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Posts posted by lavender19

  1. I have 3BB 10mbts no slow down at all have checked speed every 3 days or so and 10.3 to 11.6 average never below 10 I suspect your line or router has problems

    Are you checking international servers or just Thai?

    If just Thai you will get that speed.Try international and you will be down to about 1.

  2. I saw on international news only a few nights ago the number of gun deaths per 100,000 for countries , USA 8.5 , Brazil 28. 3 UK .03, Australia .05 Philippines was mention and others but can not remember what they were, no mention of Thailand, I think as others have said the problems in the south would blow the figures way up for Thailand, I don't see in the news about Thailand massacres every other week like I see about the USA, I don't think massacres like in the USA could be covered up by Thai government.

    No massacres maybe but I bet half the shootings never make the news.

  3. The students apparently have no intrest in anything other than being a pain in the arse to anyone of authority,

    they probably display the same attitude in the daycare they attend on a non regular schedule.

    At least the grounds should stay as clean as they are presently, by keeping those who seem most interested in

    being diruptive in their free time. I never noted any group cleaning up after themselves after they finish their quest for whatever they are trying to accomplish.

    I might have let them go in but charge each '' farang price for entry to national parks '' just for being a pest on/ during renovation time

    If the above flapdoodle is really the best the junta defenders can come up with, I would call that 1-0 to the other team.


    I like that word

    Is it the same as a p---flap?

  4. i was in Samui last week and have never seen it so quiet for the beginning of Dec

    I got to to Seatran ferry port at Donsak at 12.30 expecting a wait of probably an hour.

    Could not believe it only 4 cars and a couple of trucks waiting.

    Only saw about 6 falang on the ferry.

  5. Mark my words.

    As Thailand goes further down the gurgler financially so there will be more and more of this, just dressed in different wrapping.

    They sit around all day discussing the easiest way to get some tea money.

    A bit like western politicians really.

    I agree.

    As the easy farang money dries up here, there will be more Thai's robbing / scamming other Thai's.

    Thai's robbing Thai's has always gone on nothing new.They are not selelctive who they scam and rob.

    Just a few more agressive scum with badges around nowadays.

  6. As of this afternoon I can not connect through my VPN's

    I have 2 Vpn's and can not connect through either of them.I am with 3BB but have checked with friends and they ca not connect through TOT either.

    Is anyone else experiencing this problem.I live in the south

  7. forgot to mention, public transport would be good too.

    no question livinginkata, just some observations on a discussion forum.

    You are living in the wrong country if you want clear pavements and definitely in the wrong province if you want public transport

  8. Probably been blocked for reporting the truth.Who knows here any more.

    Something new blocked everyday

    You think the beeb reports the truth.....or you just want to highlight you apparent disdain for Thailand?

    No just pointing out how many sites are being blocked here.It is on a par with Burma now

    .Are you disputing this?

  9. Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble with their speed at the moment?

    I changed from TOT last year and up until a few weeks ago I was quite happy with 3BB but then the download speed is all over the place.

    Especially in the evening from about 6.00 onwards. Most nights I am lucky to get get 1 Mb.

    I have contacted them but I may as-well talk to the wall in front of me. They have not even sent anyone to check.

    Just interested in your opinions before I call again or even god forbid go back to TOT.

    Last time I called I asked her if this was anything to do with the government trying out their single gateway.

    She went very quiet and just rambled on with the bulk same answers from the script.


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