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Posts posted by TacoBoy

  1. "if you want to bore the rest of us and stay up boozing half the night, then I suggest you go to bed early, rise early and enjoy the pleasures of the sunset and early morning mists -Best time of the day here."

    I like to go out chasing the ladys and boozing. :rolleyes: same as you.

    11:00 pm is hardly half the night :P

    I do go to bed early. At about 8:00am :lol:

    Early morning mists and sunrises are enjoyed just before going to sleep B)

    sunsets are enjoyed after waking from hybernation :D

    Don't be so critical of others who are just blowing off steam. Sorry, was thinking with "My other Head" after something similar to coitis interuptus by the boys in brown who decided to interrupt a nice encounter way way before closing time. :o

    This is Thailand, and yes we do have to deal with it. But when it is openly applied unfairly, sometimes one gets upset. :jap:

    There are many fine people, life, and bars in this town and I agree :jap: I never said otherwise. Just venting about the earlier than normal uncalled for closing on that night when all the local venues were left alone and open til their normal 4 or 5am.

    All of us know why. It is a non-spoken fact :ph34r:

  2. NRP, you gotta just drive around and look for yourself. Mae Chan is a bit too far. 7,000 is far and too high a price for there.

    There are a lot of places for 4,000-7,000 within 1-7 kilo's of CR central, but you gotta just take the time to drive around, talk and look for yourself.

    7,000 for a nice place is not too bad. Don't let people fool you into believeing you pay too much. 7,000 = $220 or about 150 Pounds.

  3. 1,000 THB or $33 dollars for food in a Thai (tourist oriented) restaurant !

    No way Jose !

    I could get better, and cheaper at a Chart House or 5 ***** back home !

    Us locals go elsewhere. We are not the stupid touirsts.

    All the western food in CR sucks anyhow....... better to just do it yourself.

  4. TIT - This is Thailand folks. Not back home. Peeps do what they can to try to accomodate and bring the "taste of home" to us here in the boonies.

    As some have said: "differnet strokes for different folks" !

    Try the product, like it or not like, and decide yourselfs.

    If not shop elsewhere or make it yourself.

    Nough belly caching from the peanut gallery........

    There is always the local Lana or Thai Cuisine to enjoy !

  5. I am getting tired of the Thai Police coming around to the Farong Bars closing them at or before midnight, yet the Thai Bars and Disco's are left to open at will until 3-4-5 am with drunken Thai's and teenageres in abundance.

    The usual excuse is: "The Big Boss is in Town". It is all a lie and BS !

    They are to enforce a crackdown on Drugs, where the peroblem in the Farong community is 1%-2%. Yet the locals run arway on their motorbikes or vehicles unscathed !

    Chiang Rai Police are the epidimy of blind eyes turned.........

    Are they that stupid or just c_ _up_ !

    Enough of this double standard and time for the ineptness, harassment of farongs, and double standards to be brought out in the open.

    I am tired of this BS in Chiang Rai, and I am sure most Visitors are also.

    I know I will be taking my hard currency elseware other than her in this crap Chiang Rai town.

    Enough for me !

  6. my gut says have a PI check that she wasn't already married when you got hitched and isn't shacked up with a "brother" while you are away.

    This is the case in the majority of Thai women's lives. Ever heard of the words "Geek", "Shoe", or "Pua Noi".

    If she has any number of these or Tilacks, the family will never lose face and tell you.

    They will always stand behind the Thai side of things and the Farang will be the one on the outs.

    Even taking care of family etc will not protect you.

    Learn this lesson well my friends.

    Better to rent than to buy here in Thailand.

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