Current residency you can use: countries drivers licence, household bill (energy etc) showing name & address in home country where applying (Your passport does not show an address)
Just showing first night is sufficient Note* answer all questions (some are generic which may not relate to your particular Visa you are applying for e.g If applying for a SETV 60 day, two of the Qs are for METV (Multiple Entry Tourist Visa) in this instance write a cover note explaining Not Applicable for a 60 Day Tourist Visa and upload that, (I know crazy but it works) if no answer uploaded they will Knock you back and you lose app fee
This is covered in previous posts so also use search, lots of YouTube vids on how to complete the online process and these silly questions - also recommends to upload everything in J-PEG or PNG formats NOT in PDF, anyway when I done mine as advised above for a 60 day SETV in UK I had it approved and all done in 4 days hope that helps
Here ya go, found link which gives a great vid of exactly what to put and How To, just click title below
- Regards