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Posts posted by BobbyL

  1. I think schooling is the biggest factor. If I didn't get free international school education as part of my package then I definitely wouldn't stay here with children. Thai schools are not worth considering and real international schools are expensive. 


    Might be worth considering moving back here in the future once school has been dealt with. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    It would explain why Thailand appears to be copying the Chinese-style efforts to complicate life as much as possible for westerners living in the country. China has become very nationalistic and anti-west in the last few years. Wouldn't surprise me at all if China is pulling the strings of the Thai government.

    Very true. Look at the recent information too about some of the Thai news being outsourced to China's controlled Xinxua as well. Lots of strange things going on. 

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, khunPer said:

    In the part of Thailand where I live, it's more like a Ferrari or Lamborghini that's needed to draw attention, way too many BMWs and Mercedes are rented by in reality penny-less foreigners that wish to make face for a few days, or a week...????

    Well, if you're driving a Lambo then you are hi - so. I agree, every Tom, Dick or Harry could drive a BMW if they wanted to. 

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  4. On 11/27/2019 at 7:40 PM, HeyHeyHey said:

    Except that high fees and the word "international" doesn't make it excellent.


    Thailand has one of the worst education system in the world - as confirmed over and over. Even IF the school is excellent just having the education from Thailand puts stigma on the CV.

    You do realise that international schools have nothing to do with the Thai education system. They are ran and governed completely separate and the only thing they have to offer is a few Thai lessons per week. 


    I am an international school teacher at a British curriculum school in central Bangkok and I do agree the cost is high, especially when you compare it to the average income here. However, for the families that can afford it, it gives their children a fantastic education with endless extra curricular activities.


    They are literally worlds apart from 99% of the schools in the UK. Just like a house or a car, you pay the premium for quality. 

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