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Posts posted by lavender19

  1. Why not have one made and fitted out here it would have to cost a lot less

    Any motor body manufacturer would be able to do it to your specifications

    Probably because he wants it done properly and last more than 1 year

    Why do you beleive it would only last one year or less if manufactured here??

    Because quality of the materials used and the workmanship here are generally useless.

    i.e I think it's the only place i have seen stainless steel rust.

    • Like 1
  2. Why not have one made and fitted out here it would have to cost a lot less

    Any motor body manufacturer would be able to do it to your specifications

    Probably because he wants it done properly and last more than 1 year

  3. I have only been in a couple of times and that was enough.

    I wonder the staff have a stick up their ar-e when they apply for a job or they have it inserted afterwards ?

    And that drain smell.Not much puts me off my beer but those drains down there.

  4. New acronym "Totally Pathetic Thailand "

    Sitting in a bar in Rawai with a group of friends and potential clients tonight.

    We know it is ANOTHER election and the bar has to close at 6!!!!!

    Being a TAX payer and employer I still can have nothing to do with this.

    Does not bother me but when the police arrive at 6.10 after we had all paid our bill and were finishing our drinks and start hassling the owner bothers me.

    Pathetic Insecure Country

  5. When in Immigration last week twiddling my thumbs waiting, a floorshow was provided.

    Firstly an American nutcase came in and demanded a three month extension. When this was refused his voice went up to a volume that could be heard by everyone in the room and he started a mantra about how his country had provided assistance during the tsunami and the Bangkok floods, and numerous other things. He just sat there staring across the room and repeating his spiel over and over at a near shout.

    The two guys on the front counter tried to ignore him for a while and served other customers around him. They eventually decided to take him across the the senior volunteer farang guy where he started his haranging again. The volunteer quickly lost patience with him and physically ejected through the front door. He continued for a while outside before eventually going.

    Later, the Swiss Ambassador, her second in charge and the new Consul turned up to meet the senior immi guy. They stuck out like sore thumbs being clad in suits, pearls, high heels, etc. They milled around for a while for photo ops and presented as a cartoon version of civil servants!

    They provided quite a contrast to the customers there!

    Great story, what is the point in losing your temper!! maybe the reason why I have never had a problem is because I am always the 1st there. I see nothing wrong in giving these officers a little tea money if they ask for it, not happened to me yet, if it does I will happily oblige as it is not worth getting upset about!!

    Why don't you mind giving them a bribe?

    For what? Doing their job.

    And Chainsaw is spot on I have known 3 immigration volunteers and some of the stories they have told me about the back row boys .Well I am not repeating them on here.

    They winde the farang up BECAUSE THEY CAN. Simple as that.

    And why should I brown nose these boys to get what I am already paying for.You are made to feel like a criminal half the time for asking for a legitimate visa.

  6. Never have nor never would give them anything especially the fat one who sits on the left. I try to avoid him and will wait for another officer if he is free.

    I have been asked for a tip by him many times.

    I'll give him a tip Smile more and lose some weight.

    I have a couple of friends who have given up their retirement extension and would rather do visa runs than deal with this lot.

    I don't understand any of this, I have never been asked for a tip and I have never given a tip!! always get good service.

    How do the officers there ask for tips? I don't consider the 300 bht for a certificate residence a tip more a charge for the service!!

    All I can say is you have been very lucky then.

    Usually by hunting around for change then saying mai mee small money.When you can see it there but I have been asked for money on 2 occasions

  7. Never have nor never would give them anything especially the fat one who sits on the left. I try to avoid him and will wait for another officer if he is free.

    I have been asked for a tip by him many times.

    I'll give him a tip Smile more and lose some weight.

    I have a couple of friends who have given up their retirement extension and would rather do visa runs than deal with this lot.

  8. I see that the woman quoted is complaining about the condition of the boat, and the rough seas and the lack of life jackets.


    She was not forced to go on the boat. Anyone with common sense knows that you do not get on a Thai dive or speed boat without first verifying safety measures and whether or not the operator is reputable. Sure, some will say, its hailand, how can you know? Well, if you don't know, you don't go if you have a choice. There are reputable dive professionals operating in Phuket. They may not offer the cheapest price out there,, but they know what they are doing and that expertise comes at a cost.

    She probably thought she was booking with reputable company.How was she to know.The way Phuket is portrayed by by TAT and and many other source's as being a first class holiday Island she probably thought she was safe.

    Also probably she isn't a member of the Phuket Thai Visa know it all club

    • Like 1
  9. Interesting comment on PW from survivor she said the boat was in bad shape to start with and that a lot of the life belts were broken.

    I thought there was a "clampdown" on the safety of dive boats after the one that sank a couple of years ago killing people.

    Oh sorry just another Thai style clampdown.

    I sailed for many years and I would not set foot on most of the heaps of scrap here.

  10. Today was the first time I have I had encountered these lights since they jave been turned on.

    What a complete and utter **** up.The traffic was backed up to the PTT station.

    20 mins to get through.How these people ever get jobs I'll never know

    • Like 1
  11. What is buba?

    I'm paying something like 15.000 + 4000B / year for my insurance. Covers the inpatient fees as well as accident until some limit.

    Reason to edit: hubbabubba

    Don't know buba is but bupa is an insurance company.

    so what is the name of your company?

  12. I can confirm the shop opposite tesco is expensive, and the times I've been there, they never had the size I needed, so they needed to order from BKK etc. After being quoted, I looked and called around and found the same tires cheaper and in stock at Manit.

    I must have caught him on a good day then as I tried Manit ,the place behind Jung Ceylon and a couple on Thep Rd.

    Bridgestones for a D-Max and he was the cheapest

  13. Totally disgusting.Just carry on exploiting these poor people and heaven forbid letting them have few days off to enjoy themselves.

    He says in another local news source that quote"We just can't take the risk"Governor Tri told a meetingat Provisional Hall in Phuket City "A Burmese concert has never been held anywhere in Thailand.If something went wrong, it would seriously damage Phuket's image.

    Phuket.s image what a joke.Phuket's image is already damaged by all the reports of tuk tuk ,jet ski scams and rip offs that are never nor ever will be addressed.Pity he can not ban theses so easily.

    Funny I have found quite a few articles related to Burmese concerts in Thailand,this being the last one http://www.mizzima.c...ng-concert.html

    Maybe if it had been allowed it may have helped Phuket's image.

    Oh and this is the sixth year he has not allowed it.

  14. The tire shop opposite tesco Rawai is a dual pricing place I'm afraid.

    I won't be using them again nor will I recommend them to anyone.

    Just wondering how you know they duel price as I have just used them and found them to be the cheapest of 4 tyre shops I tried.

    I was looking for the other tyre shop also but alas no-one seems to know if it reopened

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