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Posts posted by lavender19

  1. I have had dengue fever and would not wish it upon anyone,apart from the two members of the Karon Municipality who are covering their a-ses.

    Unfortunately there are three strains of Dengue. Then there is Chikungungya, which wiped me out for two and a half years. Having one form of Dengue will not preclude you from the others and one strain can be deadly. I suppose the Thais in the local "Government" think they are immune. I totally have to agree with your comment. I hope they get it too!

    As I understand it , I am now immune to the strain I contacted but if I contact one of the others it may increases the risk of severe complications such as dengue haemorrhagic fever.Really looking forward to that one.Not

  2. What with the Bangkok and Karon bunch locking themslves in the police station because they are frightened of the mob outside and this guy saying he is not there to arrest the morons on the road??/This place is like a Monty Pythons Sketch.

    People asked me why I did not report a maniac mini bus driver who punched me in the face.

    Report to WHO?

    These clowns who are supposed to enforce the law.

    It would have been me paying out to some scum mini bus driver not the other way round.

  3. Initially, the victim notified to prosecute the owner in an accusation of being careless and ignoring his dogs until they did harm to other people, for which the punishment would include both jail time and a fine.

    The victim’s mother is also the aunt of Mr. Boonsin Aekphaibul, the Executive Committee of Theansin Mitsubishi Phuket Co., Ltd. the representative company selling Mitsubishi automobiles in Phuket and also the executive of a well-known hotel in Phuket.

    So the victim's mother has only started the action, there has been no result. I hope she wins the case.

    Also, the accusation of the dog's owner being careless may end in gaol time - excellent!

    But I wonder what the result would be if the victim was a farang and if the victim's mother weren't some hi-so wannabee.

    And if the pit bull's owner was a falang the compensation would be 7,000,000.

    They sould be put down if they have already attacked twice.Maybe a child next time who won't be so lucky.

    • Like 2
  4. This is a first in that the ambassadors have taken some of the issues to Bangkok in stead of talking about it on a local level. Since change has to come from Bangkok that is a good and important step in the right direction, but there is still a long, long way to go.

    Yes a good step but that was back 2010 and it is now 2013 and what has been done.Absolutely nothing

  5. I have just posted in another thread basically how hard it is to find even semi good thai staff.They must be one of the laziest races I have encountered.

    All they are good for is picking their spots and noses, talking on the phone and lying on their backs.Give me Burmese worker any day.Nothing to do with paying them less I would gladly pay them more.And don't get me started on the way Thai's treat them.

    • Like 1
  6. When I had a business in Phuket I found the only way to get semi reliable staff was to employ my friends girlfriends or friends of my girlfriend and as I said this method is only semi reliable as they tend to take the p-ss being as they know you.

    I found employing younger girls the worst as they soon find out they can earn much more by lying on their backs.

    So good luck.Try the classified on here and the Phuket News (also free ) and baht and sold you might get a farang who knows someone looking for work

  7. Loosely translated it says.

    Thai's have no idea how to drive,and should never have been let loose near anything with an engine and wheels.

    We drive on the wrong side of the road because we are too lazy to travel 20 meters on the right side of the road to turn right.

    We never give way to anyone or anything as this would mean loosing our stupid face even if it means causing an accident .

    We only overtake on blind bends never on straight stretches of road.

    We either drive like maniacs at brake neck speed or at 10 klms an hour.

    We have no width perception at all so we need at least a gap 5 meters wide.

    We usually sh-t ourselves and have to flee the scene of the accident we have just caused because we are generally a bunch of cowards.

    Traffic lights are for people with brains.Red light means Go

    No doubt this list can be added to.

    • Like 1
  8. Several people have noted that when in another country it's not good to make trouble with the locals. True, however, there is a difference with making trouble with the locals and defending yourself against aggression and/or outright abuse. We don't know the full details of the story but from the sounds of it, it seems that some Thais made problems with the young man, he responded, and then a Thai shot him.

    So are we who visit LOS simply supposed to take abuse or is there a point at which we should stand up for ourselves and not accept assaults and illegal actions by locals? Could we say the same thing to Thais when they visit our countries? I don't think anyone would. In fact, I'm willing to bet that all of those who are quick to blame the young Brit here would be the first to say that Thais should respond to abuse when abroad.

    The real issue here is why is it that Thais believe they have the right to assault foreigners. I think a big part of it is the idea perpetuated by the Thai government and media that foreigners are responsible for all bad things while Thais never do anything wrong. Thais are quick to point to the foreigners at Cowboy and Nana as proof that they only bring bad things to the country, but they are quick to change the subject when you point out that Thais not only work their but own the bars/clubs and that the government is the one that builds these 'entertainment' zones to attract foreigners in the first place.

