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Posts posted by BobbyL

  1. 3 hours ago, Aforek said:

    It's a French entreprise, they are used to westerners, many shops in France for many years 

    Yes you can see that in how they work. Very different to large Thai shops in terms of how their staff work and act. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, DLock said:

    How will it bridge the income gap?

    How will it widen peoples accessibility to information (over, say, 4G)?

    How will it give more accessibility to healthcare?


    How do people in the audience manage to sit still and listen to this bowling ball headed fool spout rubbish about a topic he doesn't even understand.


    It really does feel like they ran out of places at the Mental Hospital, so gave them all work experience in the Government, and they kind of just stayed on...




    Wouldn't it be great if the media here could actually pull these guys up on their theories and ask them some real questions. I bet they would become like embarrassed school children. 

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  3. I am happy here in Bangkok now, but I am not sure if that will change in the future. I am 30 now but I do wonder what it might be like here in 5 - 10 years.


    The lifestyle is very good and working in an international school in central Bangkok is literally a world apart from teaching in England. I earn more, have less work, the kids are a dream, get longer holidays and have a far more enjoyable day to day work life. My wife went to university in England and has said at times she would like to move back there, but I don't think I could if it meant teaching there again.


    I would possibly be interested in trying another country at some point in the future. However, the inevitable starting of a family one day in the near future will most likely mean that won't happen as my wife's family are all in Bangkok.   

    • Thanks 1
  4. I thought it was a fantastic place on my two visits. Apart from the costs for a night out drinking there were a lot of things that are far better value and quality than Thailand. Your average local and average expat are also a higher level compared to somewhere like Bangkok. What I also really about Singapore is it is such a culturally diverse place with so much variation in areas that are so close together. Something that I would say is generally lacking in Thailand. 


    The women were stunning as well (I wasn't there trying to get them), a mix of Chinese, Indian and other SE Asian countries made it fantastic viewing ????. I had a friend that lived there for around 5 years working in compliance for a large bank. He was on good money and lived a great life but one thing he said to me was that it would be a very hard place to live longer term as the cost of buying property, buying a car and having a family are huge there. He ended up leaving when he hit 30 but definitely had his fun there as a younger expat. If I was single it would be near the top of my places to move. 

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  5. Making up the rules from branch to branch.


    I overheard an amusing argument in K Bank at Emquartier recently where a guy (sounded Aussie) wanted to transfer 1M to his Singapore account. However, they wouldn't allow him to transfer it as he no longer had the Work Permit he used to open the account with his previous company in Bangkok. Not sure how it ended but he was going pretty mad and demanding they give him the money so he can close his account and go to another bank. 

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