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Posts posted by TacoBoy

  1. I don't go there often enough to know if this is regular but I got some dark wholewheat rolls & pumpernickel loaves today. Excellent.

    In the gossip section... looks like the Japanese guy has joined a long list of foreigners leaving town with 1 bag & some mixed memories.

    Japanese, not Norwegian ????

  2. Doc, don't listen to some of the whiners. They would complain with 25 degrees mild tropcal breezes and sunny with clear visability.

    The smog in Bangkok is so bad you can't see 50 meters and eyes burning shut and tearing from the smoke, pollution, and smog.

    The smoke stays for a couple days here, then either the winds or the rain clear it away for a few more days.

    Chaing rai is much better off than a lot of places in Thailand during this one month burning.

    Sky's are still blue and clear here.

    Good luck.

  3. Doc,

    Chiang Rai is less smokey than Chiang Mai. Most all of Thailand north from Bangkok are effected by the burning.

    Quality internet is available if you have a private residence with direct phone line for ADSL.

    6 Meg's is about 700 per month from TOT. Can get more, but not much better than the 6 Meg.

    You can buy a Wireless internet card, but not as good as the DSL service.

    Many Apartments, Hotels, and Guest Houses have Wi-Fi. But as you know, shared Wi-Fi is not as good as having your own ADSL line.

    Lots of cheaper than Chaing Mai veggies and fruits at the Day market downtown (open nearly 24 hours a day).

    Most things are cheaper in Chiang Rai.

    Biking, Hiking, Yoga, exercise, football, basketball, exercise, are all available here.

    Nightlife is less than Chaing Mai. Transportation is needed unless close to center of town. Tuk Tuk and Song Tow taxi's are more expensive here.

    Would need at least a bicycle, or motorbike, or car here.

    I know LEK Guest House has wi-fi. About a 5 minute walk to town

  4. Two Strikes already in the last week for the recently infamous Norwegian :wacko::crazy:

    He didn't learn from the first encounter with the :ph34r:

    He would be well advised to stay away or beter yet, leave the area. Or most likely :hit-the-fan:

  5. Thanks for the replies guys.

    I wasn't planning to turn up potless. If I live frugally on say $50k pa (which may or may not be realistic), I could survive a couple of decades before cash ran short, but that's not the point. I was rather hoping (through my wife/family) to make a success of a business, but from the replies here that seems rarely to happen. Surely someone has a success story?

    Cheers smile.gif


    If you have the right idea and the right finances, things can be successful.

    But remember business is allways a risk.

    No one here can tell you the right idea for your own families business.

    Just do it.

    Welcome to the neighborhood :D

  6. Very few Thai companies and even foreign firms hire expats. We are too expensive, The Thai managerial wages are are around 60,000 THB per month, or about 2,000 Dollars or 1,250 GBP.

    Few if any expats would work a highly demanding position for that small amount.

    I know of a few expats that work high managerial positions or for their government or are highly sought after professionals for limited time placements in fast track assignments.

    forget trying to work here. Either invest in a foreign type entraprenurial venture or investments, or risk it with your local family to make things work.

    Don't come to Thailand and expect to just make it because you have skills and money in the bank.

    That is not enough. You need a plan to make money with your money. Here or abroad, doesn't matter, but have a plan and do not depend on any work in Thailand to see you thruough.

    This is the misconception of far to may expats and also back packers looking to stay here on limited funds :blink:

  7. I find I get a decent rate plus or minus a few satong from Thai Farmers Bank, TMB, and Bangkok Bank. If anyone knows a bank in the Rai that does'nt charge the 150 interational change rate, that would be better. Probably a smaller bank that is not part of the major Thai Banking conglomorates.

    I actually have not seen the 150 baht posted to my withdrawls. but then, the fees may be hidden in the exchange rates, or my bank which does not pay (which I doubt).

    As of 1pm trading time New York, the rate of THB per USD stannds at 31.04. Anything above 31.00 seems to be a milestone and break point. :D

  8. Just got back from CM, saw a setup at Pantip Plaza that was my hearts desire. :wub:

    All the goodies, 1TB storage, big LED screen, laser printer, UPS total around 20K. -_-

    Going back to buy next week.... :)

    Unless I change my mind... ;)

    Scea, Don't do the Thai "Flip Flop" on us :jap:

  9. Not wise to try to depend on any work if available to you in Thailand where working is pretty much forbidden.

    You could give money to your family to start some type of business. It is up to you to decide if you "Trust" your Thai family to do this.

    It is Risky, but not everyone is bad, nor is everyone as good as they seem.

    Most here in the Rai are either on pensions or come here for part time from their home countries where they earn a living.

    A few are Qualified Teachers with credentials and work permits, or English Teachers with work permits.

    Teaching without a work permit is a violation or Immigration laws and can get you deported.

    The best you could do is to have the family start a business.

    Farming, Importing foreign goods, Retail, and Service businesses. All have to be done by Thai Nationals.

  10. Day's Range:30.89 - 31.12

    THB finally trading above 31.00

    As of this posting is hovering above 31.00 for the first time in quite a while at about 31.10.

    Praying it will stay there or higher at the close of trading before the weekend and into the first days of the new month :)

    Papa needs some new Golf Clubs and more Leo Beer :D

    Mama wants new shoes too B) preferably Stilleto Cut Shoes IMO

  11. Shivers,

    On your budget, you should not be concearned about cost, but quality of life :D

    I am not implying blowing all your money frugaly, but to be where you will be happiest.

    If you want to home base yourself somewhere like CM or CR that is less expensive than BKK or Phuket, you could afford to travel and enjoy Thailand.

    Both CR and CM have many inexpensive flights from their airports daily.

  12. I do not advocate money trading. However; I do have to exchange my overseas finances to THB for living expenses.

    The THB has fluctuated from 25 to 56 baht per USD during the last 14 years.

    Do not forget the Asian Financial crisis started in Thailand in 1997.

    The BOT recently supported a stronger THB, but today changes to support the weakening THB to spur exports :whistling:

    No one really knows the future of any money market. It is all speculation.

    I am just happy if the THB weakens and I can buy more Leo for my money :D

    The point of this post was to give an idea of how much a 1 baht difference in exchange rates will effect a persons purchasing power.

  13. It is relevant to Chiang Rai when I look at the increase in my buying power by 1 baht exchange equates to Two more Leo Beers I can have per 100 of my foreign currency :D

    Or buy a case or two at the local liquor market for every 1,000 of my currency B)

    We do not get that prime rate as posted, but if it goes up by 1 baht, then I see the 1 baht difference in my foreign exchange and I am a Happier Camper :jap:

  14. As the THB - USD exchange rate approaces 31.0 THB to One USD. ( a recent depreciation of the THB's value of about 1.0 baht from 30.0 and less ).

    For every fluctuation of the Thai Currency of 1 THB, the exchange of Euro's, Pounds, and Dollars changes by 100 per every 100 of exchanged currency. Or a increase or decrese of 1,000 Baht for every Thousand Dollars, Euros, or Pounds.

    I hope this is the end of a too strong THB.

  15. Thailand has still not settled the 3G dispute. No one knows when 3G will be available if at all.

    Wireless is a so so and iffy subject.

    If it can work with second generation 2G then you will be ok..... Otherwise.................... No Idea at all. :blink:

    maybe someone with more interface with the ereaders may have a better insight for you.

    Just want you to not buy hastily before you have the facts...... :jap:

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