    When Thais assault a foreigner locals and police are predisposed to think that the foreigner was responsible, bad, and deserving of happened. No matter if they were mugged or shot down after defending themselves. It's like blaming the victim of a home invasion for having a home filled with nice things.

    What Thailand needs is a healthy dose of bad publicity regarding these events which largely go unpublished outside of the country. Let the Land of Smiles lose some face and get a bad image. If Thais start to accept the fact that maybe -- just maybe -- lots of bad stuff does indeed originate here, it might change some things.

    Always helps if you use the brain that god gave you and stay away from dangerous situations no matter where you go. I've been there 11 times and lived there for a few years and never was in a spot of trouble.

    Certain places in Thailand have a reputation and if you visit them then you are going to be at risk. Where the Brit died is one such area.

    I have lived here for many years now and have always kept out of trouble but tell me all you wannabe Thais who visit here and never ever have anything go wrong.

    What happens ( as did to me) you are driving back from a nice afternoon on the beach when a yabaed up taxi driver overtakes you on a blind bend nearly wipes out abike swerves in front of me and nearly takes me off the road.

    I did what you naturally do in any civerlised country I instinctivly sounded my horn to stop him hitting my truck.

    What did he do he pulled up in front of me jumped out pulled open my door and started punching me in the face.

    Later that night I heard from friends he and 5 scum thugs were going around the local bars warning them if they saw me in there they would kill me and burn the bar down.

    So tell me me what are you supposed to do?Tell the police thats a joke the taxi mafai rule the police.

    Your average Thai male are immature children in an adult body who think and do get away with most things as they are bought up like little spoilt brats.

    Best give them a wide berth and have nothing at all to do with them.

    • Like 1
  9. Apparently they are some big mafia scum family from Rawai.Based out side Serenity (by Sai Yuan lights) and by the Freedom bar.

    I recently read somewhere they have have set up a hotline for cheats and ripp offs.

    Wonder when they are going to set up a thugs hotline.

    I mean who do you call.I thought about the police then thought that was a waste of time.I did inform my consul but then what is he going to do?

    So basiclly you are on your own if anything like this happens.

  10. OH How I applaude this father for doing this but what a sad state of affairs when you have to get justice for your loved ones by doing this.But it just shows what this country is like the only way to get anything done is to hurt their tourist trade.

    It just show's the mind set of the thai male,bought up like a little prince,never told right from wrong,never punished for doing wrong so the grow into an adult thinking they can do anything they want with the maturity of a 5 year old with no come back's.

    I hope the the father of the girl who has just been attacked by another animal in Koh Samui does the same sought of thing.

    Hit This Country where hit Hurts Them It's all about money and face but most of them are 2 faced anyway so why do they care so much.

    The Land Of Smile crap wore very very thin years ago.Smile and stab you in the back more like

    I have just had to leave my business and my home in Phuket for having the audacity to sound my horn at a maniac mini bus driver to stop him hitting the front of my truck.His response was to pull up in front of me jump out pull open my door and punch me in the face.Then later that night going around with 5 more retarded thugs looking for me and threatening to kill me and burn my house down and because they are from a "BIG" family in Rawai nothing will done if they harm me.

    • Like 1
  11. Ironic that the subject of thugs be bought up at this meeting.

    I thought the Govoner may have heard what had happened to me the week before but alas no as I was only one of three people I heard of being attacked in the same area that week.

    Two weeks ago I had spent a pleasant afternoon at the beach and was driving home around 4.00 when what I can only describe as a complete maniac driving a mini bus overtook me on a blind bend nearly hitting a motorbike he swerved in front of me making me brake hard and nearly hitting a power pole.

    I instinctively sounded my horn to stop him hitting the front of my truck.

    His response was to block the road jump out pull open my door and punch me in the face,I managed to close my door turn round and drive off, he then started to chase me for about 10 mins.

    I thought enough is enough so I pulled over and tried to talk to him to which he starts jumping up and down like a demented monkey and trys to punch out my windows.I drive off again and he finally gives up the chase.

    I have since learnt that later that night he and his group of taxi thugs went round the local bars asking about me and said that if they saw me in any of their bars they would kill me and burn down the bar.

    I have never seen so much hatred and anger in any ones face before and to think these animals deal with tourists on a daily basis

    I have now closed my business and cancelled the opening of another one putting 6 thais out of work(I use the word work loosely as it takes 4 thais to do the job 1 could do elsewhere).

    I have left Phuket.Something I should have done a while ago as Phuket has had it's day now and is only going to get worse.

    I am now going to make it my goal to let everyone know how bad this place has become.Starting with 2 web sites I am working on.

    Why the ---- they put horns on cars here astounds me be cause it seems you are taking your life in your hands if you use it

    Most civilised countries in the world understand that you use the horn to warn other motorists you are there.

    Not here it must mean something else.

    So if your horn works best diconect it.

    Sorry to hear that mate .I thought I had not seen you in a while.

