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Posts posted by BobbyL

  1. 7 hours ago, Joees said:

    Haha I see. I guess the only difference is that I would be applying for a 4th waiver at a new school, all three previous ones were at the same school.


    How much of difference do you think that makes in terms of getting one?


    Thanks again. 

    If you're coming back here as a fully qualified teacher (PGCE + QTS etc) then I just cannot see how they cannot accept it.


    It would be utterly farcical that they accept some online Filipino course but not a real one. The school should be able to sort this out if it is a proper place. 

  2. Well I don't think we expected must else. After all, it was only this week the EC received a pay rise. If what is being said online (and not the stuff posted on TV) is to be believed then a certain establishment is absolutely paranoid about Thanatorn revolutionising this country and are clinging on to anything they can. 


    It might take decades, but I cannot wait for the day when people like him finally change this place.  

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  3. 3 hours ago, Joees said:

    Hi BobbyL, thanks for your reply. Yes its a one year postgraduate course and 'should' fulfil the TCT requirements for obtaining a 5 year license.


    Is a school required to get me a new teaching waiver before I can apply for the more permanent 5 year license? That's the only problem I can envision... 

    Perhaps so. You do have to have been employed at the school for a certain amount of time (can't remember whether it is 6 months or 1 year) before applying for the 5 year teachers license. If you're talking about a 'real' international school then I am very surprised there isn't something they can do now you'e fully qualified. 

  4. The Junta's big mastermind of the EEC looks more and more like a plan that will not work. The high speed rail has already had many question marks over how many people will actually be using it and certainly doesn't look cost effective. The only people to benefit from it will be the CP shareholders. There now doesn't seem to be any large scale international companies planning on investing in the EEC. 


    As for this Airbus debacle, why the hell would the biggest company in aviation get into a partnership with an airline that is losing about $30M per month and ran by military bootlickers. As usual with Thailand, they want the money when it suits them, but don't put into practice any long term plans to attract large international investment. 

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