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Posts posted by BobbyL

  1. In my opinion (being a qualified teacher from the UK), home schooling has very little benefit. If you don't know what you're meant to be teaching them then it is a worry. You can't just blag your way through something like that. 


    By not going to school they also miss out on some very important social skills that you do not learn at home, as well as any extra curricular stuff that is offered. 


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  2. 15 hours ago, saengd said:

    Allowed to enter for up to six months, at the discretion of the I/O and subject to nothing having changed in her circumstances. My wife has the same thing and every entry is treated as an individual instance rather than carte blanche to go and live in the UK for six months.

    True, I forgot to add in that it is a 6 month per year entry. However, still better than what tourists are treated to here in my opinion. 

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  3. The roads are lawless and a complete free for all. This morning in Bangkok I saw a bicycle going the wrong way, motorbike taxis going through red lights, motorbikes on the pavement and illegal u - turning by cars. 


    People mention Thai people being very respectful, which they mostly are, but one important thing they sadly do not have is a respect for the laws of the road. 

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