    Yeah I know one of the guy's you are talking about.

    Thai on motorbike cut across in front of him at an intersection to go down the wrong side of the road guy sounds his horn Thai ---- chases him banging on side of his car.What is wrong with these people.They know they have total immunity when it comes to bashing farang.Has anyone ever noticed when you have a problem with a thai how he starts shouting for support from all the morons around him.What a cowardly race they are.

    Give me a PM tell me where you are.The way I feel about this S--thole i may join you.

    Tried to call you.Have you changed your number?

    It shook me up at first and terrified my girlfriend who has wanted to move for a while now as she has heard how the locals talk about us farang with hatred.

    Strangely it has done me a favour.

    I am paying a third of the rent in a much friendlier place and it looks like I might even get some decent staff.

    Unlike before when they spent most the time on the phone ,picking their spots or dreaming about making some more money lying on their backs.

    Can't see me ever coming back to Phuket even for a visit.

  12. Ironic that the subject of thugs be bought up at this meeting.

    I thought the Govoner may have heard what had happened to me the week before but alas no as I was only one of three people I heard of being attacked in the same area that week.

    Two weeks ago I had spent a pleasant afternoon at the beach and was driving home around 4.00 when what I can only describe as a complete maniac driving a mini bus overtook me on a blind bend nearly hitting a motorbike he swerved in front of me making me brake hard and nearly hitting a power pole.

    I instinctively sounded my horn to stop him hitting the front of my truck.

    His response was to block the road jump out pull open my door and punch me in the face,I managed to close my door turn round and drive off, he then started to chase me for about 10 mins.

    I thought enough is enough so I pulled over and tried to talk to him to which he starts jumping up and down like a demented monkey and trys to punch out my windows.I drive off again and he finally gives up the chase.

    I have since learnt that later that night he and his group of taxi thugs went round the local bars asking about me and said that if they saw me in any of their bars they would kill me and burn down the bar.

    I have never seen so much hatred and anger in any ones face before and to think these animals deal with tourists on a daily basis

    I have now closed my business and cancelled the opening of another one putting 6 thais out of work(I use the word work loosely as it takes 4 thais to do the job 1 could do elsewhere).

    I have left Phuket.Something I should have done a while ago as Phuket has had it's day now and is only going to get worse.

    I am now going to make it my goal to let everyone know how bad this place has become.Starting with 2 web sites I am working on.

    Why the ---- they put horns on cars here astounds me be cause it seems you are taking your life in your hands if you use it

    Most civilised countries in the world understand that you use the horn to warn other motorists you are there.

    Not here it must mean something else.

    So if your horn works best diconect it.

    That guy sounds like a psycho.

    Just your average Thai male who are bought up like little princes who are never told off so they grow up thinking they can do anything they like with no consequense's and add to that a 30 year old with the maturity of a 5 year old.

  13. Ironic that the subject of thugs be bought up at this meeting.

    I thought the Govoner may have heard what had happened to me the week before but alas no as I was only one of three people I heard of being attacked in the same area that week.

    Two weeks ago I had spent a pleasant afternoon at the beach and was driving home around 4.00 when what I can only describe as a complete maniac driving a mini bus overtook me on a blind bend nearly hitting a motorbike he swerved in front of me making me brake hard and nearly hitting a power pole.

    I instinctively sounded my horn to stop him hitting the front of my truck.

    His response was to block the road jump out pull open my door and punch me in the face,I managed to close my door turn round and drive off, he then started to chase me for about 10 mins.

    I thought enough is enough so I pulled over and tried to talk to him to which he starts jumping up and down like a demented monkey and trys to punch out my windows.I drive off again and he finally gives up the chase.

    I have since learnt that later that night he and his group of taxi thugs went round the local bars asking about me and said that if they saw me in any of their bars they would kill me and burn down the bar.

    I have never seen so much hatred and anger in any ones face before and to think these animals deal with tourists on a daily basis

    I have now closed my business and cancelled the opening of another one putting 6 thais out of work(I use the word work loosely as it takes 4 thais to do the job 1 could do elsewhere).

    I have left Phuket.Something I should have done a while ago as Phuket has had it's day now and is only going to get worse.

    I am now going to make it my goal to let everyone know how bad this place has become.Starting with 2 web sites I am working on.

    Why the ---- they put horns on cars here astounds me be cause it seems you are taking your life in your hands if you use it

    Most civilised countries in the world understand that you use the horn to warn other motorists you are there.

    Not here it must mean something else.

    So if your horn works best diconect it.

  14. I still miss the Curry Shack at Roxanne Bar.I used to pop in for a curry a couple of times a week.

    I still buy the curries frozen as they are best I have tasted here but it was good to grab a curry when out on the

    p--- .

    There are few restaurants in the Chalong area that sell them but it's very rare I get up that way.

    I wish he would open again in the Rawai area.

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