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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 5 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I'm guessing most haven't got the time or money to go and get a licence, too busy scraping a living. Have you noticed how most poorer people get virtually no holiday

    A specious argument/hypothesis, IMHO. They manage to find the money to buy a motorbike and pay for gasoline, yes? And they find the time to ride it, yes? The question I have is if they are that poor why aren't they on bicycles, as many genuinely poor Thais are?


    I'm sure many Thais use motorbikes and other motor vehicles for frivolous trips and/or as status symbols. Status symbols for sure with many owners of cars and SUVs, but at least those owners are safer than the motorbike owner/operators (At least their I'd say their accident survivability probability is a lot higher).

    • Like 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

    Food panda for eating, Google streetview for travels 

    Agree with Google street view for travel (especially in Thailand) - worldwide (except for those countries that disallowed street view (China and Iran to name a few). However, even only a satellite view can be very informative about a city. I was looking at a city in southern Iran the other day that had extreme air pollution reported (waqi).


    I wasn't able to isolate the source for the air pollution, but the city's "International" airport had only one plane parked at the terminal and the parking lot had absolutely no cars parked in it. I concluded that nobody wanted to visit that city. There were other clues that it definitely was not a fun place and was very poor (except for the elite housing, of course).


    I don't order in food, but maybe I should consider it so I can spend more time on Google Maps. ????

    • Like 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

    I don’t even walk to places anymore after seeing that gas explosion video last week


    Can happen to anyone, better to just stay in the room

    It's OK to be paranoid about personal safety in Thailand, but not too paranoid:stoner:

    On the other hand, it may not be possible to be too paranoid about safety in Thailand.


    PS: I spend a lot of time in my room because I find Bangkok not as interesting and instructive as the internet and, besides, my room has a lot cleaner air than the often highly-pollution Bangkok air (even though I always wear a PM2.5/N95+ mask when out and about).

    • Like 1
  4. 45 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    The North is getting reamed today...  Too many incense sticks???




    That above is the all Thailand view... Below is the BKK view, which is much better by comparison.



    It appears so. The 241/Purple is Sarapee Hospital, Chiang Mai. Maybe they had a fire or a lot of people died of respiratory failure (hence, the incense or someone blowing smoke into the sensor). Pray for the victims.


    Sarapee Hospital Google Maps Street View (appears to be on a low-traffic street)

  5. 2 hours ago, uhuh said:

    Terrible haze when looking out of my window (high floor) towards the airport.

    Has been bad for days,  today's very bad.

    I don't trust air4thai, but even aqicn.org claims that the air is not too bad ( yellow readings for the last couple of days, right now 97 - and 76 at Chula).



    Anybody with independent meters for pm2.5 can confirm that this is natural haze and not pm2.5?

    I'd take my JHC meter out to the balcony and take a reading except the pollution seems to be a bit spotty across Bangkok so my reading at Asok probably wouldn't be worth much. I (sort of) trust aqicn.org vs my JHC meter. Anyway, it apparently just went "unhealthy/red" late in the morning (aqicn.org). AirVisual is confirming this only 6 points under RTAQ at 151. Hope this helps confirm that you should definitely shelter in place or wear an effective mask if going out. I wouldn't recommend jogging while bare-faced (as I see many do). ????



  6. 11 minutes ago, Monomial said:


    Unfortunately that is where you are wrong.


    The Constitution is a document that requires interpretation to discover the intent behind the words. . How people think about its intent is very relevant to the discussion, and courts have said as much over the centuries. 


    This is just how common law jurisdictions work.  Precedent counts too. Most of America will agree with you that Trump asked the Ukraine to investigate the controversy with Biden. (I'm sure there might be a couple tin foil hat people who think it a massive conspiracy, but they will be very few in number.) But the fact that he asked doesn't necessarly mean it was an impeachable offense. You can only impeach for high crimes and misdemeanors.


    Nothing other than your opinion and your personal value system are currently equating the two. And the Senate is extremely unlikely to agree with you.


    The Federalist Papers (Wiki) - Alexander Hamilton

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Tops said:
    4 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    How many people do you see wearing masks (a small percentage)? How many people do you see wearing actually effective masks (not ineffective medical/surgical masks)?

    The masks that filter the PM 2.5 are only effective for the first hour !!! They are saturated after about 1 hour depending on the air pollution.

    How many people do you see with a fresh and working filter?

    And how many do you see with an old, already worn for a year or so ???

    Can you cite a source for your "first hour" claim? What type of mask, exactly, are you referring to?


    I wear a mask that I could easily and relatively cheaply change the filter on every hour if I felt the need.  And the replacement filter would be a 3M N95 PM2.5 filter - as only the first layer of a double-layer fume/dust mask with it's own, separate PM2.5 filter (17.5 baht cost per changeout, regardless of how often I do it).


    This "dust/fume" mask is double-filtered by me and the first, outer layer (a disposable 3M N95/PM2.5 two-ply lawyer) gets visibly discolored within a week of use (around 20 hours). The second layer (the one that comes with the mask has three layers, one is a carbon granule layer (I guess for odor or TVOC/HCHO filtering (you won't see this type filter on a surgical/medical mask). I consider the facial seal on this mask to be excellent.


    Also, my upgraded "dust/fume" mask has a one-way exhale valve which eliminates back-breathing through the filter material, possibly lengthening its lifespan. Could the presence of a exhale valve (or valves) actually lengthen the effective lifespan of a mask? I see very few people wearing masks with one-way exhale values, probably because they are more expensive and/or people are ignorant of mask technology.


    I'm pretty sure that a lot of people are more concerned about the style of the mask (like they choose sunglasses, for example) rather than the protection a mask might provide. I think too many people opt for the ultimate style (not wanting to look daft) of not wearing a mask.  :stoner:


    PS: Thanks (not) for editing my comment (that you commented on) without indicating at least to the readers that it had been snipped. Not really good form and could could cause contextual misunderstandings (not so in this particular case, fortunately).



  8. 1 hour ago, justin case said:
    On 12/14/2019 at 11:00 AM, rooster59 said:

    Morningside Park has long had a reputation for being unsafe and the site of numerous crimes, including murders.

    sad, maybe they should put big warnings for tourists and new locals

    I read that it had been previously nicknamed "Muggingside Park". I recommend armed police and profiled stop and frisk.

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