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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Doesn't this mean 'they' already have the information and just don't understand how to harvest it?
  2. so, was a gun found near the body?
  3. Late in the war to be taken hostage.
  4. What is a Frigate? Isn't that a fancy name for a supply ship?
  5. Where/to whom does he sell the cable? This is how people get electrocuted.
  6. Isn't this Israel paying? The new tax law for incoming money, how that affect the Israel payments?
  7. Worse is that Joe Biden no longer enforces sanctions against Iran; their oil sales went from less than 500,000 barrels a day to over 3,000,000 barrels a day since Joe took offices. Iran is flush with money these days.
  8. Big Words; How do you tell a Hamas from a regular Gaza folk? They'll just blend into the local populace, you can't possibly kill most of them.
  9. A Kiosk; yep that'll work. Be swift and easy and convenient.
  10. How long do we wait to see if the 'merit making' worked or not? I'm thinking one way or another those evil spirits are gonna find their way back; same with the monks.
  11. Now is the time to negotiate with the USA for where the F-16's can be given to. Given as in the USA will reimburse Thailand for if the F-16's go to the Ukraine.
  12. Posted 1 hour ago Who do you hope to blame? Icelanders, at least this week.
  13. New airport for an already overcrowded destination.
  14. My guess is money will be 'taxed' withheld for a few months, incorrectly and returned if you are able to jump thru the hoops and red tape.
  15. It is a paid vacation; they just won't get paid until after they return to work. Been there, done that.
  16. Many of the sex workers in Pattaya eventually return to their home towns with or without VD. I have to imagine many villages and such have the VD problem as well as Pattaya.
  17. And I thought it was all paid for with Oil revenue.
  18. How much in 'aid' does Zelenski and his buddies syphon off?
  19. I wonder if anyone noticed they were paying with a pocket full of 1,5,& 10 baht coins.
  20. China has economic problems, those masses of Chinese tourist will not return for many more years. Many of the tourists were prize winners in their factories for the trip; those days are gone. Sure, still many rich Chinese but they've got choices of countries.
  21. Good idea there; never delete a text message. Two decades later it may come in handy.
  22. ask Kevin Spacey for his lawyers name/phone. Allegations were made way back when, if they were true then who covered up and why.
  23. Too bad GSP doesn't apply to USA wine. I'd like an affordable bottle of two buck chuck or even Sutter Home. A ten dollar bottle of wine costs thirty or more bucks in Thailand. The GSP is all one way as I see it. A bribe to Thailand that gets nothing for the USA.
  24. The seating arrangements for those 50 will be interesting; there aren't 50 seats in first class. Plus I'd expect some of the 50 have a wife going with them. Not all that expensive to go and return.
  25. My Social Security is direct deposit into Bangkok Bank Routing Number 026008691 of Bangkok Bank's branch in New York . They forward into my Bangkok savings account where I withdraw using ATM or online bill paying. I even transfer some from Bangkok Bank to K-Bank. Bangkok New York charges $5 off the top, then Bangkok bank charges .0025 baht per baht of what left. I think the exchange rate isn't far off an acceptable rate. I would not trust Schwab, they'll freeze or close your account if they think you live overseas.
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