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Posts posted by BobbyL

  1. Exactly the same as my international school have emailed out yesterday. Students who travelled to these places last week in half term aren't allowed in from today and we have over a dozen teachers in primary and secondary who have been told the same.


    Everyone's passport was checked this morning from 7 - 9 before being allowed on the school premises. I have no idea how parents of students who have been on holiday to those countries are expected to follow this directive. I doubt they will. 

  2. Pretty chaotic at the international school in Bangkok where I work this morning as we returned back from half term. International schools don't usually follow the MoE directives, however ISAT (International Schools Association of Thailand) emailed yesterday saying we need to implement these checks. The parents were then informed about today's procedure, however many forgot or didn't bother.


    All nursery, primary and secondary students had to show their passports before being allowed in to the school premises. If they didn't have a passport or had visited a country on the banned list last week in half term they were sent home. The same for all staff. We have six teachers in our primary department off now because they went to Japan, South Korea or Singapore in half term. It seems like this will be for 14 days. 


    More problems occurred as some students had been to countries like Australia or USA (in a one week half term ????) and transited through places like Singapore or Taiwan but obviously received no entry stamp in their passport. No idea what has happened to those students so far. 


    These types of things are normally very well organised within international schools, however this morning seemed pretty poor to be honest. Anyway, only twelve students in my class this morning so that is a bonus. 


  3. Yet again, the FFP come out with ideas to help progress Thailand into the modern world with a way to try and avoid having yet another military coup in the future (Thailand has the most in modern history). As usual, people in power want to keep Thailand ran in a similar way to the Roman Empire about 2000 years ago. 


    Such a shame these guys will most likely be gone today. They are the only people in Thai politics I have seen over recent years that have any idea about how to improve and address the previous wrongdoings of a developing nation. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Apparently the new Work Permit format does not contain the address of the holder - thus, it cannot be used as proof of address.


    If you have been in Thailand for 90 days and have filed a 90 day report you ‘should’ be able to get a letter of Residence from your local Immigration office (i.e. in Bangkok, Chaengwattana Immigration division 1).


    As BestB has suggested, if you have a copy of your old WP (which contains your address) try using that (they may not look at the dates, if they do and rejected it then the option above [letter of residence from Immigration] is the next step).


    I hate using the British Embassy for Affirmation of Address letters, their notary charges are an absolute rip off. I now have the Yellow House Book and Pink ID card so I no longer have to get the Affirmation letters from the Embassy whenever needed).







    Cheers for the info. I will probably have to try and do that at Easter when I am next off work. Driving with an expired license for the next few months ????


    Do you happen to know if there will be any issues when I try to obtain the letter of residence with regards to us living in a house that is in my wife's name? Will I need to take her ID and house documents as well possibly? 

  5. 9 minutes ago, BestB said:

    No need to go to embassy , can get residence certificate from immigration


    old WP should be sufficient , new ones are not as no address.


    if you have old WP, go back again and try to deal with another staff member , clearly this one clueless 

    From Chaeng Watthana? How do you get it there, it is in the same area as all the visa stuff? 


    My Work Permit is renewed from August 2019 so there is no address in there it seems. Only my employer's address. 

  6. Morning,


    Just got home from a lovely trip to the Department of Land at Mo Chit to renew my 2 year Thai DL to a 5 year one. Got there at 7:45am with all the documents I had on my original trip there two years ago. I had my passport, work permit, medical certificate, expired Thai license, UK license and all relevant photocopies that they request. 


    However, as I go to collect my queue number the woman said I don't have a proof of address in Thailand. With my average Thai and her average English she said I should have a letter from the British Embassy showing my address. She then showed me an example which I never had for my initial two year licence. I always thought those Affirmations from the British Embassy were for people that were perhaps here on Tourist visas or Ed visas and not living here full time with a permanent address in Thailand. 


    Anyway, I have had a quick Google and most of the things seem to be a few years out of date. One thread I found from 2017 said with a Work Permit you don't need to show a proof of address, however that didn't work today.


    Has anyone got any recent info on this? Do I need to go to the British Embassy and pay them handsomely for their 'outstanding' service for a piece of paper with an address in Thailand on it? 


    Wouldn't it be nice to have a simple system to renew it ????



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