of exactly what to put and How To, just click title below - Regards
  14. Obviously most of the new system will only be applied to Farang road users who cause all the ploblams, plus fact lots of Thai no have licence and no need wear helmet for motorbike so it not change for thai, Khrub-on
  15. Well I walk Patong beach every morning, the full length between 08.00 - 10.00. All these people flocking there must be late risers as lately its been pretty quiet. On the other hand music bars with live bands seem to attract lots of groups of particular tourists who like the music and dance but dont want to buy any drinks in the place...? The Thai Guards are quickly catching onto the issue it did appear last weekend...
  16. Blah Blah Organisation, oh boy... first time in 2007 Visited Surin beach I thought Wow what a cool place to hang out, great places just a few feet from the actual beach within the tress you could buy cooling refreshing drinks from, beach bars & restaurants, beach clubs everything one could wish for in a nice tropical beach area... Then after a few years they decided all illegal and Organised (lol) turning it into a $ hit-hole... I still drop by now & then (there couple weeks back) just a beach now a few stalls. nothing much... nothing to write home about Way to Go Phuket 'Organisation' such funny people...
  17. Anyone who knows how things 'Work' in Patong knows not to park in certain areas outside resturaunts etc as you are likely to return to Tyre damage or bodywork attention... Strangely this does not affect the service vehicles which charge travelling customers... ? The Poster advising to spike locks with Superglue - very nice' Not that I park inconsiderately but you sound like part the problems here... thats the exact mentality of these Cretins.
  18. A display of how to fight to your advantages (height/Reach) and how not to fight to your advantages (getting close in good guard v the Jab) The US woman's corner obviously do not have a clue in giving the best advice on gameplay for the opponent. Round two onwards it was on the cards US woman's Guard was Wide Open. Did not re-act dynamically to the fight. Creadit to the Swede but rather think she caught the US lady on an off day. Not that she was that much better than the loser. Looks to me like the US fighter/corner had underestimated the young Swede
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