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Posts posted by mankondang

  1. 4 hours ago, blackcab said:

    "The Missus told me rings are not resized by adding some additional gold to make them smaller."


    Rings are made smaller by removing gold, as opposed to adding it.  

    most goldsmiths when they make a ring smaller. ADD gold to the inside of the ring (usually the palm side), This reduces the inner cross sectional area of the ring to fit the smaller fimger. As previously mentioned, temporary ,"clip on" devices can be used.

  2. 1 hour ago, nasa123 said:

    555555555 to the Mwholer. Evecondootell or what m ost send in info about you to Immigration before 24 hour,They bkd this places do it online .


    1 hour ago, LivinLOS said:

    My solution was go and do the TM28.. Tell them its tIier job to chase my landlord (first one lived in switzerland, the next was a high ranking judge, you can be sure they were not fining him !!). 


    With my TM28 I had done my reporting, they had issu es with the Judge, heres his number.. Suddenly they dont want to chase it any more. 


    1 hour ago, NancyL said:

    Our condo here in Chiang Mai is set up to file the TM30 reports on line, just as a hotel would.  You really should take it up with the owners committee.  The office staff works for them.


    Ive been renting it for over four years, am not an owner. Many banks own many ondos here, and many tenents do not know who the owners are (suspicious)? as rooms are rented out for just days....to whome the rent goes is anyones bet.

    Since the TM30 has been recently enforced, after being around a while, there is an air of panick around many CM ondos, ive.been told.


    I had to do my Visa renewal and 90 day report. Decided to pay the normal fee to an agent to avoid CM immigration problems, and they the agent had to do the TM30 themselves, at no extra charge to me. There are many farangs renting in this condo, so i Think the preverbial will hit the fan here, and in more ways than one

  3. Went and asked the reception desk at my condo (+300 rooms) for my TM30 recipe copy.


    The irrate manageress came out and told me they'd never heard of such document, and hurried off.

    Further investigations, going to the police for a copy etc, revealed that this denial is standard, cost saving, reply by many condos.

    Went to an agency to sort it out, no problems or extra cost to me.

  4. I was under the impression that if called, you then have to pass a basic written test/exam. Seems from what you say, you would fail that. Maybe interviewed, where you can verbally explain your situation. If you have duel nationality, UK plus Thai, then that would further assist your case. To put it short, you are not what they need.

    The other way out is what Hi So kids do, pay the money to avoid the military, but I think the former is the way to go, as you may not get the call up anyway..

  5. 9 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

    The prick with the stick has some issues he has to deal with.

    8 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    Reminds me of my school days. . Where being hit by Charlie Chaplin type canes, legs of broken chairs etc. , were common practice, on the back of the hands and the face of the hands. . . All executed by the "Christian Brothers" . 

    Some of his own medicine from a hardened cellmate should suffice.

    Both in Buddhist and Christian organizations, I do not believe it is the organization that turns normally adjusted people to scum and paedophile. But these are organizations, like primary school, scouts etc are what scum and paedophile deliberate join to carry out what their twisted nature demands. They are very smart in planning what they want. "Working with Children Clearance Certificate" can only do what little it does. I may be off with some here, but i believe in studying convicted sods like this, with the aim of getting insight into identifying future sods before their twisted thoughts turn to action. 

  6. 1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

    What  is this obsession some people have with slashing a creature to death just because it's sunning itself in your garden. . . even if it was poisoness? I live partially in the sticks and have seen a few snakes in my garden and even in my kitchen, I just love admiring them. If I leave them alone they just meander off on their way after they get bored having me around. 

    I once heard it said that all life is a witness to God's existence. 


    Usually driven by fear, fear of the unknown.

    Akirisan #6, has some excelent advice and offer.

  7. 4 hours ago, JustNo said:

    RIP lad, lets hope this is something that is gotten to the bottom of, but I have very little hope in that :/

    On a side note, they actually used the word 'Caucasian' in the report! I have been here 7 years and 'farang' was the first word I learned in Thai lol, mainly because I heard it everywhere. My gf doesn't even know why Thai people refer to us whiteys with this word, foreigners who are of colour never get this treatment! 

    I think it's up to Thairath and ThaiVisa Media what word they use to address us...they do like to be divisive at times.

    I was told Farang only applies to White Westerners. a follow on from the Viet word Farang set..a word for a French person who colonized them. Hence, Asians, Afros etc are excluded.

  8. As a Buddhist country most Thais take Xmas aš just another day, go to work etc. Its the visitors, farangs, that make the best they can out of it, aš do some large hotels. The lattter will calm things, such as music etc, down, as per the government request, over the mourning period

    Aš for New Year, just read that fireworks have been cancelled, with only candles to be displayed in honor of the late King.

    Sonkran is also to be played down for the same reason.

  9. Extreamly high number of Anti-Thai posts on this today,from the usual high number posted by the Keyboard Warriors who call Thailand home. Maybe they allow foreign vandals to disrupt the lives of their family and friends in their country of origin. Or another case of visitors supporting visitors, and locals supporting locals, irrespective of whose right or wrong....that's been decided well before all the facts are know, hence have no bearing on which Keyboard Warrior gang to support.

    Hope the guy in the ICU, irrespective of nationally, has a full recovery.

  10. On Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Thechook said:

    Why did it take so many to nim


    Don't think it did. The photo was taken at Ihe police HQ in Chiang Mai, complete with Foreng/Imigration police and other officers who may be involved with further investigations, such as immigration research and passport checks, which many have posted about. So i think it only took a few to visit his house, detain him, then arrest him at the station.

    As many readers know from past posts, when it comes to photos...everyone likes to get in to the act.

  11. As you can tell from previous posts, this matter varies. Possibly from how relationships existed prior to the arrival in Thailand. So it's a personal matter. I love my daughters, enough to have briought them up to be individuals who can stand on their own feet, but still have compassion for others.  They are both married and live in different countries with their own husband and children. Most of the time, every few months or so, Skype brings us together, but we do miss one an other more durind special occasions such as Christmas, birthdays and on the anniversary of their mothers death- .Otherwise we are happy to know that everyone else is also happy. Best of luck.

  12. 8 hours ago, chrisinth said:

    Don't know about amulets, but him and his famil y were lucky little puppies there.


    I wonder what charges he is going to face? In his actions, and through his own admission not only did he endanger himself & family members but also all the passengers on that train.


    It really is incredible that anyone would do something like that to save a few minutes. I see motorbikes doing this all the time where I am but never vehicles.


    Those amulets with all the free publicity will now be worth a fortune. Their inflated value will well cover any prosecution costs, pluse the (purcuase) purchase of a new pick up truck or two.

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