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Posts posted by Beng

  1. Can a farang get a yellow book in more than one province if they own and use (ie, actually live) both condos?

    I can't see why not. As long as your witnesses state that you are residing at both places

  2. I gave up on getting a Yellow Book for my condo for now. I think it would be useful for the purpose of avoiding the Residence Certificate scam.

    Then again, once I got the Yellow Book some office or agency could demand a Residence Certificate for whatever reason

    depending on their mood for the day and I would no choice but to comply anyway.

    This seems very unlikely.

  3. This yellow book fad is getting a bit tedious! I can't personally see any point in getting one. Been here for last twenty years and never needed one.

    Seems to me that those who get them think they have something special. Any expat living here can get one if they want to go to the trouble of doing so

    You don't need one, I don't need one....but when I want to buy or sell a car, get or renew a drivers license, or provide proof of residence at immigration, I don't have to get a certificate of residence at immigration. I didn't have to deal with the controversy when immigration stopped issuing CORs and told people to get them from their consulates, who didn't want to issue them either. It isn't about being special, it's about making life easier.

    Correct. It makes things easier.

  4. The yellow book will have your name, but written Thai. So make sure the pronounciation is right.

    Also may I refer to one of my older posts.

    You can apply for it at your local amphur by submitting:

    -copy of.... and original passport

    -translation of passport to thai (paid Baht 400 for mine)

    -chanote and copy of it

    -blue book and copy (should have come with the chanote)

    -residency letter (immigr. or embassy)

    -3 photographs

    -And one wittness with ID and a copy of it (to state that you are residing at this address)

    When you submit the documents, they will do a little interview and ask for your family background, etc.

    Was pretty easy.

    I got my yellow book from the amphur in the old city. The fee was 100 Baht and it took 7 days from application.

    The process can vary depending on the amphur.

    • Like 2
  5. How about the squirrels ?? In the early 90's, there were thousands of them. And today?

    In Plai Laem they are making a comeback. We quite often see them in the trees in the area and also 'crossing' the road on the telephone wires.

    Maybe Burmese construction workers do not like them? (Now that a lot of the Isan construction workers have moved on.) Just a thought. whistling.gif

    Heaps of then around here & seem to keep the Coconut trees in check with the weevils. They come in the backyard & around the pool.

    Good to hear, that's a good sign,

  6. We used to go there quite often. Quality always good. But during the last few visits in 2013/14 it was more of a hit and miss.

    Last time, I ordered the "specialty of the house" french sausage salad. The dressing was awfully fishy and made the dish inedible. Still hungry, I ordered fish filets in white wine sauce. When the waitress took the order, she didn't even ask why I hadn't eaten the first dish, just took it away.

    The fish I was served afterwards was partly uncooked. Very poor performance.

    They charged me for both dishes in full. Haven't been there since.

  7. Thanks very much.

    Many people have read my original post but it looks like nobody has an answer. Thought I'd let everyone know that I ended up going to the Canadian Consulate and obtaining the Certificate of Residency using just my telephone bill. More expensive than getting one through immigration but MUCH less hassle and in my hand moments later.

    As the the OP owns his condo, he might want to apply for a yellow tabien baan (yellow ownership book). Once obtained, this can be used instead of a residence certificate in any future events.

    You can apply for it at your local amphur by submitting:

    -copy of.... and original passport

    -translation of passport to thai (paid Baht 400 for mine)

    -chanote and copy of it

    -blue book and copy (should have come with the chanote)

    -residency letter (immigr. or embassy)

    -3 photographs

    -And one wittness with ID and a copy of it (to state that you are residing at this address)

    When you submit the documents, they will do a little interview and ask for your family background, etc.

    Was pretty easy.

    I got my yellow book from the amphur in the old city. The fee was 100 Baht and it took 7 days from application.

    The process can vary depending on the amphur.

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