Organized Religion has always cooperated with Government to subjugate the common peasants. No Government wants to destroy a strong religious partner by proving their religious partner is bogus via the existence of Extra Terrestrials.
They had fun, there was peer pressure to join in, just letting off steam, initiation into a gang, the train had it coming, practice for cars, trucks, busses, vans, etc...
USA is similar to SE Asian and African nations, now. Tar your political opponents using the law and weight of the current system you are in charge of. Wonder what that lady in Myanmar would have to say about Trumps law problems.
Once you file the FBAR you better declare that foreign account on your IRS filing. I even declare the interest I get on that 800,000 baht in the Thai bank.
I haven't met a Thai yet that didn't understand 'buffalo' or '<deleted>*k You'. They even understand body language and remember you were drunk and abusive in the past.
Is there an English speaking/reading nation that is pro-Russia and visits Phuket area? I don't think so , so she was preaching to the choir in my opinion.
After the Australian threw a bottle at the staff, then it became them defending themselves and getting him away from the stall. One was fighting, the two smaller guys were defending themselves and others.