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Everything posted by bannork

  1. Loved Man, Ray. Wonderful album and song titles too. Many are called but few get up, lol
  2. Terry Williams on drums before he hit the big time with Dire Straits.
  3. Sukhothai is in the Central/ Lower North region, not Issan
  4. Climate change produces dramatic effects, but to have Pai now residing in Issan is truly alarming
  5. The headline got me: ' Helps himself to the water dispenser '. I thought it meant he had liberated the whole machine!
  6. "Israeli PM 'missed chance' to cut off Hamas cash, says ex-spy chief - BBC News" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68318856
  7. Netanayu supporting Hamas . In 2019, Mr Netanyahu told colleagues in his ruling Likud party: "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas… This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank." Keeping Hamas strong enough to be an effective rival to Fatah - its West Bank rival - would prevent the possibility of a "unified Palestinian leadership with whom you would have to negotiate some kind of final settlement", says Khaled Elgindy, senior fellow on Palestine.
  8. Thinking about it, she surely is part of the package deal enabling Tony to return. I mean, Tony couldn't be that cruel to leave her out in the Dubai desert counting the stars at night. He couldn't be that mean? Surely? 555
  9. Yes, undoubtedly she still appeals to rural folk of a certain age. Perhaps her charges could be dropped if she agreed to hit the campaign trail but she might not want to play that game anymore having been once bitten, twice shy.
  10. PT have bargaining power in that they could threaten to bring the government down by switching sides to join MF. But that would see their paymaster facing legal woes so that's never going to happen as long as Thaksin is around.
  11. This is a Thai Airways plane so naturally it's a hong nam.
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