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Posts posted by lavender19

  1. if Thailand ever wants to be favorable for the EU or USA they better lose the whole term "farang" to begin with and treat all people the same.

    i know what i wrote,is an open door for trolls ,let me reassure all trolls will be dealt with by the dragon

    After living here for 12 years the falang thing wore a bit thin years ago.I am fed up up with Thais shouting hey "you falang" and start giggling like a bunch of school girls I just reply" alai moron" .Soon baffles them

  2. The club has been ordered closed for a week.

    What a travesty…needs to be shut for at least a month….just like lucifer pattaya was when their bouncers beat up a customer.

    Lucifer never recovered from that closure….it's a shell of its former self now.

    Wish some digitally savvy tourist would start a social media campaign to boycott the white room for a while….maybe till a public apology has been offered and the goons are pictured wai-ing their apology on Facebook.

    Were it ordered closed for one month you would have demanded two months. As long as you can get in that you feel it is a travesty. And after a public apology you would have claimed that is all there is, an apology and continue as before.

    Are you a shareholder in this club?

    You seem to know an awful lot about how I would react in situations i haven't even considered.

    You have just been introduced to "Mr Know it all "

  3. Again Thais with a short fuse, maybe, maybe not, drinking on the job.

    Whatever the reason, it is a bouncers job to bounce guests from a establishment, whom not behave correctly.

    Bounce, never means beatup. If a guest gets violent (usually drunk), he should be overpowered and/or removed/called police.

    There is never a reason to keep om beating and kicking when somebody is down already, which here is clearly the case.

    Maybe not taking Ya Ba on the job would help too.

  4. Silly old men who are infatuated with their own image can sometimes make decisions that are not sensible decisions.

    You're not wrong there.Have to be careful what I call him on here

    But the only thing this ? has done in my opinion is pass a totally ridiculous law stopping legitimate licensed bars /restaurants buying alcohol at any time of the day, as used to be possible.So now we have to loose trading hours as to buy at stupid times.Does anyone know the reason for this.I was going to say logic but logic and Thai in the same sentence??

  5. I don't see the problem here, presuming he paid 500 baht and got a receipt for 500 baht.

    You want a receipt ? that will be 1,300 Baht then.
    Bs, unless you can show us differently. And there is nothing in this story to indicate what you're claiming.

    It was a tongue-in cheek comment, based on historically valid allusion. Or do you think the system is linear? (In which case you need sedatives.)

    I think you mean laxatives.

  6. Just a heads up for anyone living in the Thung Wua Laen and Saphli area of Chumphon.

    Myself and four others I know of have contacted dengue in the last month.So be careful.Not the nicest thing to catch I can tell you.

    Don't know how many others have contacted it around here but in all the years I have lived here I have never seen any spaying or warnings from the useless orbitor we have here.

  7. Strange why foreigners even think of investing in Thailand, when clearly there is enough information out there.

    1) Foreigners do not have any rights in Thailand.

    2) In most cases foreigners are not even acknowledged by Thais or by the Thai system.

    3) To Thais, foreigners are only ATM's on legs, nothing more.

    4) Foreigners will never be accepted by Thais as equals.

    5) There is no legal justice for foreigners.

    6) Thailand is only for Thais.

    Keep your money out of Thailand, only rent, then you will be fine.

    If you don't understand the above, best not to even come.

    Strange why people find it necessary to write this nonsense, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary of this post.

    Please state the evidence Oh wise one

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