Why does Russia feel the need to announce this? Isn't it sort of what they do, or at least try to do. So far I'm only sure they can dump fuel on an unmanned drone. Well, I think they can drop bombs on defenseless Ukrainian cities too.
Without Sputnik the USA would have never put such emphases on it's own space program. Thank the USSR for Tang and space blankets and trillions of dollars of debt.
I'm not a pilot. I think it was a Russian Plan to seize an American drone fairly intact, to send to Iran to be reverse engineered. That is why the Russians were so quickly on the downed drone.
I further suspect that the Russians learned recently that spy equipment falling into water is better to recover than spy equipment that crashes into land.
Ok, I'd of thought a free trade agreement meant no import duties at all. Thailand should first try a free trade agreement with the UK now that they've left the EU,
The dirty water concerns me. I hope the local clinics/hospitals have properly planned for antibiotics that are most prescribed for ear, eye, nose, and throat conditions. I see lots of sickness being distributed.
I had to read and reread that. Still can't figure out if it is Russian corruption or Thai corruption being referred to there. From recent corruption reports I'm gonna guess Immigration police will have to leave.
Cannon fodder to die so that America can come in force to avenge their deaths. It would be near impossible to get American military back in Europe if no American deaths. The USA citizens just wouldn't fall for a 3rd trip over there without a lot of American casualties first.
Hope this blob of seaweed prevents the red tide they get often enough. Might as well hope the next balloon shot down lands on it so it's easy to find and recover. Lots of little fishes using the blob for shade, water is cooler so fewer hurricanes. It's not all a dark cloud.
Perhaps to see if it'd work. A practical test on their part. Why test or practice on your own Iranian drone when the USA provides such an opportunity.
I half expect the Russians got a special made drone they WANT the USA to try the same maneuver on.
Nothing new here, the worlds navies are always messing with each other in such ways.
Don't Drug Dealers become Terrorists at that point? I'd think the idea was to put fear into the hearts and minds of the people who could step on such mines.
Trading with China was Kissinger's idea to win the cold war by letting China get a taste of the good life economically. It helped. Now the west needs to play good cop bad cop. China wants to be belligerent then they don't get to eat at the economic trough that has made them since Nixon. Some cold winters are ahead for Chinese.
President Duterte did. So will some future Philippine President or dictator. America is stupid beyond belief to once again knock on their door with a bag full of money. The next Philippine power person will want more and threaten to get back into bed with the Chinese to get it.
That "our money", is that USD money or UK pounds money ? I've a feeling the FDIC will be paying Brits from that fund. Could be the UK has an equivalent.
There's something else Thailand is famous for, now what is that? ????
Completely ridiculous numbers ? Coups ? Give me time I'll come up with a 3rd. OK, committees.
The congress has to increase the Debt Limit for all of us to pay off the student loans for those that never had intentions of paying their loans in the first place.